21 December 2014
all hail the fab four!
The Beatles, as we all know, have spread and inspired creativity into all forms of art and other academic subjects which in a way could still count as a fluxus form of art. Over all when we talk about artists who’ve absorbed or sponged the knowledge and love of the Beatles, the topic isn’t very enlightened much, the usual conversation with non fellow beatlemaniacs consists of obvious musicians like like Oasis and photographers who’ve taken photos of them like David Bailey. I’m quite ignorant to it, my knowledge on this side of it is quite poor and so it really intreges me, how something can inspire a different craft to react in a different way – is it the technical flair like johns voice in Tomorrow Never Knows that makes creatives gobsmacked or that raw passion like johns raspy scream in Twist And Shout that send shivers down a fellow creatives mind? food for thought. All this came to me when I created choreography to the beatles (https://vimeo.com/113960348 – let me know what you think) and therefore want to open an conversation, which people can interject fellow art (which isn’t just the straight up musical cover) either known or unknown, it would be great to share, understand and overall appreciate the power and songs from the band.
Peace and love x x
21 November 2012
Oasis doesn’t sound like The Beatles, apart from some references to them in a few songs. It really annoys me when people say that.
Anyway, to get back at your choreo, it’s very cool. I love watching someone dance. Not sure if it fits the song though.
Not sure what to say about the original subject, I’ll get back to that later.
21 December 2014
Yeah it really does annoy me too, In England in our schools when we do are infamous GCSES I remember part of our syllabus and exams was all about Oasis ‘reviving’ the beatles… lets take a moment of pause there to soak this is in lol – You name one song after georges album and this is the outcome lol! but maybe were too cynical on oasis? I don’t detest oasis, prefer them then anything else on the radio at the moment.
Ah thank you, it’s nice to communicate for other forms of media on the internet so i’m glad you enjoyed. I must admit my style on cinematography and writing is quite dark and sinister and the music is anything but that so it’s was gamble I took… (and on the off topic, really really really wish apple would have the monophonic option!)
But yes going back to the original topic! would be delighted if you find anything, I’m eagerly just searching and scrolling and I suppose what i’m really trying to find might have to find me (without sounding corney hahahaha) so I’m going to be away in Holland for the new years, touring it from head to toe and i’ll have my camera ready if i find anything – as well as beloved london (my home)
peace and love
x x
20 August 2013
I mentioned the idea of a party game where everyone draws a picture while listening to the same Beatles song. https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..es/#p92774
Someone else mentioned the idea more recently. They suggested that we could do it as a group and then post our pictures on the forum Hopefully someone will post a link to that post here.
@leansbeans, I wish I were artistic, but alas, I didn’t inherit any art genes.
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1 November 2013
The Beatles have inspired this forum and countless pieces of Fan Fiction
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21 December 2014
Love the ideas! especially the pianta one lol but for sure the draw picture game is splendid, well done! it would be nice to see interpretations from all over the globe, see what the correlations are, what do we all articulate organically in their songs! and I’m sure you are creative in a different craft from dancing, making games is a form of creativity! i’m terrible at fine art so my attempts to draw would defiantly make you laugh!
peace and love
x x x
2 June 2014
21 December 2014
20 August 2013
leansbeans said
she actually has! short, bold, precise! lol
in a couple of days time I’ll be in alkmaar in the netherlands, theres a small beatles memorabilia museum there which I’m sure you guys might of heard of if not been too, good place to start analysing stuff!
peace and love
x x x
@Beatleva was just there https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..0/#p153693
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