9 June 2010
OK, I've got a challenge for you guys. The beginning of this discussion can be found in the “Yesterday … and today” forum under the thread “When people make fun of the Beatles…”.
For those who don't want to read the thread, the question is this:
What song would you play to someone to convince them of the Beatles' ultimate awesomeness? This, of course, is before you tell them it's the Beatles.
I'm not sure what I would do (I might have to cheat and use the Abbey Road medley), which is why I'm asking you.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
27 March 2010
Oii! The Abbey Road medley isn't cheating, holmes! It's the perfect one to show them, I think.
But if it's not an option, I guess I'd do… hmm. I first decided “Mother Nature's Son”, but now that I think about it,
that would be just showing them Paul, and not the Beatles. jenn kinda changed my mind on the other thread, she said she'd show them “Hey Bulldog ” because “it's a proper BEATLES song – the last, by all accounts – where they all
collaborated, rather than say “Blackbird ” or “Yesterday ” or “Here Comes
the Sun” which were very individualistic.”
So I guess I'd show them something from the middle days, probably from Rubber Soul . I'd show them either “Nowhere Man “ or “In My Life “.
I'm in love, but I'm lazy.
1 May 2010
I said I'm Only Sleeping in the other thread, but I have a co-worker that I'm supposed to make a Beatles cd for and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions. She said she doesn't want any songs that she's heard before, and I told her I'd make it only 10 songs, but right now I'm stuck on about 14. I've decided to be diplomatic with 6 Lennonbites, 6 Maccas, 1 Harrisongs and 1 Ringoism. Here's my list so far:
2. I'm Only Sleeping
3. Octopus's Garden
5. Rain
6. She's Leaving Home
8. For No One
10. Blackbird /Mother Nature's Son
11. Sun King
12. I've Just Seen A Face
14. Because
I'm just trying to give a complete picture of the Beatles and just how talented they were without including any real love songs.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
13 November 2009
Happiness Is A Warm Gun worked on my sister. But their songs are pretty eclectic, you can customize it to the person.
Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!
4 April 2010
Yer Blues , Birthday , I've Got A Feeling. Best of all, Helter Skelter , then I'll terrify them with Revolution 9 .
"The best band? The Beatles. The most overrated band? The Beatles."
9 June 2010
GniknuS said:
I said I'm Only Sleeping in the other thread, but I have a co-worker that I'm supposed to make a Beatles cd for and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions. She said she doesn't want any songs that she's heard before, and I told her I'd make it only 10 songs, but right now I'm stuck on about 14. I've decided to be diplomatic with 6 Lennonbites, 6 Maccas, 1 Harrisongs and 1 Ringoism. Here's my list so far:
2. I'm Only Sleeping
3. Octopus's Garden
5. Rain
6. She's Leaving Home
8. For No One
10. Blackbird /Mother Nature's Son
11. Sun King
12. I've Just Seen A Face
14. Because
I'm just trying to give a complete picture of the Beatles and just how talented they were without including any real love songs.
If I had never heard of the Beatles, and you gave me that CD (I'd go with “Blackbird ” for track 10), I would be instantly converted.
But how can you say “I've Just Seen a Face” isn't a real love song? Or “I Saw Her Standing There ?” Do you mean the songs that aren't “I love you?”
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
1 May 2010
MeanMrs.Mustard said:
GniknuS said:
I said I'm Only Sleeping in the other thread, but I have a co-worker that I'm supposed to make a Beatles cd for and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions. She said she doesn't want any songs that she's heard before, and I told her I'd make it only 10 songs, but right now I'm stuck on about 14. I've decided to be diplomatic with 6 Lennonbites, 6 Maccas, 1 Harrisongs and 1 Ringoism. Here's my list so far:
2. I'm Only Sleeping
3. Octopus's Garden
5. Rain
6. She's Leaving Home
8. For No One
10. Blackbird /Mother Nature's Son
11. Sun King
12. I've Just Seen A Face
14. Because
I'm just trying to give a complete picture of the Beatles and just how talented they were without including any real love songs.
If I had never heard of the Beatles, and you gave me that CD (I'd go with “Blackbird ” for track 10), I would be instantly converted.
But how can you say “I've Just Seen a Face” isn't a real love song? Or “I Saw Her Standing There ?” Do you mean the songs that aren't “I love you?”
Yeah, I don't know I just don't want the songs to have the “who knows how long I've loved you” type lyrics in them, but I agree that they are technically love songs. I don't know, I guess lyrically it doesn't really matter, I just want to show how wide the range of the Beatles talent was.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
9 June 2010
I'd say that CD has a pretty wide range.
Tell her that four of the tracks are bonus.
But only one Harrisong? I'd replace one of the other songs with “Think For Yourself ” or “I Want To Tell You .” Maybe “Martha My Dear .” You've made it hard to pick a song to replace.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
1 May 2010
MeanMrs.Mustard said:
I'd say that CD has a pretty wide range.
Tell her that four of the tracks are bonus.
But only one Harrisong? I'd replace one of the other songs with “Think For Yourself ” or “I Want To Tell You .” Maybe “Martha My Dear .” You've made it hard to pick a song to replace.
Yeah I might just add one more, probably Within You Without You .
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
9 June 2010
“Within You Without You !” Why didn't I think of that?
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
4 September 2009
If I had to pick just one song, hmmmmm……
My first “gut” feeling was “Paperback Writer ” because it's very hooky, but then really any of the singles between Rubber Soul and Revolver will do. Those are some awesome songs!
Look Up The Number
18 March 2010
Any “sampler” CD that I compose for anyone would include “And Your Bird Can Sing “. It's a terrific song with intriguing lyrics and a terrific guitar melody that would knock the socks off pop fans and hard rock fans alike.
9 June 2010
c64wood said:
If I had to pick just one song, hmmmmm……
My first “gut” feeling was “Paperback Writer ” because it's very hooky, but then really any of the singles between Rubber Soul and Revolver will do. Those are some awesome songs!
Celebrated_Mr_K said:
Any “sampler” CD that I compose for anyone would include “And Your Bird Can Sing “. It's a terrific song with intriguing lyrics and a terrific guitar melody that would knock the socks off pop fans and hard rock fans alike.
Every time I listen to “Good Day Sunshine ,” I get “And Your Bird Can Sing ” stuck in my head.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
1 May 2010
Celebrated_Mr_K said:
Any “sampler” CD that I compose for anyone would include “And Your Bird Can Sing “. It's a terrific song with intriguing lyrics and a terrific guitar melody that would knock the socks off pop fans and hard rock fans alike.
Well I could swap that for She Said She Said because they are just too similar to both put on. But Ringo is just too good on She Said She Said !
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
14 April 2010
skye said:
Happiness Is A Warm Gun worked on my sister.
MrBig said:
Too wierd – I was reading the list from GniknuS (great list BTW) and was thinking “Happiness Is A Warm Gun and Yer Blues would fit in with that list very nicely.”
Then I read your posts…..too wierd.I'm looking through you…
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
9 June 2010
4 April 2010
9 June 2010
It depends. Genius #1 could reach the same conclusion as Genius #2, except in a different way. And Genius #3 could use the same perspective as Genius #1, except arrive at a different conclusion. Couldn't you just say all minds think differently?
Anyway, I was just trying to use a trite saying to make a joke. Holy cow.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
1 May 2010
paulsbass said:
MeanMrs.Mustard said:
OK, I've got a challenge for you guys. The beginning of this discussion can be found in the “Yesterday … and today” forum under the thread “When people make fun of the Beatles…”.
For those who don't want to read the thread, the question is this:
What song would you play to someone to convince them of the Beatles' ultimate awesomeness? This, of course, is before you tell them it's the Beatles.
I'm not sure what I would do (I might have to cheat and use the Abbey Road medley), which is why I'm asking you.
IFI had to pick just one song I'd play either “Helter Skelter ” – cause NO ONE would expect this to be a Beatles song or their most awesome song “Tomorrow Never Knows “.
But my favourite converter-track is the “Love”-remix with “Tomorrow Never Knows ” and “Withinyou without you”.
That's a good idea, playing a Love track, just because I think it sounds so modern and awesome. Love is such a cool cd, I don't understand why some Beatles fans don't like it. But if I had to play someone one track from Love, it would be the Strawberry Fields Forever track, which has to be the best song ever put together.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
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