‘Brainwashed’ is the title track of George Harrison’s final album.

‘Brainwashed’, that’s George, that’s typical George. ‘Brainwashed’ is a great song, it’s really clever, the construction of it is very, very clever. The words are funny and very meaningful, and he really believed in it.
Jeff Lynne
Brainwashed press kit

In June 1999 Harrison invited Billboard writer Timothy White to Friar Park. The interview was granted to coincide with The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Songtrack, yet that album was barely touched upon. Instead Harrison spoke about his projects, including the reissue of his back catalogue and a forthcoming album which he claimed would be titled Portrait Of A Leg End.

The interview shone a light on Harrison’s home and working life, and included several tantalising snippets of information. His next album, we were told, would include a cover version of Bob Dylan’s ‘Every Grain Of Sand’, a “potent power ballad” titled ‘Valentine’, and three songs which made it onto Brainwashed: ‘Pisces Fish’, ‘Run So Far’, and the title track.

Previous song: ‘Rocking Chair In Hawaii’
Next song: ‘Namah Parvati’
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