14 thoughts on “To-do list written by John Lennon, 22 May 1980”

  1. 1. H.B.O. guy coming between 3 – 5: BE THERE * (the other guy didn’t know what was wrong)
    2. Ask Sam Green for The Hyerdel Book (??) (Return)
    3. Ask Steve D. re Herb for cat.
    i.e. when he arrives, the _____ (?) tells you.
    ” ” ” you let him in
    ” ” ” you tell him what to do
    yesterday they made an offer to attache F.M. radio (or smelling) – I’m not sure what they want – but I suspect it must improve F.M. Radio reception – find out – maybe we do want it (I didn’t know what he was talking about).
    4. Marmalade (enuff jam for Noahs ark already)
    5. Would it be a good idea to make sure bot cars have full gas tanks?..
    6. Margaret _______ (?) Book
    7. Blue Mystery: The Story of the Hope Diamond – Suzanne Steinem Patch {books}
    8. Put back Sean’s large mattress (today) (his old bed)
    9. Tell me about my hair dryer – yea or nay
    10. Photos in books (do it while you wait for H.B.O.)
    11. Hook on door in our bedroom falling off.

    What can I say? I work for attorneys, so John’s handwriting is quite lovely in comparison! LOL!!

  2. 2. Ask Sam Green for Thor Hyerdal book (Return)
    (he misspelled Thor Heyerdahl, a Norwegian writer, explorer, etc. He wrote “Kon-Tiki” among many others)

  3. “When he arrives the DESK tells you” (presumably the security guy based in the small office off the Dakota entrance where John was shot and where he finally collapsed on that fatal day).

    1. Yes. Of course.

      Merely making a point that there was a desk in the concierge vestibule/office just off on the right through the entrance arch way, which no doubt was there in May 1980 prior Dec 1980.

      You twonk…….’

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