10 May 2011
19 September 2010
Jello said:
Thanks for all the suggestions guys!! I know I can count on BB for some awesome ideas!! I bought three off itunes and recorded specific parts of songs:
All My Loving , I've Just Seen a Face, Taxman , Strawberry Fields mellotron opening, and Hey Jude NaNa's
My iPhone is now Beatley 🙂 I also found this awesome app background if any of you happen to post on BB on iPhones or iPod Touches:
What's the name of the background? I wouldn't mind it.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
21 May 2011
mr. Sun king coming together said:
Jello said:
Thanks for all the suggestions guys!! I know I can count on BB for some awesome ideas!! I bought three off itunes and recorded specific parts of songs:
All My Loving , I've Just Seen a Face, Taxman , Strawberry Fields mellotron opening, and Hey Jude NaNa's
My iPhone is now Beatley 🙂 I also found this awesome app background if any of you happen to post on BB on iPhones or iPod Touches:
What's the name of the background? I wouldn't mind it.
I don't really know the name of it, I found it a while ago on Google doing a random Beatles search. I think to save the picture on an iPhone or iTouch, you tap and hold the picture until a pop up thing says:
Tap Save and it will be saved to your photo album, where you can set it as your app background… Hope this helps
"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"
–John Lennon
19 September 2010
23 January 2011
On my cell phone, I have to record my own. x(
But as of now I have the Na's of Hey Jude for calls (It really gets your attention, especially when you freak out because you think it is playing on the radio) and two recordings for texts, the “Googoog'joob” from I Am The Walrus and “They're dead grotty.” from AHDN .
Great for getting attention, but not for quiet events when you forget to put your phone on silent.
The following people thank Nigel the good dog for this post:
9 June 2010
What I did was take a screenshot. (To take a screenshot on an iPhone or iPod Touch, hold down the “off” button and the “home” button at the same time for about a second.) Then I went to my Camera Roll (yeah, I have a 4th generation iPod Touch. Be jealous.) and selected it. Then I went to Settings and selected “wallpaper.” Finally, I picked that as wallpaper, scaled it, and saved it as “Home Screen.”
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
19 September 2010
MeanMrsMustard said:
What I did was take a screenshot. (To take a screenshot on an iPhone or iPod Touch, hold down the “off” button and the “home” button at the same time for about a second.) Then I went to my Camera Roll (yeah, I have a 4th generation iPod Touch. Be jealous.) and selected it. Then I went to Settings and selected “wallpaper.” Finally, I picked that as wallpaper, scaled it, and saved it as “Home Screen.”
Damn you and your fourth generations!! But I just saved it and set it as my wallpaper.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
7 July 2011
On my phone I can use any mp3 file as a ringtone, so I shuffle between songs every Now And Then . I also use my phone as an alarm clock, I wake up to “Good Morning Good Morning “. 🙂
10 May 2011
Desmond Jones said:
I wake up to “Good Morning Good Morning “. 🙂
Now that is getting a little bit old…………………….
My Music Blog.
One and one don't make two
One and one make one.
25 November 2010
Desmond Jones said:
On my phone I can use any mp3 file as a ringtone, so I shuffle between songs every Now And Then . I also use my phone as an alarm clock, I wake up to “Good Morning Good Morning “. 🙂
I remember they used that on an episode of the Monkees. It got them out of bed really quickly as if they didn't want to hear a second more of it, but you know in real life, they all met and got on OK.
The following people thank StarWisher for this post:
19 September 2010
StarWisher said:
Desmond Jones said:
On my phone I can use any mp3 file as a ringtone, so I shuffle between songs every Now And Then . I also use my phone as an alarm clock, I wake up to “Good Morning Good Morning “. 🙂
I remember they used that on an episode of the Monkees. It got them out of bed really quickly as if they didn't want to hear a second more of it, but you know in real life, they all met and got on OK.
The Monkees had a TV show? And you watched it? SHOCK-ER.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
7 July 2011
McLennonSon said:
Desmond Jones said:
I wake up to “Good Morning Good Morning “. 🙂
Now that is getting a little bit old…………………….
Old? Probably. But I am a deep sleeper, and I went through quite a lot of sounds before I found one that would wake me up. For some reason, the Beatles yelling “Good morning” always does the trick.
StarWisher said:
I remember they used that on an episode of the Monkees. It got them out of bed really quickly as if they didn't want to hear a second more of it, but you know in real life, they all met and got on OK.
I was aware that the Monkees had a T.V. show, but I've never actually seen any of it.
Now then,
I think any Beatles song would make a good ringtone.
4 February 2014
Mine is just the strings from Eleanor Rigby , and when I get a text it’s the first sitar strum in Love To You.
Very Revolvered phone!
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
4 February 2014
Hello fellow forumpudlians! I’m trying to get a few extra dollars together for Rush tickets (money is tight at the moment) so I’m trying various things to get the cash. Found this cool site called Fiverr where people can (and seem to) do anything for $5. I thought this might be a cool way to raise a bit of money, so I created a Beatley gig there!
I’ll be making up to 10 custom Beatles ringtones for $5. If anyone’s interested you can buy them here.
Here are a few examples of ringtones I’ve made in the past. The Eleanor Rigby one is the one I have on my phone. My text tone, which isn’t in the video, is the sitar in the beginning of Love You To .
That can get some strange reactions.
Thanks for reading all this, whether you buy or not!
EDIT: I’m tempted to call them Ringotones.
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
meanmistermustard, Beatlebug7.18pm
28 May 2014
1 May 2011
I would if my phone allowed me to upload ringtones – i have a cheap piece of plastic as i hate mobiles and so am stuck with what it comes with.
The one i would love would start with the drum intro from ‘What You’re Doing ‘ which cuts to later on in the track when the drums come back but with the bass and then the guitar kicks in as well as it runs thru to fade. But i cant.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
28 May 2014
meanmistermustard said
I would if my phone allowed me to upload ringtones – i have a cheap piece of plastic as i hate mobiles and so am stuck with what it comes with.The one i would love would start with the drum intro from ‘What You’re Doing ‘ which cuts to later on in the track when the drums come back but with the bass and then the guitar kicks in as well as it runs thru to fade. But i cant.
I agree a lot. It’s not so much ‘take what you can get’, but there’s so much crap upon crap on a crappy smartphone that costs you so much more in the long run as well as upfront! And that’s not what I want a phone for. I just want to make phone calls! And anyway where I live internet is crap, crap, crap, so what’s the smartphone gonna do for you anyways?
By hook or by crook, I'll be last in this book.
1 May 2011
I dont want 24 hour access to the net + unlimited calls + unlimited texts + a free gibbon for £35 a month. My whole attitude to phones is they are to be used for phone calls; I like being able to disconnect from the world and not being able to check email every 5 minutes or finding out if Putin is about to blow up the World. Additionally i hate social media and have no interest or desire to sign up to any of them so there is no requirement to check updates every 5 minutes.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
4 February 2014
thisbirdhasflown said
I feel like crap now for not buying one, especially as this helps you to get to see Geddy, Alex, and Neil.
No need to feel bad! Just thought I’d share it with you guys in case anyone wanted some tones.
Most of the tickets are sold out now anyway. I think the ones in the back should still be there in about a month, and I should have money by then.
I would gladly do that for you @meanmistermustard! But by the time you have a phone that can use a custom ringtone I might be dead though.
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
28 March 2014
PeterWeatherby said
Alright, so, ‘fess up. Who’s got Beatle-y ringtones on their phones, what are they, and what kind of cool stories do you have about broadcasting these ringtones in public?
I’ve had “Roll Up, Roll Up for the Mystery Tour” as my text ringer for a few years now. I usually get smiles from people when they hear it!
My phone ringer is just the old classic ringing sound.
BEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!
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