2 thoughts on “Setlist from The Beatles’ appearance at the Azena Ballroom, Sheffield, 2 April 1963”

  1. Great that Sheffield featured in the VERY early days of Beatles fame.
    The set-list points the way to what will always rate as the First-Ever ‘Supergroup’. Macca rocks superbly on , Ringo shines still now and then.

  2. What an interesting setlist! Two sets with 10 songs in each. Six months later that would be cut in half. The second set has a “Please (?)”. I make a guess that the ´?´ means it was an option for a possible repeat of Please please me, played in the first set, since it was their first number one hit song. But it could of course be Please mr postman they intended. Seems something more is written after Long tall Sally but it is not possible to make out if indeed it was another song.
    One thing that strikes me is that it is a lot of George´s songs here. First set has him singing lead on Chains and Three cool cats. And possibly Hey good looking: I do remember reading somewhere that George used to sing that. The only Beatles performance of it that I know of is during the Jan 30 1969 Get Back Session. Paul starts off something that can not be referred to as singing but John comes up with some of the lyrics for the song. Second set has Roll over Beethoven and Do you want to know a secret. Four if not five out of twenty –not bad. Ringo´s only vocal is Boys in the second set. I wonder if Hey good looking actually could have been one of Ringo´s numbers? He liked his country & western songs and it´s not that far away in style from say, Honey don´t. Or maybe it was John´s all the time.
    I also make the comparison with another setlist that emerged from somebody´s notebook; a gig in Port Sunlight on Oct 6, 1962. 15 songs, George sings lead on 5 or 6 of them! So he had some 25-30% of the songs as his numbers then. Come fame and he only had like 1 out of 11 or 12, that´s 8-9 %.
    Pity there´s no recording of it. There are just about nothing available of The Beatles playing live during most of 1963, a few radio recordings with basically the same songs are what we have.

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