19 September 2010
Okay, I hadn't a clue you speak in a British accent. So, I'm not Rupert Murdoch (yet anyways!!), but it was all a joke. Now, in terms of Von needing to get drunk first. That's straight from a 70's TV show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show. In one of the episodes, Lou (the boss) is in his office, and Mary (the worker) comes in and says “Can I talk to you?” Lou said, “how long will this be?” Mary: “Not long.” Lou: “Okay, I only need a bit (while pouring a glass of scotch).” Glad you liked it.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
9 July 2011
19 September 2010
Okay, me and M3 have been doing a little set of letters together. Here's the first one. (I'm an Apple employee. 1969)
Dear M3,
They're done. The Beatles are finished. They had a meeting at the office, and Lennon said it's over. I shouldn't have listened, but I couldn't stop. It was riveting, in a depressing way. Lennon was so forceful and strong, in a way I'd never seen him before. Paul and Allen told him to shut up in public about this, but it's over. You can't say anything, of course, but their upcoming album will most likely be it. Attached to this letter I'm sending over a LP of the January sessions. This was almost released in July, but they scrapped the release. Listening to it, I see why. I have some other bootlegs, but I don't want to have to deal with cross – Atlantic shipping more than I already do. George is already talking of his solo career – he told me yesterday that he was planning at least a double album. This letter will not be my last, but, it may be last I send from Apple. Allen Klein is going on a firing binge, firing everyone he can. I heard Evan joke about an assassination plot in the staff room. Actually, I just got some news. Paul is going to record a 45 tomorrow, and he just informed me that I could have one of the 25 copies he's making. I'll see if I can get you one. Until then, enjoy the record,
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
9 June 2010
Here's my bit! 😀
Dear Evan,
You better as heck not be joking again like the time you said Brian Wilson, Mick Jagger, and Paul Simon were going to record a double LP with John and George.
If you are: I will never believe another word you say for the rest of your life.
If you aren't: Maybe I'd rather you are. I… I can't think. It's earth-shattering, really. I couldn't be more surprised if a UFO fell out of the sky and crushed my house.
Reminiscing time. I know how you get when I start getting all nostalgic, but I really need to vent. Deal with it or don't read it.
I remember the first time you sent me a Beatles record. It was “Paperback Writer “/”Rain .” I can't believe that I was able to not know who they were for two years. Looking back, I think it was probably a stroke of luck that I got kicked out of that stupid private school. When I listened to that record, I was blown away. I couldn't believe that the same group recorded both songs. It was just incredible. Of course, I played it endlessly all night long. The next day, I ran to the record store and bought every Beatles record they had. I think your British pressings are about five hundred times better, though. All in all, it was great when you got that job at Apple. (By the way, I still can't thank you enough for that advance copy of the White Album — how were you able to get your hands on copy number nine?) I was incredibly jealous when you told me you were a junior sound engineer– for the Beatles, no less! I had half a mind to fly over to London and steal your job. (Just kidding! Youknow I can't stand aeroplanes.)
I haven't given that Paul record a listen yet, but I will once I put this in the mailbox.
Give my love to Jeanette! Hope you escape the firing spree. Sorry that Klein's a jackass.
Patricia M.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
19 September 2010
Dear Patricia
You crack me up. Whenever would I, your trusted friend, lie to you? Although the gossip mill is saying Wilson is teetering on the edge of collapse from all those drugs. I’ll write again with details. And speaking of UFO’s, did I ever tell you about when John came to the studio all insane because he thought he saw a UFO? He was so funny. I remember the session – we were trying to do And Your Bird Can Sing , and John and Paul just kept cracking up doing the takes. It was a fun day at Number 2. You know I hate reminiscing, right? Although, sometimes, a trip down memory lane is good. I still remember when I first heard And I Love Her . I was in my car with my folks, and this guitar work just captivated me. Still does whenever I hear it. Oh, I realised I screwed up my last letter – it’s Darren who joked about the assassination, not me. I gave your love to Jean, and she sends her’s back. And of course, say hello to Lionel for me. He’s a good chap, Lionel. You’re lucky. I’ve got an advance copy of Abbey Road on my desk for you – the 5th made. I’ll send this as soon as I get the box. Always a pleasure,
(Jeanette? Thanks!!)
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
9 June 2010
Sorry about being so slow. It can be hard to kick small children off the computer.
Dear Evan,
Wow. Really? I mean, I noticed when he was getting chubby, but I never thought he'd get this close to the edge. I guess you never know.
Loved the UFO story. It sounds like exactly the type of thing John would do. I know I've never met him, but I feel like I've gotten to know him from his songs, and of course your letters! Even though every letter makes me more and more jealous.
Ba-da-da-da, (clave, clave) ba-da-da-da…
I guess that I could probably try to overcome my fear of flying for you guys. Your family is seriously the best. I don't know how your mother manages to make the food she does, but it's seriously amazing. I'll probably be trying not to think of it when the plane takes off and I reach for the barf bag.
Darren is such a joker. Hope he escaped the round of layoffs. I sometimes worry about him. Someday, that big, hilarious mouth of his will land him in trouble.
Abbey Road ? Isn't that the street by the recording studios? Where the Beatles get their album/song/etc. ideas, I will never know. Guess I'll have another reason to camp out by the post office.
By the way, I listened to that McCartney record. I predict that Paul will continue to amaze all of us with what he manages to pull out of that pretty little head of his– although it seems like it's not so pretty on the inside anymore!
I'll give Lionel your greetings. I agree. He is a good chap.
I'll also ask my parents if I can visit you in August for your birthday. Now all I have to do is think of a present for someone who can give me a better one any day.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
19 September 2010
Wilson's certainly out. A friend from the American Apple just called me. Although Jagger and Simon are arriving to start the album on Friday.
John is quite the fellow. You can never know what will come out of his mouth next. Oh, and did I tell you the time he took LSD during a session? We were doing Sgt. Pepper , and John went to the bathroom. When he returned, he wasn't feeling well. The funny part is is that George Martin, the producer, took him to the roof, completely ignorant about the reason for the illness. Oh John.
You know, I sometimes joke with my mother about why she didn't become a chef. She certainly has the talent. But yes, food and takeoff aren't the smartest mix.
Oh, Darren will be fine. He does to much top work for Klein to consider firing him. Anyways, he and George have too good of a friendship. After all, the four Beatles to have veto.
Oh yes, Abbey Road is the street, although that's also the unofficial name around the office for the studio. I'm hearing a rumour EMI might re name the studio, though.
Jean says hello. She also wanted me to ask you if you had any idea what to wear to a graduation (her brother).
Oh, you coming over here would be enough of a present, dear. Although, speaking of presents, Klein got me to run off 10 copies of a proposed new Beatles album today. I snagged a few of the extras, with one for you.
I must wrap this up, I want to get home. As always,
PS: Looks like Mick and Marianne aren't together anymore. Little bit of advance gossip.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
9 June 2010
Here's the last one.
You are such a joker. I'm definitely going to eat crow if the double album actually happens.
Speaking of John, is it true he's planning to move to New York? I know where my next vacation will be.
By the way– mother said yes! I'm hoping to get there by the 16th, and just stay until school starts.
Tell Jean to wear that nice red skirt of hers with a short-sleeved blouse. It's hard to believe he's graduating already!
About that Abbey Road album you sent — it was amazing! I've said it before, but you're a seriously lucky guy to work with the Beatles. Who came up with that “songs strung together” thing on side two? Also, the endings of both sides made me jump.
Sorry the letter's short, but we'll be able to reconnect more in August.
OK, I'm seriously dying to see what you guys think.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
19 September 2010
9 June 2010
19 September 2010
Boy, for what I expected to be a huge crowd-pleasure, I’m way off. Not even crickets. I have another one, and it would please me greatly to get some feedback. Here goes:
New story.
“Um, Patricia, we just won 8 tickets, airfare and hotel for a Paul concert in Montreal on the 27th of July”. That was how Patricia, (M3 to her Internet pals) heard she would be getting to see Paul once again. And, there were two tickets left. Patricia, wanting to meet her Internet companion, asked fellow BB’er Evan if he wanted the seats. However, Evan, in a mystery akin to Conan Doyle, turned her down, saying, “I couldn’t take these seats. I’ll have just seen him the night before. Keep them.” M3 was so shocked, so confused, so utterly in denial, that she then asked if he had any ideas for ticket takers. “Zig. He lives within a reasonable drive, has never seen Paul, and frankly, f***ing deserves this more then me.” The next day, M3 asked Zig, saying Evan had had first crack and told her to give them to you. When Zig read that line about Evan, he then sent Evan this PM:
Mr. S,
M3 told me about the Paul tickets. I accepted, and I was going to PM you the news until I read that you were the one who told M3 to give me the tickets. You rock! Because of you, I’m going to see Paul. Me and M3 are going to tell the forum now. I can’t believe you would turn down tickets to Paul.
As always,
And while the forum erupted with happiness for the two of them, neither of them mentioned the fact that Evan had had first shot at the tickets. On the 26th, the night Evan was to see Paul, he asked Zig why no one mentioned it. “Me and M3 said that we would keep that quiet until closer to the day. We wanted to get the attention on us, and then give it to you. It wasn’t an insult – it was a compliment.” And when Evan returned from Paul, he saw only 1 new topic (rare for a 11 hour absence). When he opened it, it had some of the most lavish praise he had ever seen for him. It was beautiful. “After the greatest concert I’ll probably ever see, seeing that was a thing of beauty,” gushed Evan. Zig, for his part, said only this, “he’s a good kid. He should enjoy it.”
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
8 April 2010
How did I not see the letters one? I loved it, as always. Did you plan it all beforehand, and wrote it around a sort of 'plot', or was it off-the-cuff? Either way, it was great.
The new one is, again, awesome. I love some of the phrases you use, like the “in a mystery akin to Arthur Conan Doyle”. I thought it was a nice little reference chucked in there.
Incidentally, is there a particular reason you chose Patricia as M3s name? Is it named after a person/character, or was it just a name you chose randomly?
19 September 2010
I PM’d her with the idea, and then we just ad-libbed the rest. As for her being named Patricia, there’s a story behind it that I can’t remember. If I think of it, I’ll post it.
Edit: It was just the first female name to pop into my head when I did my first M3 story. And then it just stuck.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
9 June 2010
mr. Sun king coming together said:
I PM'd her with the idea, and then we just ad-libbed the rest. As for her being named Patricia, there's a story behind it that I can't remember. If I think of it, I'll post it.
Edit: It was just the first female name to pop into my head when I did my first M3 story. And then it just stuck.
1. Yeah, that was fun. 😀
2. I didn't remember that. I think what I took it from was Polythene Pam (Mr. Mustard's “sister”), whose real name was Pat. 😀
Also, sorry about the silence. My iPod has been grumpy about this site.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
13 September 2010
To be completely honest I didn't like it all that much. The form of how you right it makes it pretty hard to read which is what first throws me off. The second thing has been showing up a lot in your stories as of late. They all seem to have the same basic plot save for a few. The person in the story either wins or by a stroke of luck get's to meet a Beatle or go to one of their concerts. Maybe try something a little different, maybe more of a period piece. Or you could even go early into the Beatles career too, which would be really awesome. And for a lot of them, they all seem to be the same people. Not that I mind reading an occasional story including M3, Paulrus, or you, but lately it seems to be mostly those people. I would love to see you make up your own characters because I can tell they would be dynamic characters. Also I guess I was expecting a little bit more since you went to New York recently and I thought you would have some strong feelings since you visited Strawberry Fields and the Dakota. So there ends my long feedback message. (You said you wanted feedback this time, so there ya go.)
"I am definitely a mad man with a box."- Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor of Doctor Who (Episode 1 Season 5: The Eleventh Hour)
19 September 2010
Well, if that is how you feel, then why don’t I just change up the game then? Hamburg, 1960, Klaus Voorman’s night in the Reeporbahn (I will admit now that some of these German places and names may be misspelled. I just woke up, and the names/place spellings aren’t at my fingertips). (And since I know zero German, all the conversations will be written in English, even if it seems like they shouldbe German. Live with it). Here goes:
“Oh Klaus, just get away from me. I don’t want to talk, it’s late, just get out. Just go.” Those words, from the lips of one Astrid Kirchherr, forced her boyfriend, Klaus Voorman from her house, setting off a chain of events that no one could have predicted. Klaus wandered to this seedy part of Hamburg, where he heard this music. Intrigued, he went in, and when he started talking to a member of the group, John Lennon , he was told, in no uncertain terms, to stop bothering him and talk to Stuart, because he’s “the artsy one”. However, just when Klaus left the bar, Lennon started up a conversation with him at the top of the stairs. “And then, all of a sudden, he punched me in the face! Just like that! Either he was more drunk then he was putting out there, or he is just a huge freaking son of a *****.” Lennon, plastered beyond belief, got Stuart to rely an apology. But when Klaus brought Astrid, boy, Lennon was mad. “I was out of my mind, thinking ‘how could he get Astrid?’ She was beautiful, and I wanted her.” But, he wasn’t the only one with an eye for Astrid. Stuart Sutcliffe was also pretty madly in love. Lots of ideas have been formulated as to why Stuart left the group. Here is another. Astrid gave Stuart an ultimatum, saying either you stop playing with the band or you let John have me as his girlfriend. Astros believed that by Stuart and John wanting the same girlfriend, it was counterintuitive for them. “I just said, ‘it’s me or the group. And if it’s the group, John will tale me.’ So he quit.” John was pleased that the band could reach greater hights now, he also wrote a song, never mentioned after Stuart’s death, entitled, “The Lucky Man”, a song that only few know exist. But, I won’t bore you with the lyrics now. That, my friends, is the true story of the Beatles in Hamburg.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
19 September 2010
If there is ever one story I would want feedback on, this latest one is it. Completely fiction, no BB’er at all. Please comment, and enjoy:
John Lennon was dead. That was the news, delivered with passion and emotion by the brilliant Howard Cosell, was a shock like no other to Jeremy Goodall, a 18 year old New Yorker, living on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. That night, as hundreds upon hundreds of New Yorkers rushed to the Dakota, Jeremy resisted his temptations, instead calling his friend in Montreal, Jean Francois, for comfort and solace. “Jean, did you hear? Lennon’s dead.” “Jeremy, I was watching the football game. It was a boring game, and then Cosell just dropped that bombshell. There’s going to be a big gathering for him tomorrow.” “Oh, on Dorchester, at that record shop?” “Yep, at that record store. But they renamed that street. Named it for that bloody, bloody separatist.” “Oh, um, Levesque?” “That’s the guy. But yes, that store.” “Make sure you go – and think of me there. I have to go – remember how Greg is in town? He’s here.” And as soon as Greg entered the house, he and Jeremy embraced, meeting for the first time since Jeremy moved down to New York with his parents from Montreal to New York 3 years earlier. “Greg, you haven’t a clue how nice it is to see you again. I only wish we hadn’t met for the first time right after John’s de, um, ath.” There, Jeremy just broke down, crying like a baby. “I mean, he just returned to the spotlight! He was finally what we all thought he would be when he was a Beatle. He’s finally back in the public eye, and then a b*****d killed him,” Jeremy continued through tears. “It’s not fair. It’s just not.” “Well, actually, I know who shot him. I passed an off duty cop in Central park as I walked through the park. They have the guy. His name is Mark David Chapman. And yes, he is a b*****d. By the way, who were you talking to when I got here?” “Jean. I need to make a trip back to Montreal soon.” “Well, Jeremy, I also have some news. I am moving to Ottawa straight after NYC. So is Jean. We’re going to share an apartment in the Glebe.” And with that, Greg left, having shattered the last remaining semblance of reality Jeremy had. A Beatle was dead, his friends were moving, his old street in Montreal had been renamed the name of a hated enemy. What was still as it was? For Jeremy, he took solace in the last song of the White Album , Good Night . Jeremy hated the song, until he heard it again after he died. It seemed like he was saying goodbye to the world, and gave Jeremy the emotional response and saviour he required. Finally, he learned the only good news of the last little while. His ability to turn his feelings into lyrics, which had left him around Lennon’s 40th Birthday in October, returned. And then, he struck the jackpot. As he was playing a little show at the New York Hard Rock Cafe, he was glancing through the audience, where he saw George Harrison , who was in town for a series of meetings with Warner, EMI and Apple. And, after delivering a heart wrenching version of Long Long Long, ending the concert, George went to the stage and met Jeremy. “Hey, nice show, mate. And yes, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. I missed your name – it is…” “Jeremy’s the name, Mr. Harrison. It means a lot that you saw me.” “Well, actually, you should thank your friends, Jeremy. They got me here. Look, it was a great show. And here they are now.” “Well Jeremy, looks like New York agrees with you,” Jean said, seeing him for the first time in 3 years. “Well, I can’t say the say about Ottawa,” replied Jeremy, embracing Jean. They spent the rest of the night swapping stories, and perhaps more importantly, sharing the story behind George’s appearance.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
1 May 2010
19 September 2010
mithveaen said:
That's nice.. I know many people who had that reaction when John died…
This was my conscious attempt to write a story incorporating the feeling (and new knowledge) of NYC. I wonder what Paulrus. Here more then ever I want lots of feedback. So please, give it all.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
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