15 November 2018
Hopefully you won’t have to wait that long
Now it’s time to say good night
Good night, sleep tight
Now the sun turns out his light
Good night, sleep tight
Dream sweet dreams for me
Dream sweet dreams for you. (and Paul)
(and if you’re really lucky…)
One sweet dream
Pick up the bags and get in the limousine
Soon we’ll be away from here
Step on the gas and wipe that tear away
One sweet dream came true today
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
Ahhh Girl, SgtPeppersBulldog, BeatlebugLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
20 August 2013
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
15 November 2018
Ahhh Girl to Paul:
Oh yeah, all right
Are you going to be in my dreams tonight?
Paul to Ahhh Girl:
Yes I will, yes I will, yes I will now
If you want me to, I will
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
Ahhh Girl, SgtPeppersBulldog, BeatlebugLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
20 August 2013
^ Love it
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
50yearslate, BeatlebugCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
20 August 2013
1965 John Lennon and I are paired up in a multi-place race (like The Amazing Race tv show). During this part of the race, we have to run down a slope that has just a bit of the top of a crenelated wall sticking out of the ground. Imagine just about a foot of each “pillar” in this picture sticking up out of the ground.
Orange snakes were crawling all over the pillars. John said that we couldn’t just avoid the snakes. We had to be calm around them. They wouldn’t hurt us as long as we didn’t freak out around them. He told me that we would be tested later in a room to see if we were calm around them so I shouldn’t just try to get to the bottom of the slope as soon as possible while avoiding the snakes because I’d be found out in the end if I hadn’t made peace with the orange snakes.
He also told me that if I reached the bottom of the slope before him, to WAIT for him. I was not to leave without him for any reason! (Yes, you may sing “Wait till I come back to your side”)
We started off down the slope. I wanted to make peace with the snakes, but I just couldn’t. I yelled behind me to tell John that I was at peace with the snakes. (cue “tell me why you cried, and why you lied to me”). I kept promising myself that I would be strong enough to be calm when I was in a room with the snakes. I got down to the bottom of the slope so fast.
At the bottom of the slope, I was met by some half-human/half-robot people/things that offered me a hovercraft looking pod that would take me in comfort and style to the next destination for the race. I didn’t take them up on it. I stood there waiting for John.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, SgtPeppersBulldog, 50yearslate, The Hole Got Fixed, Beatlebug, ScarlettFieldsForever, GetbackintheussrCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 January 2017
15 November 2018
I love that you had to “make peace” with the snakes.
Also, doing the Amazing Race with a Beatle would be fantastic.
(… I guess Paul was unavailable to be your partner?)
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
Ahhh Girl, SgtPeppersBulldog, BeatlebugLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
20 August 2013
I’ve never met a snake that I’d make peace with. No. Just no. Won’t happen. Sorry, John.
Good question as to where Mr. McCartney was.
And Google’s doodle today has 2 snakes – ick – snakes do not equal love to probably a majority of people on this planet.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, 50yearslate, BeatlebugCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
15 November 2018
Ahhh Girl said
And Google’s doodle today has 2 snakes – ick – snakes do not equal love to probably a majority of people on this planet.
@Ahhh Girl I believe those are worms.
Last night I had a dream that involved George playing Miss O’Dell– that’s all I remember though. Oh, and I woke up with That Is All in my head.
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
Beatlebug, SgtPeppersBulldogLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
20 August 2013
Worms? You think?
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
15 February 2015
Yes, @Ahhh Girl. they’re worms, and there are also ladybugs and spiders. It’s a ‘small and cute garden invertebrates’ theme, I think.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
50yearslate, Ahhh Girl, SgtPeppersBulldog([{BRACKETS!}])
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15 November 2018
It’s definitely cute, but Pangolin Love was better.
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
Beatlebug, SgtPeppersBulldogLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
20 August 2013
OK. Worms. But they remind me of snakes.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
18 March 2013
I had a dream last night that I was at a Paul concert with my 2 good friends. We were sitting front row (wherever we got the cash, who knows), and just slightly off to the right. Anyhoo he’s in between 2 songs and is doing his little talky bits when out of nowhere I yell
Which if you don’t know, comes from this video:
And Paul said “who said that?”, made the staff turn on the house light and I waved at him. He then looked at his band as if he was going to play Searchin’ but they all shrugged and looked like they had no idea what it was.
To my disbelief he actually walked down to my row right in front of me and said “where’d you get that from?”, and I replied “well I’ve always been a big fan of yours, Paul”. He laughed and we nattered about something and then I said “you know I was at the Paris gig you did a few months back (I wasn’t), and you should have played ‘Où est le soleil’ instead of Michelle “. He laughed again (Dream-Paul must think I’m hilarious) and said “maybe next time”. So, finally I said, “I guess you better be getting back up there”, and gestured towards the stage, and he said “yeah I better”. “But before you go”, I finished, “could you sign my magazine?” (it was like a Girl Talk Magazine except with a Paul cover which would never happen IRL but alright). He said, “of course I will” and wrote down:
‘To ASJ,
Thanks for being such a great fan all these years,
Lots of love,
Paul McCartney xxxxxxx
P.S It’s Duncan’s birthday’
And I thought, who the hell is Duncan? So I yelled, “wait Paul, who’s Duncan?” and he pointed at some guy who worked for him with short, blond, curly hair. I shouted at Duncan “hey Duncan, they say it’s your birthday!”. Paul got on stage and launched into Birthday which was an incredibly bizarre ending to my dream but utterly fantastic.
At one point he couldn’t remember the words to Birthday so he looked at me and I helped, you owe me one McCartney.
The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, ScarlettFieldsForever, Getbackintheussr, Getbackintheussr, Ahhh Girl, 50yearslate, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
13 January 2019
I had a really weird dream last night:
So Paul and Ringo were having a double birthday party at a hotel in New York, and I had been invited to bake the birthday cake, even though I lived on a different continent. When I finished baking the cake, I went to this cafe where the owner gave me a children’s book and said “You’re going to need this”. I took the book and ran to the airport with the cake. I checked the cake in, and went to the security line. The whole time, Revolution 9 was playing at the airport.
At security, there was this gang of around 20 people wearing white masks. They were caught because they had this chemical in their masks that would cause the plane to glow in the dark. There was an announcement saying we had to wait 5 more hours before everything was clear. At that moment, the book that the guy from the cafe gave me started to shake violently. John and a chicken popped out of the book.
“I know you’re John Lennon , but who is this chicken?” I said.
“That’s George,” said John, “He plays guitar.”
“I also sing!” the chicken said in George Harrison ‘s voice.
“Don’t forget the purple potato keys!” John whispered before disappearing.
I reached into my pocket and found the ‘purple potato keys’, and I gave it to the security people. They escorted me on to a private plane, where Martha was the pilot. The plane landed, and I got to the entrance of the hotel. I had to sit in this spinning chair for a few minutes before I could get in. When I got in, Paul hugged me and invited me on stage with him, where he was singing. Ringo was also on stage, exercising in bike shorts.
I looked closer at Ringo and realized he looked like an older version of my math teacher. In fact, he was my math teacher’s father.
I asked Paul about it and he said Ringo never existed. Paul played drums on all Beatles songs. Ringo was a myth.
The following people thank Getbackintheussr for this post:
50yearslate, 50yearslate, Ahhh Girl, ScarlettFieldsForever, The Hole Got Fixed, Beatlebug, SgtPeppersBulldogP E A C E & L O V E
Without going out of my door, I can know all things on Earth...
15 November 2018
That’s INSANE. George is a chicken? Martha is an airplane pilot? Ringo never existed? Crazy stuff
I wish I had dreams like that…
Oh, and I didn’t know Zak Starkey was your math teacher.
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
Getbackintheussr, BeatlebugLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
20 August 2013
Getbackintheussr said
I had a really weird dream last night:So Paul and Ringo were having a double birthday party at a hotel in New York, and I had been invited to bake the birthday cake, even though I lived on a different continent. When I finished baking the cake, I went to this cafe where the owner gave me a children’s book and said “You’re going to need this”. I took the book and ran to the airport with the cake. I checked the cake in, and went to the security line. The whole time, Revolution 9 was playing at the airport.
At security, there was this gang of around 20 people wearing white masks. They were caught because they had this chemical in their masks that would cause the plane to glow in the dark. There was an announcement saying we had to wait 5 more hours before everything was clear. At that moment, the book that the guy from the cafe gave me started to shake violently. John and a chicken popped out of the book.
“I know you’re John Lennon , but who is this chicken,” I said.
“That’s George,” said John, “He plays guitar.”
“I also sing!” the chicken said in George Harrison ‘s voice.
“Don’t forget the purple potato keys!” John whispered before disappearing.
I reached into my pocket and found the ‘purple potato keys’, and I gave it to the security people. They escorted me on to a private plane, where Martha was the pilot. The plane landed, and I got to the entrance of the hotel. I had to sit in this spinning chair for a few minutes before I could get in. When I got in, Paul hugged me and invited me on stage with him, where he was singing. Ringo also on stage, exercising in bike shorts (because that’s a thing you do on your birthday).
I looked closer at Ringo and realized he looked like an older version of my math teacher. In fact, he was my math teacher’s father.
I asked Paul about it and he said Ringo never existed. Paul played drums on all Beatles songs. Ringo was a myth.
Don’t tell that last sentence to @Billy Rhythm . LOL.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
GetbackintheussrCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
19 December 2018
Getbackintheussr said
I had a really weird dream last night:So Paul and Ringo were having a double birthday party at a hotel in New York, and I had been invited to bake the birthday cake, even though I lived on a different continent. When I finished baking the cake, I went to this cafe where the owner gave me a children’s book and said “You’re going to need this”. I took the book and ran to the airport with the cake. I checked the cake in, and went to the security line. The whole time, Revolution 9 was playing at the airport.
At security, there was this gang of around 20 people wearing white masks. They were caught because they had this chemical in their masks that would cause the plane to glow in the dark. There was an announcement saying we had to wait 5 more hours before everything was clear. At that moment, the book that the guy from the cafe gave me started to shake violently. John and a chicken popped out of the book.
“I know you’re John Lennon , but who is this chicken,” I said.
“That’s George,” said John, “He plays guitar.”
“I also sing!” the chicken said in George Harrison ‘s voice.
“Don’t forget the purple potato keys!” John whispered before disappearing.
I reached into my pocket and found the ‘purple potato keys’, and I gave it to the security people. They escorted me on to a private plane, where Martha was the pilot. The plane landed, and I got to the entrance of the hotel. I had to sit in this spinning chair for a few minutes before I could get in. When I got in, Paul hugged me and invited me on stage with him, where he was singing. Ringo also on stage, exercising in bike shorts (because that’s a thing you do on your birthday).
I looked closer at Ringo and realized he looked like an older version of my math teacher. In fact, he was my math teacher’s father.
I asked Paul about it and he said Ringo never existed. Paul played drums on all Beatles songs. Ringo was a myth.
Gosh this gave me so much laughter in the early morningHighlights: Revolution 9 and George the Chicken(I’m trying to imagine him!)
The following people thank ScarlettFieldsForever for this post:
Getbackintheussr, BeatlebugA girl with kaleidoscope eyes...
15 November 2018
ScarlettFieldsForever said
Gosh this gave me so much laughter in the early morning
Highlights: Revolution 9 and George the Chicken
George the Singing, Guitar-playing Chicken, no less.
(I’m trying to imagine him!)
Maybe something like this?
In this photo, George Harrihen records Hey Bulldog in the studio while enjoying a tasty snack of beetles um, hanging out with the other Beatles.
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
Getbackintheussr, Beatlebug, ScarlettFieldsForever, Ahhh Girl, SgtPeppersBulldogLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
27 November 2016
Such a weird and vivid dream!
George Harrihen is a hilarious name!
I wonder what the purple potato keys were inspired by…
The following people thank The Hole Got Fixed for this post:
Beatlebug, 50yearslate, Getbackintheussr, Ahhh Girl#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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