7 November 2010
@Ahhh Girl please forgive me / correct me if there is already a thread for this
I’m going to NYC for the first time in November!
Obvious pitstops include the Dakota Building and Strawberry Fields in Central Park. Is it worth travelling out a bit to see Citi Field stadium? (I’m not a baseball fan and it isn’t technically Shea anymore…)
Are there any other Beatle-y places I should check out?
I think it's great you're going through a phase,
and I'm awfully glad it'll all be over in a couple
of days
20 August 2013
Perhaps these?
Ed Sullivan Theater 1697 Broadway
Madison Square Garden 4 Pennsylvania Plaza
Carnegie Hall 881 7th Ave
John Lennon ‘s former penthouse at 434 East 52nd Street (NYC t-shirt pictures, ufo citing) https://www.6sqft.com/john-len…..asks-5-5m/
Grand Central Terminal https://www.beatlesbible.com/2…..york-city/
Looks like some people offer Lennon-related tours https://www.jaredthenyctourgui…..YCTour.htm
One White Street https://www.beatlesbible.com/p…..al-anthem/
Delmonico Hotel (now Trump Park Avenue) 502 Park Avenue Manhattan (where the Beatles and Dylan smoked weed)
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