14 December 2009
13 BBers earliest Beatle memories!
9. I was already a toddler by the time of the breakup, so the band were still pretty ubiquitous in the larger culture when my memories were forming. I liked “Yellow Submarine ” (the song), mombontee usedta sing bits of “Hey Jude ” and “Obladi”, and I treasured my “She Loves You “/”I’ll Get You ” 45, so I knew that “Beatles” were a thing. But I can’t begin to recall when I first actually saw them, on photo or film, when I first attached the word “Beatles” to the sight of those four grinning guys in matching suits.
The following people thank Von Bontee for this post:
kelicopter, sigh butterflyPaul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
27 November 2016
13 BBers earliest Beatle memories!
10. I was in the car with my dad – I was about 3? – and my dad played a compilation CD (Beatles for kids iirc, but I haven’t been able to find it since) to me that he found somewhere. On it included Eight Days A Week , Help !, A Hard Day’s Night and…. I Am The Walrus . Those are the songs I can remember from that day, anyway.
Must have been a long car trip to warrant music, but I don’t remember it feeling like it took very long. Perhaps a sign of the good things to come?
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Ahhh Girl, kelicopter, sigh butterfly#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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24 June 2019
13 BBers earliest Beatle memories!
11. I remember Let It Be coming on tele in the early 70’s and wondering who the long haired weirdos were. I thought at the time that the Beatles were a band from the 1920s and were also known as the BGs. I hope I’ve learned a few things since then.
The following people thank JW OBoogie for this post:
Ahhh Girl, Teddy Salad, sigh butterflyTurn off your stream, relax and float down mind
4 August 2015
12. Not much of a story, but my earliest memory is just seeing my older brother and sister showing their love of the Beatles and I tagged along for the ride. I was too young to buy records, but I listened along when they played their copies in the bedroom. All of us quickly learned all the songs on Meet The Beatles and then played catch-up with the Vee Jay 45s.
I can’t believe I briefly hated the Beatles for a while when I was about 7 years old. I think I a) wanted to score points with my Beatle hating dad and b) was mad when friends and relatives didn’t want to play games and rather keep playing the Beatle records. Don’t worry. That didn’t last.
Not very interesting. But now somebody can do #13 and start a new list.
The following people thank Jolly Jimmy for this post:
sigh butterfly, Von BonteeYou are all my friends.
11 June 2015
13. Even though my first encounter with the Beatles was on Ed Sullivan, to be honest I didn’t really know what I was seeing. The whole genre was foreign to me, so my young mind was unable to intelligently process the sights and sounds. I guess it was kind of like the adrenaline rush you get from a roller coaster ride. Later that year through a once in a lifetime set of circumstances, I saw A Hard Days Night at a famous theatre in Hollywood. I remember walking into a place buzzing with teenage energy. The lights went down, the golden curtain parted and all of a sudden I was experiencing my first blast of rock-n-roll. Girls were screaming, boys were throwing candy at the screen, the guitars were blasting, and the Beatles were running right at me. That was the most raucous movie crowd I ever witnessed, like being at a great concert. Any time a Beatle would do anything (like smile, jump, wave, wink) the entire building would shake. The Beatles and rock have been a part of my life ever since. I remember the words “everything seems to be right” ringing in my ears on the ride home that night.
With kelicopter’s permission, by special request I turn things over to @Ahhh Girl.
The following people thank sigh butterfly for this post:
Von Bontee, kelicopterYou and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead
20 August 2013
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The following people thank kelicopter for this post:
Ahhh Girl, Teddy Salad, sigh butterflyI think it's great you're going through a phase, and I'm awfully glad it'll all be over in a couple of days
4 August 2015
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