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Desert Island Beatles Discs
29 January 2019
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As has been played out in the George forum, I thought I’d create a general Beatles one.

For those of you who don’t know DID has been running on BBC4 since 1942. Guests* are asked to imagine they’re stranded on a desert island, and they are only allowed 8 songs to listen to for the duration of their stay (your likelihood of escaping the island is practically nonexistent). Now because this is a Beatles’ forum, I am limiting your suggestions to Beatle-songs only but I will allow solo tracks as well (I am not allowing guest appearances on other artists’ tracks, no Bowie’s ‘Fame’ for example, I will also not include The Traveling Wilburys or similar projects like that, where it is essentially a band featuring a Beatle).

If you could give a reason why you’ve chosen each track that would be great as well, whether it be a memory it conjures up, an emotion it evokes, or because you just plain like it, whatever. 


In keeping with the DID spirit, a sudden storm attacks your island during the night and you awake to find 7 of your 8 have songs have disappeared. What is the one song that you hope has been saved? 

You are allowed a book as well (along with The Bible, or your religious text of preference, and the complete works of Shakespeare). I won’t limit this to a Beatles’ book but if you would like a ‘regular’ book and a Beatles’ book you may take one. What are your selections?

And finally, you are allowed one ‘luxury’ item to have on the island. It cannot help you to escape nor can it be used to communicate with the outside world, what will you pick?


*Paul, Yoko, George Martin, Stella, and Brian Epstein (unfortunately his recording was deleted and we’ll never get to hear it) were all guests on the show and you can listen to their choices on the DID website.



1. Your 8 Beatle/solo-Beatle tracks you would want on a desert island?

2. If you could only pick 1 from your 8 to listen to for the rest of your life which would it be?

3. Your one regular book and/or one Beatles-related book that you would have?

4. Your luxury item that won’t benefit you in escaping the island?

The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:

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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison

29 January 2019
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AppleScruffJunior said

1. Your 8 Beatle/solo-Beatle tracks you would want on a desert island?

1. I’m Only Sleeping -the atmosphere makes me happy and calm

2. A Day In The Life -a masterpiece is all i can say

3. Yesterday -beautiful

4. All My Loving -the first song i learned to play on guitar 

5. I Want To Hold Your Hand -first favourite Beatles song

6. Oo-Wee (ringo) -great song, I listen to it a lot, has a lot of good memories with it

7. Apple Scruffs (george) -makes me unbelievably happy

8. Imagine -imagine I’ll get off this island… general hopefulness

2. If you could only pick 1 from your 8 to listen to for the rest of your life which would it be?

A Day In The Life , it goes from slow to exploding in sound, and it’s just sounds so… groovy.

3. Your one regular book and/or one Beatles-related book that you would have?

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, intricate, hilarious, with lots of little details I could’ve missed (I was going to say Siddhartha, but since I have a religious text, I assume I get the Gita, so my spiritual needs will be met) and I Me Mine , because it’s just so great

4. Your luxury item that won’t benefit you in escaping the island?


A typewriter so I can finish/start a book. Might as well be useful while I’m there! 

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The Concert for Bageldesh


Walrian here! Not Fiddy, or anyone else, actually.

29 January 2019
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AppleScruffJunior said 



1. Your 8 Beatle/solo-Beatle tracks you would want on a desert island?

I don’t know how I could ever choose only eight… I’ll just put my top 8 Beatles songs. (I’m not including solo songs because it’s hard enough as it is.)

1. I Will – Love this song to pieces. It’s perfection.

2. Hey Bulldog – see above.

3. Hey Jude – see above.

4. While My Guitar Gently Weeps – see above. (Ah screw it, they’re all “see above.”

5. No Reply

6. If I Fell

7. Yesterday

8. Strawberry Fields Forever

Looking over this list, I am very unsatisfied with it– it’s missing soooo much. But I’d be unsatisfied no matter what I picked.


2. If you could only pick 1 from your 8 to listen to for the rest of your life which would it be?

Holy crap, this is hard. I know it’s short, but I Will . I just love it so much heart

3. Your one regular book and/or one Beatles-related book that you would have?

Seeing as my religious text would be the Harry Potter books (yes they count, leave me alone), my regular book would probably be The Phantom Tollbooth, and my Beatles book would be the Anthology. Gah that question was just as hard as the above, if not harder!

4. Your luxury item that won’t benefit you in escaping the island?

A pillow would be nice.


Edit: Here’s the first question with Paul songs, because I was bored.

1. Dear Boy

2. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five

3. Band On The Run

4. Maybe I’m Amazed

5. Jet

6. Another Day

7. Mull Of Kintyre

8. Dear Friend

The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:

TheWalrusWasBrian, Richard, Wigwam

Love one another.

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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)

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30 January 2019
Sitting here doing nothing but procrastinating...
Apple rooftop

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You’re not allowed Potter books Fiddy, even if you were to choose it as a regular book, you’d only be allowed one. You’re getting the Bible, kid!


A pillow is a very good choice, I would either go for unlimited pen and paper, OR everlasting toothpaste and a toothbrush.


INTROVERTS UNITE! your own homes!


Make Love, Not Wardrobes!


"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison

30 January 2019
Playing on the roofs again
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AppleScruffJunior said
You’re not allowed Potter books Fiddy, even if you were to choose it as a regular book, you’d only be allowed one.

🙁 oh well, I tried.


You’re getting the Bible, kid!

I don’t want no Bible. (Unless I can take the Beatles Bible, haha.) If I have to take a religious text, I’m taking the Torah.


A pillow is a very good choice, I would either go for unlimited pen and paper, OR everlasting toothpaste and a toothbrush.


Both very good choices. Soap might also be nice.

Does Walry get paper for her typewriter? 😉

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Love one another.

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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)

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30 January 2019
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Oh man.

Luxury item would, of course, be my guitar (couldn’t survive a desert island without it, screw toothpaste!). For books I don’t really care about the religious text, I’ll go with the Bible I guess. Beatles book: A Spaniard In The Works; non-Beatles book: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Or maybe Anne of Green Gables.

Now the hard part — songs…
1) Hey Bulldog – my very first favourite Beatles song, it’s a whole party in three minutes
2) Marwa Blues (Le Hari) – cannot live without
3) Here, There, and Everywhere – incomparable atmosphere
4) Across The Universe – ditto
5) What do you mean the medley doesn’t count? Okay, I’ll take You Never Give Me Your Money then
6) Hey Jude – it’s the Beatles longest and I’m trying to get value for money here ahdn_george_06
7) Ballad Of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) (Le Hari) – atmosphere again
8) No More Lonely Nights – This one’s just here so I can get my Gilmour fix. a-hard-days-night-john-6

If I had to have just one, I hope it’d be

*pulls hair out*

THIS IS TOO HARD okay, storm, do what thou wilt.

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30 January 2019
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You may have your Torah, Fiddy. Walry does get ink for her typewriter along with unlimited paper- I’m feeling generous. 


What version of Across The Universe would you choose Bebu? And, what song would you hope has survived the storm?

The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:

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INTROVERTS UNITE! your own homes!


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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison

30 January 2019
Find me where ye echo lays

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Let It Be version, I’m most familiar with it. Though the Anthology is nice too.

I couldn’t pick, maybe just Hey Jude because it’s the longest. ahdn_john_08_gif

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30 January 2019
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a-hard-days-night-ringo-8Then again, if you’re looking for quantity over quality, you could always choose Revolution 9

Hey Jude has both, though, so I totally get it. a-hard-days-night-george-9

What’s your Desert Island Disc, ASJ? ahdn_george_06

The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:


Love one another.

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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)

- - -

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31 January 2019
fell off the roof AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
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AppleScruffJunior said
Walry does get ink for her typewriter along with unlimited paper- I’m feeling generous. 


THANK YOU I was worrying about this. 

The following people thank TheWalrusWasBrian for this post:


IMG_3978.PNG|badge1.png | I don’t know how to put it here. hello for the love of god hello 


The Concert for Bageldesh


Walrian here! Not Fiddy, or anyone else, actually.

31 January 2019
Sitting here doing nothing but procrastinating...
Apple rooftop

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50yearslate said

What’s your Desert Island Disc, ASJ? ahdn_george_06


I think about it quite a lot because I listen to a lot of DID (on my 4-hour train journey- I listened to 3 episodes, I have a problem). 


Probably next week I would make revisions but as it currently stands:


1. And I Love Her – I think I would need some love songs on my island, nice, sweet music because I imagine I’d miss talking to people. I could last a week or two without contact but then I’d go mad. AILH would remind me of a lot of people that I love and have loved and it would be a nice comfort.

2. I’ve Just Seen A Face – I would need something that would make me happy, keep my spirits up, and every time I hear IJSAF I always have a big grin on my face. It would be a nice song to singalong to. 

3. I Need You – A song to cry to, as I’ve said before loneliness would plague me and the guitar, lyrics and vocals on this are gorgeous so it might give me some hope and let me sob into the sand. 

4. Drive My Car – A song to dance to. I love dancing and I have a choreography for this song. It would be another great song to keep my mood up and get some exercise in as well.

5. I Me Mine – a song to express my anger and frustration. I would curse whatever or whoever left me on this island, and I need something that I can grit through my teeth and IMM is perfect for that “All through the days/I Me Mine , I Me Mine , I Me Mine “. I’d probably find God to be honest, I’d need something to cling onto (either that or I give in and drink the sea water).

6. Let It Down – (George)- a song that I could yell to. Once again I imagine I am going to be very angry and that song is perfect for kicking stuff to. I might end up destroying the island and setting it on fire. 

7. Marwa Blues (George)- I’m eventually going to get fed up with lyrics, and by that point if I haven’t already destroyed the island- I’ll have accepted that I’m going to be there for a while. MB would be lovely to listen to during a sunrise/sunset.

8. Pipes Of Peace (Paul)- it’s going to be Christmas eventually at some point on my island, and I would like to have a Christmas song accessible. PoP is my favourite of all of the Beatles’ festive tunes (even though it isn’t really a Christmas song but it’s my list so I’m counting it as one).


If there were a storm and I could only save one it would have to be I Need You – one of my favourite George songs, and it’s just all-round perfect. I’d hate to never get it to listen to it again if it were lost forever.


I would pick the Bible as my religious text because it’s so chunky I’d get a good few weeks out of dissecting it (and I get the Old AND the New Testament- bargain). My regular book, I would probably pick a German-English or French-English dictionary. One of those colossal 1,000 page books. I could spend the rest of my days practising and learning vocab, and I would never forget a word again! 


My luxury as stated earlier, I would pick unlimited pen and paper- I enjoy writing although I don’t get that much time for it and with my life on the island, I’d very easily get a few novels written, or an autobiography of my boring life. 

The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:

50yearslate, TheWalrusWasBrian, Beatlebug, Von Bontee


INTROVERTS UNITE! your own homes!


Make Love, Not Wardrobes!


"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison

17 May 2019
Father McKenzie
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My 8 Beatles tracks


1) A Day In The Life (my favourite Beatles track of all time)

2) Strawberry Fields Forever (a masterpiece)

3) From Me To You (first Beatles track I ever heard)

4) Fool On The Hill (Paul at his best)

5) Cry Baby Cry (another one of my favourites)

6) Ticket To Ride (I couldn’t not listen to this,has to be on there)

7) Your Mother Should Know (see number 5)

8) Penny Lane (being from Liverpool,it would remind me of home).


Literature would probably be Shout by Philip Norman. I’d also take pen and paper. The track I hope would be saved would be Day in the Life

Still writing the words to the sermon that no one will hear......

17 May 2019
Marmalade Skies
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1. Your 8 Beatle/solo-Beatle tracks you would want on a desert island?

Right off my head:

Strawberry Fields Forever (my fav!!)

Penny Lane (SFF would be incomplete without its counterpart)

In My Life (a warm masterpiece)

Help (It’s like the theme song of desert island life…)

Twist And Shout (I need something to dance to)

A Day In The Life (fav too, gives me endless fantasy)

Here, There And Everywhere (too lovely a tune to be ignored)

Imagine (my eternal source of comfort)

Oops, already 8 tracks. Too bad, too badpaul-mccartney

2. If you could only pick 1 from your 8 to listen to for the rest of your life which would it be?

SFF. But I believe I would die from boredom with one Beatles track…a-hard-days-night-ringo-13

3. Your one regular book and/or one Beatles-related book that you would have?

Regular one: Gone With The Wind, it’s long and brings me courage every time I read it.

Beatles one: Anthology. Or the John Lennon biography by Philip Norman.

4. Your luxury item that won’t benefit you in escaping the island?

Pen and paper may always be the right choice. You can always create your own world!

A girl with kaleidoscope eyes...

17 May 2019
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1. Beatles Songs

Strawberry Fields Forever – Doesn’t get any better than this. I love the strange, otherworldly atmosphere it creates whilst still making me incredibly nostalgic. 

Penny Lane – The other side of SFF’s coin; it’s a perfect pop song that always brightens up my day. 

In My Life – A bit of a tearjerker, but I’m sure that’ll come in handy in this setting.

Dear Prudence – Another one with an atmosphere that is just amazingly beautiful, and the most inspiring lyrics. 

I’m Only Sleeping – Dreamy and gorgeous, perfect for the long days spent lounging on my desert island in the hope of getting rescued. 

I Am The Walrus – One of the peaks of their discography, a  true psychedelic freakout.

Two of Us – My personal favourite Beatles song, a really sweet ode to friendship. 

A Day In The Life – One of their greatest masterpieces, and I had to have something from Sgt Pepper ‘s. 

2. If I could only have one, it would be Dear Prudence . It’s not my favourite, but it’s the one I never get tired of. 

3. Regular book: Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Grey. You can read it as many times as you like and always get something new from it. 

Beatles related book: Hunter Davies’ authorised biography. Since I don’t have much early Beatles stuff in my 8 tracks, the descriptions of that time in the book would make up for it.

4. Luxury item: I think I’d join Beatlebug in requesting a guitar, preferably one that wouldn’t go out of tune. 

I've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound. 

17 May 2019
Father McKenzie
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Just realized I missed out one of my all time favourites,Girl! To be fair, narrowing it down to 8 is hard. There were so many others I could have chosen……

Still writing the words to the sermon that no one will hear......

26 May 2019
The Cathouse Club, Estonia
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2)Helter Skelter

3)Strawberry Fields Forever  

4)You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)

5)While My Guitar Gently Weeps – Anthology 3 Version

6)Who Can See It

7)Instant Karma

8)Run Of The Mill – Early Takes Version

If I had to pick one-You Know My Name

Beatle Book-Behind The Locked Door

Religious Book-The Bible, because it’s longest and therefore will keep me entertained longer (not religious)

Luxury Item-Paper and pen to write music

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27 May 2019
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Four months later I’d take out And I Love Her and replace it with Two Of Us – it’s a sweet friendship/love song and I love the line “you and me burning matches/lifting latches”, definitely a nice one to sing along to on a cold night.

The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:

Beatlebug, QuarryMan, 50yearslate


INTROVERTS UNITE! your own homes!


Make Love, Not Wardrobes!


"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison

28 May 2019
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AppleScruffJunior said
Four months later I’d take out And I Love Her and replace it with Two Of Us – it’s a sweet friendship/love song and I love the line “you and me burning matches/lifting latches”, definitely a nice one to sing along to on a cold night.

Great pick, my favourite Beatles song a-hard-days-night-john-3 

The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:


I've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound. 

25 August 2019
Hollywood Bowl
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My desert island songs (Beatles):

1) I Am The Walrus – This is the first song which got me really on to the Beatles, and killed off my lifelong assumption that jumbled, meaningless lyrics can never work in a song.

2) We Can Work It Out – Reminds me of my family in many contexts, in a sentimental way.

3) Happiness Is A Warm Gun – One of my favorite Beatles songs in general, and pretty close to my favorite. Something about this song just strikes me in the right ways.

4) Taxman – The first song I heard on “Revolver “, and the song that got me hooked to album, which continues to be my favorite album ever. Also the solo is something to behold.

5) Anna (Go To Him) – One of the Beatles most sentimental moments, and possibly one of my favorite vocal performances of any artists. This cover does Arthur’s one justice.

6) Rain – I can imagine playing this song endlessly when the island is having a rainy weather.

7) For the Benefit of Mr Kite – When I need to daydream out of the bleak situation.

8) I Want You (She’s So Heavy) – I have honestly no clue why I love this song so much, but I just do.


If I could only listen to one song above:

It would probably be “I Am The Walrus “, simply because I have so many happy memories attached to it.


If I could have one book:

It would probably ‘How to Survive On A Desert Island’. If not, it would be the Bible. 


If I could have a luxury item:

A glamping set with multiple water filtering and cooking accessories.

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- Faul

26 August 2019
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50yearslate’s list seems about right to me……..Except I’d swop Yesterday for Eleanor Rigby …..

1. I Will – Love this song……I could sing the bass-line with Paul.

2. Hey Bulldog – see above.

3. Hey Jude – see above.

4. While My Guitar Gently Weeps 

5. No Reply

6. If I Fell

7. Eleanor Rigby  

8. Strawberry Fields Forever

One song? ‘If I Fell ‘….John and Paul’s harmony.

Book? LOTR.

Luxury item…..Puer tea.

The following people thank Wigwam for this post:

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