Alexis Mardas (Magic Alex)

Alex and Apple

When The Beatles set up their Apple empire, Mardas was appointed the head of Apple Electronics. He was given his own workshop – a rented garage on Boston Place – and the task of developing innovative and futuristic electronic devices to be sold by Apple. He was paid £40 a week, plus 10 per cent of profits on any of his inventions.

I’m a rock gardener, and now I’m doing electronics. Maybe next year, I make films or poems. I have no formal training in any of these, but this is irrelevant.
Alexis Mardas

Magic Alex (Alexis Mardas) at Apple Electronics

Unfortunately, the workshop fell victim to a mysterious fire before any of his inventions could be properly realised, keeping Mardas in The Beatles’ favour for a while longer.

What Magic Alex did was pick up on the latest inventions, show them to us and we’d think he’d invented them. We were naïve to the teeth.

Mardas remained at Apple until 1969, experimenting with audio-visual technology but creating little of substance. Legend has it that among his promised projects were an artificial sun, a voice-dialling telephone, wallpaper loudspeakers, a hovering house supported by an invisible beam and a solar-powered guitar.

Magic Alex invented electrical paint. You paint your living room, plug it in, and the walls light up! We saw small pieces of metal as samples, but then we realised you’d have to put steel sheets in your living room wall and paint them. Also, he had the ‘talking telephone’ – remember this is 1968 – a speaker phone which compensated so the volume always stayed at the same level as you walked round the room…

God knows what else he invented. He had this one idea that we all should have our heads drilled. It’s called trepanning. Magic Alex said that if we had it done our inner third eye would be able to see, and we’d get cosmic instantly.

Mardas’ electrical paint was to be used on George Harrison’s Ferrari Berlinetta. The colours were to change with the gears, and the rear was to turn red when the brakes were applied. According to Harrison, the engine from the car was to be combined with John Lennon’s, with which Mardas promised to make a flying saucer.

One of his tasks was to design The Beatles’ new recording studio, to be installed in the basement of the Apple HQ in Savile Row, London. Legend has it that Mardas claimed to be working on a system of replacing the ‘baffles’ which isolated each instrument with a sonic force field, which inevitably never came to fruition.

George Martin became frustrated with Mardas’ attempts to observe the technology in Abbey Road, which he dismissed as out-of-date while simultaneously taking notes.

I found it very difficult to chuck him out because the boys liked him so much. Since it was very obvious that I didn’t, a minor schism developed.
George Martin

Mardas announced plans to build the world’s first 72-track facilities, but when the group needed to begin the Get Back project in January 1969 they discovered it was unfinished, with no soundproofing, talkback system or tape machine.

All that had been installed was a badly designed mixing console built by Mardas, which was scrapped after a single session. Additionally, the studio was unconnected to the control room, so any sound recording could not reach the mixing desk. The studio was later described by George Harrison as “the biggest disaster of all time”.

The mixing console was made of bits of wood and an old oscilloscope. It looked like the control panel of a B-52 bomber. They actually tried a session on this desk, they did a take, but when they played back the tape it was all hum and hiss. Terrible. The Beatles walked out, that was the end of it.
Dave Harries, engineer
The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn

According to Geoff Emerick, the mixing desk was sold as scrap to a second-hand electronics shop on London’s Edgware Road for £5. “It wasn’t worth any more.”

George Martin was forced to call EMI and request the loan of two four-track consoles to connect to Apple’s eight-track recorder. The failure of The Beatles to listen to his objections led Martin to distance himself from the Get Back project, and much of the production work was handed to engineer Glyn Johns.

John Lennon, Magic Alex (Alexis Mardas) and Mal Evans, 1968

In 1969 Allen Klein began an attempt to clean up The Beatles’ tangled business empire. A number of people – including Mardas – subsequently left the organisation, either being fired or resigning, as Klein attempted to transform Apple into a more efficient business.

It later emerged that every British patent Mardas had applied for on Apple’s behalf was turned down on the grounds of unoriginality, and that the designs that did reach production were variants of already-existing products.

After The Beatles, Mardas mostly sank back into obscurity. It later transpired that his primary electronic experience had been gained as a television repair man in Greece. In spite of this, Magic Alex remained a source of intrigue to many Beatles fans: colourful stories about him are plentiful, and he was a significant presence during one of the group’s most creative and controversial periods.

Alexis Mardas died in his apartment in the Kolonaki neighbourhood of Athens, Greece in January 2017. His body was discovered on 13 January, but early reports suggested he had been deceased for several days. He had reportedly been suffering from pneumonia.

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29 thoughts on “Alexis Mardas (Magic Alex)”

  1. I read that Magic Alex spread the rumors about the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi hitting on women. John apparently later heard that from him. I don’t believe it, I’ve read the Science of Being and Art of Living and Maharishi seems like a real Guru in the Disciplic line he is in. It’s also a helpful read to delve in to the subconcious, I have yet to learn the TM method, I’m a bit scared of that, Lol.

    1. I wrote this before I read the article, Paul said about the same thing, Lol. Is this the same Yanni that is the easy listening musician, Lol. Joking of course.

  2. Magic Alex also had this venture where he claimed to make cars bulletproof…he just opend up the upholstery and added bulletproof vests into it and closed it up..a pathetic job…
    He also claimed to be related to some Greek royal family…

      1. Alexander C Lamont Angel

        Greek Royal family was official till 8 December ‘74. Glücksburg=Gluksmpurgos; Royal house of Dänemark. She’s Leaving Home sounded for me on early ‘80s Windsor documentary; the overture.

  3. I think the many of the accusations against Mardas are just vicious deliberate lies or at best, silly gossip. They very much sound like such, anyway.

    1. Mardas was a scammer and con-man who rode the Beatles’ gravy train until they (primarily John) came to their senses and ditched him. Pretty much everyone else around them figured ol’ Magic out quickly.
      They (again, primarily John) were never the greatest judges of character.

    2. We were Family friends, lived in the same apartments house in Athens, 11, Valtetsiou Street. His father was a Banker like mine. When he left people of those times thought that he was peculiar, but he was brilliant indeed…
      The last time I talked to him on Facebook was in November 2016.

  4. Never understood (from what I’ve read/heard) what Lennon saw in him, but of course I was never part of the inner circle, so what do I know! He was lucky to be there, I’ll give him that much!

  5. I’ve just been researching the “Nothing Box.” Recently I received a print catalog from the Hammacher Schlemmer company. They included a little filler item saying that they introduced the “Nothing Box” in 1962 and that the Beatles purchased hundreds of them as gifts. There is a picture I found on a website of John holding this box, which looks exactly like the drawing of the box in the original ad. And John, in this picture, is definitely pre-Alex in appearance. SEVERAL YEARS earlier in appearance.

    There are several sources that cite the “Beatles bought hundreds” story. Some say the box was metal, some say wood. This article on this page says plastic. In the picture of John holding the box, it looks metal to me.

    According to one website, an abstract from a New Yorker article from 1962, a housewife whose husband was a retired engineer made the box for her, thinking it would amuse her. She brought it to the president of Hammacher Schlemmer thinking he’d like it, and he did, so he made it a catalog item.

    Several sources state that Dwight Eisenhower even bought one of these boxes!

    Perhaps this “Nothing Box” has become Lennon/Magic Alex folklore because Alex’s name got mixed up with it. Somehow, perhaps, because he was making similar types of things, and because John had one of these boxes, people just put his name with the “Nothing Box.” But it’s quite obvious to me that the “Nothing Box” was clearly out in the world, and John seems to have acquired one, according to the photo of him holding it, several years before Alex Mardas ever came into the Beatles circle. Also, in the link that Tony Sables provides above, Alex Mardas himself makes no mention of the “Nothing Box.”

  6. Scroll to page 31 of this online catalog, and you’ll see the filler item for the “Nothing Box” at the bottom left of the page.

    You can zoom in to see it clearly. Although at some point there may be a different version of the catalog at this link after some time has passed from the date I’m posting this, so you might not see this item on page 31, if at all.

  7. I had known Alex in Greece from the mid ’50s when he was still “Yannis”; he was my best friend for many years, until I left Greece to pursue studies in the US. I met his parents as well.

    Yannis was an extremely intelligent man. His most unique trait was his ability to “read” others and size them up quickly and accurately. That allowed him to manipulate others in a natural, affable, and effective manner. He was charming, helpful, and he possessed a good sense of humor. Manipulating others was never malicious but merely a very advanced form of what we all do when we want to make a good impression on others by putting our best foot forward. He merely elevated that to an art form to his detriment because he did not know when to stop. He was never intimidated by others’ titles, wealth, or station in life.

    What he lacked in formal training in science or engineering, he made up for with his immense energy, enthusiasm, inquisitiveness, and experimentation. His hands-on experimentation with electronics enabled him to build assorted gadgets that, to others, looked like magic.

    It is very sad that, as I was told, he died alone from pneumonia in his apartment in Athens. He deserved a lot better than that.

    May he rest in peace.

  8. Magic Alex did make a statement to the New York Times to repudiate a lot of allegations and fallacies about him. He did say that, contrary to popular belief, the story of him building a completely unusable 72-track studio of hopelessly bad quality was a complete fabrication, because a) he never got around to actually building this futuristic studio in the basement of 3 Savile Row and b) the studio equipment in Boston Place was only a mock setup with appropriate equipment.
    He also stated that he never promise, let alone tried to invent, anything that would’ve been next to impossible to invent in real life, such as wallpaper speakers, electric paint, X-ray cameras, force field of compressed air, an artificial sun to hover over the sky in Baker Street, magic paint, force fields around Ringo’s drums, flying saucers or a house that could hover in the air on an invisible beam or a force field of coloured air.
    Realistically speaking, all of those inventions could only exist in storybooks or sci-fi, not in real life, as they would be next to impossible to build.
    With Abbey Road Studios expanding to 8-track during the White Album sessions, a 72-track studio would’ve been way ahead of its time and 16-track may have been more feasible. I don’t think that in those days, 72-track tape machine existed.

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