25 July 2017
I was wondering if such a version of this song exists, with only Paul’s voice being heard, or at least with John’s voice minimized to the point where you can’t really hear it. If a version like this doesn’t exist, is it possible to ‘mix’ one to remove his vocals? I’m working on a personal compilation project of Paul and John’s vocals on the song take away from what I’m trying to do with the compilation.
26 January 2017
There are a lot of versions from Twickenham and Apple rehearsals where John is zoned out and Paul is singing the melody alone. I can’t remember the exact tracks though.
"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
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