23 June 2015
Hello Fabulists!
I am looking for a list that details every difference in songs on mono vs. stereo Beatles albums.
I have found a few here: Big Differences in Stereo vs. Mono Beatles
I want to see this expanded to completion. I’ve not found this via Google.
Obvious to me, I don’t want to know “guitars right speaker, bass left”, etc, just differences in song versions like:
“Please Please Me ” – In the stereo version, John can be heard flubbing his vocal, then chuckling during the “come on” lyrics.
Thank you.
Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.
1 May 2011
Hey @twogurusindrag, i’ve moved your post to here as you’ll find some discussion on the same question that you asked (including some youtube videos) and maybe some answers. Another site that might be able to help you is ‘The Usenet Guide to Beatles Recording Variations’; its not so much a list but does detail all the differences.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
20 August 2013
Have a look at the videos in this post https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..no/#p75795 from page one of this thread. That should help a lot.
EDIT: I see mmm and I were answering at the same time. :-). Mod power at your service.
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28 March 2014
Ron Nasty said
Another famous instance where there is no true full stereo mix is I Am The Walrus . That is because all of the twiddling through the radio dial during the second half of the song was done directly, as a live overdub, onto the mono mix during the mix session. This meant that when time came for the stereo mix the only thing to do, once John started twiddling with the radio dial, was to edit the stereo mix up to that point to a “fake” stereo of it from that point on.
And now txs to Beatles Rockband, a new Stereo mix is out on I Am The Walrus (2012 fan remix) that is just fabulous with great stereo separation right up to the end of the song!
Txs to a member of this site for sending it to me, love it more than the 2009 CD stereo Apple mix.
BEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!
26 March 2015
These are some changes in stereo that I think are actually better:
Helter Skelter ‘s “I’ve got blisters on my fingers!” end. Mono sucks in that way.
The echoing voices in Blue Jay Way . I’ve always liked that.
The combination of the rooster and guitar in the Sgt. Pepper reprise and the crowd noise transition from the reprise to A Day In The Life
The pitch of She’s Leaving Home
Some changes in stereo I absolutely hate:
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds . Only listen to them mono one. There’s something that sounds way better with the mono.
Within You, Without You’s laughing at the end of the mono version improves the song a lot. I think it makes it fit into Sgt. Pepper better.
Most other changes don’t quite matter to me, as they’re minutia.
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BeatlebugI finally finished Sgt. Pepper 2! Watch it here. (Sorry if this is annoying advertizing...)
18 April 2013
20 August 2013
Hi Bearcat,
Let us know if you find the answer to your question in this thread. See post 43 on this page for a starter. Another thread you might want to check out is https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..vs-stereo/
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