21 August 2009
I was just wondering-
I’ve had these pictures up on my wall for over 2 years now, and while I was admiring them (well, drooling over them, but let’s not get all technical here) I realized I had no clue as to what they were exactly. When were they taken/made? Did they come with an album/for an album? I’d look on the internet, but I don’t know what the formal shoot was called, plus, I know all the experts are right here!
I got them each at antique vendors around the city for about 40$ each. They’re huge! …I wonder if I can hang them in my dorm room at university…
Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!
1 May 2010
In addition to his continuing fashion work, Avedon began to branch out and photographed patients of mental hospitals, the Civil Rights Movement in 1963, protesters of the Vietnam War, and later the fall of the Berlin Wall. During this period Avedon also created two famous sets of portraits of The Beatles.
The first, taken in mid to late 1967, became one of the first major rock poster series, and consisted of five striking psychedelic portraits of the group — four heavily solarised individual colour portraits (solarisation of prints by his assistant, Gideon Lewin, retouching by Bob Bishop) and a black-and-white group portrait taken with a Rolleiflex camera and a normal Planar lens. The next year he photographed the much more restrained portraits that were included with The Beatles [White Album ] in 1968.
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21 August 2009
21 August 2009
Sunii said:
Alissa said:
And not at all Sunii- I would be doing the same if I were tall enough to reach my ceiling!
Do you have a tall room or something?
Or are you just short?
I had to use a ladder…
Combination of both:8-foot ceiling, 5-foot 3 inches girl!
Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!
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