14 April 2010
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
27 March 2010
Mull Of Kintyre ! I completely forgot about that one! That's a great one too
I'm in love, but I'm lazy.
1 May 2010
Sunii said:
GniknuS said:
He just had one too many “Woman Is the Ni**er of the World” type songs.
May I ask what you mean by that?
I mean John had some very political and edgy type songs that just went a little too far for me, but that's just my taste in music. The thing that I love about John in his Beatle songs is that he can basically make any song sound cool, even Mr. Moonlight. He had range from Yer Blues to Cry Baby Cry and everywhere in-between and, I don't know, his solo stuff just lost some of that. I think Yoko made him a very political type guy and whenever I listen to some of his stuff I ask myself where the fun went in John's life. It's very cool what he did as an activist, but John was a guy basically known for his wit and it seemed to go away from him in some of his solo stuff. I don't know, he was great at times but there are just too many misses in his solo career.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
21 August 2009
We actually already had a thread just like this a while ago… here it is.
Maybe try searching the threads first before starting a new one? There sure are loads.
Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!
7 August 2010
5 July 2010
Either Live And Let Die or Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five , maybe Jet
Varies, at the moment I'm liking Instant Karma and Meat City, Whatever gets your through the night's pretty good too
Too many to count. Wah Wah , What Is Life , Awaiting On You All , Art Of Dying, Got My Mind Set…
Unfortunately I don't really know any of his songs.
The Pope owns 51% of General Motors
13 September 2010
– I would have to say Live or Let Die but Silly Love Songs is very close behind it
– Instant Karma for sure. And of course I do like Imagine and Give Peace A Chance , and #9 Dream and a whole lot more.
– I think it would be My Sweet Lord , but I do love Got My Mind Set On You as well
– The No No Song!
"I am definitely a mad man with a box."- Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor of Doctor Who (Episode 1 Season 5: The Eleventh Hour)
7 August 2010
13 September 2010
Dear Prudence said:
MotherNaturesDaughter said:
– The No No Song!
Oh yeah!!!!! The No No Song ROCKS!!!!!! Take that Justin Beiber!!!! WOOHOOOO. CAN WE GET A HUGE APPEL FOR MOTHERNATURESDAUGHTER?!!!
Thanks! *noms on apple*
"I am definitely a mad man with a box."- Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor of Doctor Who (Episode 1 Season 5: The Eleventh Hour)
15 May 2014
This thread has been dead for four years but anyways…
George: Blow Away (LP: George Harrison )
John: Instant Karma (single)
Paul: My Brave Face (LP: Flowers In The Dirt )
“Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit” (“Perhaps one day it will be a pleasure to look back on even this”; Virgil, The Aeneid, Book 1, line 203, where Aeneas says this to his men after the shipwreck that put them on the shores of Africa)
18 April 2013
8 August 2014
For me it’s hard to pick just one song, but i’ll try. This is curently list, it’s changes from day to day
John: Bring on the lucie (freeda peeple) – Mind games album
Paul: Junk – Paul McCartney album
George: Marwa blues – Brainwashed album
Ringo: La De Da – Vertical Man album
Come on nowhereman we will take you somwhere!
7 April 2013
Just Like Starting Over or Watching The Wheels
This is soo hard! Maybe I’m amazed but could also be his newer stuff like New or Alligator
What Is Life or Beautiful Girl
Photograph or Weight of the world (I’ll leave a link to that little known track from Time Takes Time)
"We can do what we want, we can live as we choose"
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