9 October 2013
Hi all. I wonder if anyone has ever delved into what myriad projects Apple were working on when everything fell apart?
Back in 1977 I became friends with one of the great but relatively un-sung British comic artists…Brian Lewis. I visited his little studio, and he gave me a small pile of original art pages (Captain Condor, Georgie’s Germs, Suicide Six etc), AND a presentation piece for a proposed animated feature, being produced in the basement at Apple! I remember him saying that it was a mad environment, with girls crawling into through windows to try and see the Beatles.
I have NEVER seen mention of this feature, or this art, ever again, anywhere. Its a kids film. My picture has a kid, an old-school knight-in-armour, a robot and a horse all peering into a cave, where a great sleeping dragon is just waking up. I think its the adventure is of the kid and his robot going back in time into a magical medieval world.
Sadly Brian died very shortly thereafter, and I never learned any more about the film. Anyone out there interested in following -up?
29 August 2013
Hmm – I don’t have a list but over the years they have been one of the most frustrating distributors I have heard of – so many cool projects announced and never seeing the light of day, so many things they should do and don’t, so many things they actually do and stuff up …
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
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