30 August 2013
Not looks wise, but more personality wise
I’m a bit like them all –
John (Because I always speak my mind and I’m not afraid of doing that, and I don’t care about fitting in with people etc)
Ringo (Because I’m not really bothered whenever someone else wants to be in charge, or do something or get told what to do etc)
George (Because sometimes I can be quiet around people I don’t know that well or people I feel anxious with)
But I’d mostly say I’m like Paul personality wise because we’re both friendly/people pleasers, I always think about others before myself, but when it comes to it I can show my other side(which is rare). I also try my hardest to do well at things
Sorry if I sound like a bit of a bam lol, this is mainly what I’ve been told, not my own perception of it :p
I want to know who you guys would say you’re most like, because it’s fun seeing all the different personalities of everyone and shows how different we all are, even if 2 people are friendly, one of them may be shy and the other may be loud
Favourite band: The Beatles
Favourite song: Yesterday
Favourite album: Rubber Soul
Favourite member: Paul McCartney
22 November 2013
14 February 2013
Cool topic, TheBeatlesJohn!
I wish I were more like John – able to speak my mind…but alas, I am not. I am more like Paul in the friendly/people pleaser, putting others before myself, etc. way. I am also an avid “learner”, which I think Paul is as well. Interested in learning new things all the time. I am also a bit like George because I can be quiet at times, especially around people I don’t know.
"....take a sad song & make it Meilleur"....
18 April 2013
14 January 2013
8 November 2013
12 November 2013
I am more of John becuase of insecurity, but goofy humor. Maybe a little like Paul because I like to wink and flirt. There is a little quiz you can take.
May not be the best, but thete are others.
If children are studying the 20th century, I'm in their text books.
- Paul McCartney
1 December 2009
Talent-wise, I’m Pete! Though for all I know, he was a better guitar player than I am.
I’ve got a bit of John’s sardonic nature and Ringo’s self-deprecation, George’s gloomy outlook-tempered-by-appreciation for Pythonesque humour and Paul’s compulsion to please, if not his outgoing nature. Plus quite a few neuroses that they all presumably kept hidden, when they weren’t otherwise succumbing to them. I guess I agree with Adam24, everybody is everybody.
GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
3 May 2012
Sky999 said
George, because I quiet and reserved (introverted); however, I can speak my mind when I want to or crack a joke too. On the other hand, at times I can be bossy and want things a certain way,like Paul. If I don’t have certain things a certain way it can throw me off and I can be come up tight.
Yeah, that’s pretty much me, or at least lately, in a nutshell
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
8 November 2012
I’m probably closest to George in temperament, being a Pisces, but with bursts of Paul’s optimism and resilience.
21 November 2012
fabfouremily said
Sky999 said
George, because I quiet and reserved (introverted); however, I can speak my mind when I want to or crack a joke too. On the other hand, at times I can be bossy and want things a certain way,like Paul. If I don’t have certain things a certain way it can throw me off and I can be come up tight.Yeah, that’s pretty much me, or at least lately, in a nutshell
Yep I’m like that too. The four of them were so different, I think I’ve got qualities of all four of them. Like a few said, everybody is a bit like everyone.
29 November 2013
20 August 2013
Based on your Myers-Briggs category, which Beatle are you most like?
Chart taken from
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8 August 2014
I think I am most like George, the John, Paul and Ringo. I enjoy being alone and am very introspective, but I can be very talkative and and very punny. Musically, I am horrible, my voice is even worse than Ringo, though on a good day I can eek out something in the vocal range of John.
Some people have said that I even look like George but I don’t see how.
Look its a thingy! A fiendish thingy!
1 November 2013
Based on your Myers-Briggs category, which Beatle are you most like?
Chart taken from
Wonder why it has Paul as an introvert?
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8 September 2014
15 May 2014
Not John. I wish. I lack his creativity, his charisma, and his guts.
Not Paul. I wish. I lack his charm, and his inspiration for lovely tunes and great arrangements.
Not Ringo. I’m not easy-going, I am, or can be, a major pain in the b…
George? Maybe. I’m introverted, self-effacing, can compose although I’m no Lennon/McCartney, and have a mystical side (not Indian mysticism, in my case Chinese Taoism). And… I smoke.
“Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit” (“Perhaps one day it will be a pleasure to look back on even this”; Virgil, The Aeneid, Book 1, line 203, where Aeneas says this to his men after the shipwreck that put them on the shores of Africa)
2 June 2014
18 April 2013
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