17 January 2013
I wish I had been cool enough to listen to the Beatles when I was ten. Back then I was listening to 90’s dance music, didn’t discover them until the late 90’s (thanks to my music teacher). It doesn’t matter what age you are, you will always run into this. I am 29, and my boss has the absolute worst taste in music (in my opinion). First of all he says he doesn’t like the Beatles at all (although I have caught him humming to their songs on the radio). He tries to argue that Nickleback is a good band.. *blech*… I just threw up in my mouth a little, just from having to type those words. He likes mostly the worst types of 80’s music.
Sometimes it depends on how you grow up, too. My dad was a musician so I was fortunate enough to be exposed to a lot of good music growing up. A lot of the stuff I heard is still some of my favourites. (He wasn’t big into the Beatles but he was a John Lennon fan). Also, some people just don’t have a lot of passion when it comes to music. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Keep rockin, don’t worry about the other kids!
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
21 November 2012
CremeTangerine13 said
I think part of it has to do with what you were raised around, like some have said previously. I probably would not have been into The Beatles or other older bands had my Dad not introduced me to them at a young age. I guess you could almost call it brainwashing, but in good way.Those kids most likely haven’t been exposed to The Beatles in a proper way. By that I mean they’ve probably heard one of their songs on a commercial or somebody on American Idol covering a song. Unfortunately that’s the kind of media they’re being exposed to, therefore they never really get to appreciate the music.
Also, I don’t think you can really appreciate The Beatles without listening to a whole album(or all of them), which some kids don’t seem to have the attention span for.
Today’s music is likely to fade away, The Beatles and bands like them are everlasting.
Yeah, that definitely seems to influence it. I was raised on the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Queen and stuff like that and I still listen to them. I was introduced to the Beatles when I was about 4 or 5 I think. 1 was the album. I hated Love Me Do immediately, but I loved the other stuff on it and I never stopped liking them. I’m really grateful that my parents have such good taste in music. Around me I do notice that what your parents listen to influences your taste. Like, one of my friends’ parents listen to Dutch artists and classical music mainly and she didn’t even know a song like Bohemian Rhapsody, let alone a Beatles song. But of course she couldn’t possibly know it, as she was never really introduced to them.
8 November 2012
I grew up in an odd situation where my father and other family members were professional jazz musicians, but my mother, who was an educator, got it into her head that I should listen almost exclusively to classical music. And the occasional children’s or easy listening album, but definitely not rock music. I’ve since spoken to other people my age who had this happen to them, and I think a book or article must have come out around the late 60s/early 70s suggesting that this would make us smarter and less corruptible. Didn’t work. It had the opposite effect of making us sick of most classical music, sadly (though I’ll occasionally get a bit homesick and listen to classical radio). So, even though I’m the child of a jazz musician, I almost never heard jazz unless I attended a rehearsal or performance. Fortunately, some R&B/soul filtered into my consciousness via car radios and boom boxes and my older brother, and I still listen to that to this day.
The Beatles thing only happened because of the cartoon, which was in reruns (on UHF, pre-cable days). One day I turned on the TV and it was the episode with “I Should Have Known Better ,” and I loved the harmonica and kept watching and listening. But it was the episode with “I Wanna Be Your Man ” that really got me hooked. “What is this?!” It was nothing like the music I was being forced to listen to and it was great!
My mom was not happy as this Christmas story attests, but since I got home from school before she did, I was able to watch the cartoon every day with no interruption. I estimate I learned the words to about 80 Beatles songs from the sing-a-longs alone.
Thank goodness for that crappy cartoon, lol.
18 December 2012
This is embarrassing to admit, but I first became familiar with The Beatles from hearing the cover of Here Comes The Sun in The Parent Trap. They were one of those bands where I liked their songs but didn’t realise it was them at the time, so maybe there are people at your school who like The Beatles more than they are aware.
I actually think The Beatles are still really popular with young people. I remember reading that the majority of people downloading their albums from iTunes or something like that were in their 20s, and I’ve seen plenty of teenagers who love them, especially on tumblr. 1D, Justin Bieber and all those other pop stars are just a fad that will pass as soon as the next popular thing comes around. It’s quite funny when you watch a music documentary from the 90s/early 2000s and realise half the people in it are completely irrelevant now.
12 January 2013
bewareofchairs said
This is embarrassing to admit, but I first became familiar with The Beatles from hearing the cover of Here Comes The Sun in The Parent Trap. They were one of those bands where I liked their songs but didn’t realise it was them at the time, so maybe there are people at your school who like The Beatles more than they are aware.I actually think The Beatles are still really popular with young people. I remember reading that the majority of people downloading their albums from iTunes or something like that were in their 20s, and I’ve seen plenty of teenagers who love them, especially on tumblr. 1D, Justin Bieber and all those other pop stars are just a fad that will pass as soon as the next popular thing comes around. It’s quite funny when you watch a music documentary from the 90s/early 2000s and realise half the people in it are completely irrelevant now.
Don’t be embaresed I was introduced to the Beatles by a kids pop band called Big Time Rush
The Incedibly True Story THat Never Ends. By Sam.
Best Friend: WHat are you listening to
Me: The Beatles
Best Friend: Go Figure
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