4 December 2010
Someone at my school said Mick Jagger was their favourite Beatle about a month ago.
Today, I was watching another game show with my grandma. A true or false question came up: “Hey Jude ” is about Ringo Starr 's first wife. It was false, thankfully, but Nick Knowles, the presenter, said “it's actually about his son, Julian Lennon.”
Sorry, whose son? Ringo's? He didn't have a son called Julian Lennon. John's? He wasn't mentioned in the question, and didn't write the song.
I told her I didn’t
25 November 2010
On YouTube, I saw an interview with all of The Beatles, around 1966, but you wouldn't be able to tell because the interviewer is practically fawning all over John and Paul. And in keeping with people not knowing basic Beatles facts, during the course of the interview, the interviewer asks something like “So I hear two of you are married. How's married life treating you John and PAUL?”
That's when I lost respect for the interviewer and the interview itself. It's kind of amusing to see George grow more bored with every passing second, but I'm surprised he didn't walk off right then.
19 September 2010
4 December 2010
So my roommate is watching Made on MTV right and the girl that is being made (I don't know what she is being amde into, it isn't obvious) is on this date with this guy. She asks him “Who's your favorite Beatle?” My ears pick up when I hear the word Beatles like many of you do. So I say (in my head) George but I'm waiting for this guy's answer. He says “I don't knwo his last name but I think his name is Ringo. I mentally face palmed myself.
I guess someone isn't a Beatles fan if you don't remember the name Starr
Thankfully, the girl saw no connection with him. I would have walked out if that was me.
Well we all shine on like the moon, the stars, and the sun.
8 April 2010
Okay, well, we're doing renovations, and we're getting new beds as part of it. I showed mum John's pit bed from Help !, and of course she thought it was awesome. We're now discussing how we would do it.
I seriously hope this happens. It probably won't, but it would be so amazing. I'd probably never leave home though.
7 February 2011
I walked into my great cousin's room today to see a massive Sgt Pepper 's poster, and then Sgt Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band came on my IPod! :O
The Beatles;
Paul John George Ringo and me .. Shannon!
Favourite Beatle;
James Paul McCartney.
19 September 2010
Paulrus said:
Okay, well, we're doing renovations, and we're getting new beds as part of it. I showed mum John's pit bed from Help !, and of course she thought it was awesome. We're now discussing how we would do it.
I seriously hope this happens. It probably won't, but it would be so amazing. I'd probably never leave home though.
That is so Cool. Hope it Happens.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
23 January 2011
Paulrus said:
Okay, well, we're doing renovations, and we're getting new beds as part of it. I showed mum John's pit bed from Help !, and of course she thought it was awesome. We're now discussing how we would do it.
I seriously hope this happens. It probably won't, but it would be so amazing. I'd probably never leave home though.
I really hope that happens! I never would leave home too, but that would be the most awesome bed ever.
19 February 2011
19 September 2010
19 February 2011
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
23 January 2011
7 February 2011
19 September 2010
4 December 2010
I started work experience in my local Waterstone's today (a chain of book shops). I spotted books called PS I Love You , Norwegian Wood and #9 Dream. I think PS I Love You is well known because it became a film and Norwegian Wood is well known because it's good, but still.
I told her I didn’t
19 September 2010
The Walrus said:
I started work experience in my local Waterstone's today (a chain of book shops). I spotted books called PS I Love You , Norwegian Wood and #9 Dream. I think PS I Love You is well known because it became a film and Norwegian Wood is well known because it's good, but still.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
25 November 2010
I read Norwegian Wood because of the title and it wasn't all that great. A lot of people like Murakami, however, so you just might.
I read P.S. I Love You because of the author and less because of the title. That book should have a pink and fluffy dustjacket. It's that much of a chick-lit book. Not great.
4 December 2010
I'm not planning on reading either, maybe Norwegian Wood . I'd thought PS I Love You was about a man who was completely incapable of expressing his feeling appropriately so ended up confession in the post script of a letter, so I was quite disappointed when I read the blurb.
#9 Dream is by David Mitchell, who is a fairly famous author over here (only in literary circles though, he isn't a Rowling or Practchett or Larsson who everybody has heard of, and he's made more famous by the comic of the same name from Peep Show denying that he is the author fairly frequently). I didn't look at the blurb, but one of the copies was damaged so I might be able to grab it for free.
I told her I didn’t
9 June 2010
muffin said:
I met a guy, who plays the bass. He sometimes plays the piano, guitar and rarely also the drums. He writes songs, plays them well – albeit left-handedly, and sings. His name is Paul
Have they rigged the math sum thingie to always be 17 or 9?
1. Really? Or is that just a joke? (I hope it's real)
2. Nah. We only announce it when it's 17 or 9, and sometimes 3. (1+1+1)
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
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