13 November 2009
Marcelo said:
Well, my least favourite song is “Run For Your Life “, and that’s beacause I’m not a native english speaker, so, when I really pay attention to the lyrics, they shocked me very much. Some time later I found that John hated it too. But I must say that Paul’s “granny music” and George’s “raga-rock” really annoys me.
I’m not sure that ‘Run For Your Life ‘ is meant to be taken literally – I don’t think John would actually murder a cheating lover! It’s just a silly story like Maxwell’s Silver Hammer , which John also hated. Come to think of it, the only songs I can think of that John actually liked after the breakup were ‘All My Loving ‘, ‘Yer Blues ‘ and ‘Come Together ‘.
My least favourite song is ‘Revolution 9 ‘ which needs no explanation. My least favourite real song would be ‘Good Night ‘ – it’s just too slow and there’s no guitars or drums (the same as ‘Eleanor Rigby ‘ but that’s faster so I like that one). The White Album was such a mixed album but I’d say it was my favourite just because of its variety and the fact it has the most songs. Saying that, I still like Rev 9 and Good Night when I’m in the mood.
14 December 2009
“Roll Over Beethoven ” is a good song, classic Chuck Berry, but George was undoubtedly the wrong Beatle to sing it – he had the least Rock ‘N’ Roll spirit of any of them. Also, it sounds as though he messed up the intro.
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
4 April 2010
I hated the “cheeriness” of All Too Much. Don’t Pass Me By was a swing and a miss. Hello Goodbye is a good song… instrumentally. The lyrics are horrible. But the one that tops them all is Strawberry Fields Forever . It just, doesn’t make any sense.
"The best band? The Beatles. The most overrated band? The Beatles."
13 November 2009
MrBig said:
I hated the “cheeriness” of All Too Much. Don’t Pass Me By was a swing and a miss. Hello Goodbye is a good song… instrumentally. The lyrics are horrible. But the one that tops them all is Strawberry Fields Forever . It just, doesn’t make any sense.
You don’t like Strawberry Fields Forever ! I can’t understand that one. One of the greatest masterpieces of all time. John was on fire in ’66 and ’67. So many great songs.
20 February 2010
Least Favourite songs? Well lets see
1. “Dig it”
2. “Her Majesty “
3. Cry Baby Cry
4. Revolution 9
5. Yer Blues only because the lyrics are depressing, but the music is great
6. I Will
10. Love You Too
11. Eleanor Rigby
12. Yes It Is
I am the walrus that lives in a yellow submarine because I like to be in an octopus' garden
7 April 2010
Woo! First post! Hi everypeoples!
I’m not a big fan of the early stuff; Most of Please Please Me and like, half of With The Beatles i don’t really listen to. (Ironically enough, I Saw Her Standing There is in my top ten.)
Hard Day’s Night, excellent. Things We Said Today isn’t great, but not bad.
Mr. Moonlight, Kansas City /Hey, and I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party are not so good on For Sale; i dunno, guess some covers i’m not a fan of, and The lyrics on Party don’t really do it for me.
Help !’s pretty fine, though Johns voice on It’s Only Love doesn’t sit with me well.
Rubber Soul , My favorite Album, ain’t got nuthin bad on it. Wait seems like a filler song, but still, catchy. We Can Work It Out is sorta tedious, and slow for my taste.
She Said She Said is my only beef about Revolver , it’s just kinda boring in a way.
Sgt. Pepper : …um, duh? MOVING ON…
You Mother Should Know. Ugh. This one’s on the top of the list. It’s just wierd, in a not Beatles-cool-wierd, just wierd. And Paul’s voice just kinda creeps me out.
The White Album , with double the tunes, has a bit that i don’t enjoy. Bungalow Bill has a slow, monotonous feel to it. As a big Georgie fan, I might like Long, Long, Long , if i could actually hear his voice a little better. And of course Revolution 9 is on my list of things that give me nightmares.
Yellow Submarine fine and dandy. i don’t listen to the Symphony ones, but that doesn’t mean i don’t like them. Gives A very good background for the movie.
I Want You’s a little long for me, but i do like the sudden cut at the end.
The only thing i don’t like about Maggie Mae is that it’s so short. I realy like the feel of it, and i’d like it to be a full length song.
Hey, i’m hard to please.
Writing fifty times, "I must not be soo-oo-o-ooo."
21 August 2009
Beetle said:
Woo! First post! Hi everypeoples!
I’m not a big fan of the early stuff; Most of Please Please Me and like, half of With The Beatles i don’t really listen to. (Ironically enough, I Saw Her Standing There is in my top ten.)
Hard Day’s Night, excellent. Things We Said Today isn’t great, but not bad.
Mr. Moonlight, Kansas City /Hey, and I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party are not so good on For Sale; i dunno, guess some covers i’m not a fan of, and The lyrics on Party don’t really do it for me.
Help !’s pretty fine, though Johns voice on It’s Only Love doesn’t sit with me well.
Rubber Soul , My favorite Album, ain’t got nuthin bad on it. Wait seems like a filler song, but still, catchy. We Can Work It Out is sorta tedious, and slow for my taste.
She Said She Said is my only beef about Revolver , it’s just kinda boring in a way.
Sgt. Pepper : …um, duh? MOVING ON…
You Mother Should Know. Ugh. This one’s on the top of the list. It’s just wierd, in a not Beatles-cool-wierd, just wierd. And Paul’s voice just kinda creeps me out.
The White Album , with double the tunes, has a bit that i don’t enjoy. Bungalow Bill has a slow, monotonous feel to it. As a big Georgie fan, I might like Long, Long, Long , if i could actually hear his voice a little better. And of course Revolution 9 is on my list of things that give me nightmares.
Yellow Submarine fine and dandy. i don’t listen to the Symphony ones, but that doesn’t mean i don’t like them. Gives A very good background for the movie.
I Want You’s a little long for me, but i do like the sudden cut at the end.
The only thing i don’t like about Maggie Mae is that it’s so short. I realy like the feel of it, and i’d like it to be a full length song.
Hey, i’m hard to please.
Welcome, Beetle!
Hope to see you around the threads!
Aiyee! I agree with some on your list, but not liking She Said She Said ! The horror! (screams, bells and whistles) Try listening to Ringo just play the hell out of his skins! It’s fantastic- a notable piece for drums, one of my favourites. Focus on that, give it another go?
Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!
She Said She Said was stated by Harrison to be his favorite on Revolver . IMO some of the most enjoyable guitar licks on the album. Worst song is hands down Mr. Moonlight. Please Please Me is a great album, recognized at the time for it’s innovation of containing so many _good_ songs, rather than just a hit or two and the rest filler.
15 February 2010
I have to say it… I kind of hate “Here, There And Everywhere .” I think it’s so damn boring! I think I actually hate each of Paul’s contributions to Revolver .
Other than that, I’ll have to give this more thought…
5 February 2010
RonnieRIG said:
I have to say it… I kind of hate “Here, There And Everywhere .” I think it’s so damn boring! I think I actually hate each of Paul’s contributions to Revolver .
Other than that, I’ll have to give this more thought…
Tim Riley singles out HT&E in his book Tell me Why as possibly being Macca’s most picture-perfect song ever. Lyrically and musically, it’s incredibly well-crafted. I’ll have to post a snippet or two from Riley’s analysis here and see if it doesn’t give you a bit of a different perspective. I can understand why you might find it “boring” just on an aesthetic level; it’s kind of slow, and other than some straight guitar chords and backing vocals, there’s not a lot going on; but structurally, I think it’s downright brilliant (and as an undying romantic, I happen to really like the sweet simplicity of the arrangement and the way it supports the tender sentiments of the lyric).
Not a bit like Cagney.
15 February 2010
PeterWeatherby said:
RonnieRIG said:
I have to say it… I kind of hate “Here, There And Everywhere .” I think it’s so damn boring! I think I actually hate each of Paul’s contributions to Revolver .
Other than that, I’ll have to give this more thought…
Tim Riley singles out HT&E in his book Tell me Why as possibly being Macca’s most picture-perfect song ever. Lyrically and musically, it’s incredibly well-crafted. I’ll have to post a snippet or two from Riley’s analysis here and see if it doesn’t give you a bit of a different perspective. I can understand why you might find it “boring” just on an aesthetic level; it’s kind of slow, and other than some straight guitar chords and backing vocals, there’s not a lot going on; but structurally, I think it’s downright brilliant (and as an undying romantic, I happen to really like the sweet simplicity of the arrangement and the way it supports the tender sentiments of the lyric).
The song as it’s self is fine – but to me, it just seems to be lacking something. The lyrics are good, the backing vocals are fine – but I think it could have been done differently. Actually, I think if it was acoustic I may even like it better.
5 February 2010
26 January 2010
RonnieRIG said:
I have to say it… I kind of hate “Here, There And Everywhere .” I think it’s so damn boring! I think I actually hate each of Paul’s contributions to Revolver .
Other than that, I’ll have to give this more thought…
Thats a bold statement! I can understand you not liking certain songs but to say you hate them is hard to believe especially if your a big Beatles fan which i presume you are being on this forum.
Paul’s contributions to Revolver are surely amongst the greatest songs he ever wrote. Even John who was Paul’s harshest critic, admitted he thought Here There And Everywhere and For No One were great songs and amongst Paul’s best.
Plus Eleanor Rigby ? C’mon!!
Onward my friends, and glory for the thirty ninth!!
15 February 2010
PaulRamon said:
Thats a bold statement! I can understand you not liking certain songs but to say you hate them is hard to believe especially if your a big Beatles fan which i presume you are being on this forum.
Paul’s contributions to Revolver are surely amongst the greatest songs he ever wrote. Even John who was Paul’s harshest critic, admitted he thought Here There And Everywhere and For No One were great songs and amongst Paul’s best.
Plus Eleanor Rigby ? C’mon!!
Okay – for some reason, I forgot about Eleanor Rigby . I suppose “hate” is a strong way to put it. I’ll say this, I dislike his contributions to Revolver . I don’t think they hold up well with John and George’s songs on the album. John’s songs sound like Revolver to me, ya know? The album is totally strong up to Here, There And Everywhere and Yellow Submarine . Good Day Sunshine is too fluffy sounding for me. For No One is good, but then it drops out again on Got To Get You Into My Life . Granted, it’s The Beatles, so the songs are still great – but it’s just something about those other tracks that turn me off. It makes it hard to get into Revolver for me.
PeterWeatherby said:
Have you heard Macca’s acoustic version of the song from the Unplugged release?
Oh yes – I have that album. That version is fine – it still doesn’t make it one of my favorites, but I do like that version better. I can’t explain it! There’s just something about the Revolver version that bugs me!
RonnieRIG said:
I think I actually hate each of Paul’s contributions to Revolver .
Other than that, I’ll have to give this more thought…
Well of course some like mainly John and not Paul and vice versa, which is fine, and opinions vary. But can you really hate ALL of Paul’s Revolver contributions, given he made some significant contributions to both John and George’s songs? (aside from his superb bass on tracks like I’m Only Sleeping , Paul played the sizzling lead guitar on Taxman , later used backwards on Tomorrow Never Knows .) So no criticism intended but maybe offer some food for thought with my own Revolver songs opinion ;^)
Revolver was innovative because it departed from standard rock and roll albums: you had songs about lonely spinsters, yellow submarines (which Paul wrote), and social commentary (Dr. Robert.) I guess my point is it really wouldn’t _be_ Revolver without Eleanor Rigby , For No One , Got To Get You Into My Life , etc., where Paul explored classical and jazz influenced arrangements and brought other instruments (horns and piano) to the forefront in place of standard guitar fare. Of course Lennon also began exploring exciting new sounds; as a group they really began Sgt. Pepper here.
Personally I like every song on the album, but my favorites (in no particular order) are Taxman , Eleanor Rigby , I’m Only Sleeping , She Said She Said , For No One , Doctor Robert , Got To Get You Into My Life . About equal John vs. Paul. I don’t think there’s a “worst” song, as Revolver is by and and large an album experience.
5 April 2010
I suppose the only song I’m not a big fan of is Things We Said Today . I like it, but it doesn’t hit that sweet spot that most other Beatles songs do for me.
I now declare this bridge open!
28 April 2010
Helter Skelter . It’s ok, but I don’t really care for it that much. Either that or The Ballad Of John & Yoko.
Nothing I love more than "waking up to the sound of music…"
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