23 January 2011
I was listening to I Don't Want to Spoil the Party, and I realized I love the part where Paul comes in with “I still love her…” It's my favorite part of the song, even though it is a classic John song. Are there any parts of songs written by one of the Beatles that any of you think one of the others adds that little something special to put it over the top? I really want some good examples of show-stealing from all four!
"You can manicure a cat but can you caticure a man?"
John Lennon- Skywriting by Word of Mouth
4 March 2011
In Yellow Submarine , I always liked the part where John repeats what Ringo says!
Also, my favorite part of Eleanor Rigby was always the strings. That would be show stealing from George Martin, though so I don’t know if that counts!
19 September 2010
1 May 2010
paulsbass said:
Paul definitely was THE show stealer!
How about that great piano intro in While My Guitar Gently Weeps ? I know George loved it, I love it, but to me, that was Paul saying “This is going to be a great song, I had better do something awesome!”
Another one well it’s not a show stealer, I think Happy Nat (was he?) said it in his blog, with I Wanna Be Your Man , the shouts of the guys encouraging Ringo with his songs, they’re amazing.
John shouting in YS is epic. Also that Paul’s laugh in Maxwell’s because John mooned him.. that counts also
Ringo’s drums in ADiL and Rain .
Edit : Paulbass I didn't read the last part of your post when you mention that piano intro. I love it.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
1 May 2010
George steals the show in Til There Was You, John steals the show with his incredible guitar on Get Back , with his whistle at the end of Two of Us, with his melancholy harmony in I'll Follow the Sun (completely changes the mood of the song), with his harmony in She's Leaving Home, Paul and Ringo steal the show on the Word, Ringo steals the show on Ticket To Ride . Paul obviously has many, many great moments with his harmonies and bass playing, but a few of my favorites would be his harmony in The Ballad Of John And Yoko , that little bass part in Me and My Monkey, although I wouldn't say he steals the show from John's incredible voice on I'm So Tired, I've always liked Paul's effort at matching John's voice on that song.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
14 April 2010
This is a great idea for a thread, kedame.
Let's not forget Paul's “Woke up…” bit in ADITL. That's probably not stealing though – more like keeping the getaway car warmed up outside the bank.
Then, after that same bit, there are the AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHs sung by Ringo.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
23 January 2011
GniknuS said:
George steals the show in Til There Was You, John steals the show with his incredible guitar on Get Back , with his whistle at the end of Two of Us, with his melancholy harmony in I'll Follow the Sun (completely changes the mood of the song), with his harmony in She's Leaving Home, Paul and Ringo steal the show on the Word, Ringo steals the show on Ticket To Ride . Paul obviously has many, many great moments with his harmonies and bass playing, but a few of my favorites would be his harmony in The Ballad Of John And Yoko , that little bass part in Me and My Monkey, although I wouldn't say he steals the show from John's incredible voice on I'm So Tired, I've always liked Paul's effort at matching John's voice on that song.
The She's Leaving Home bit is awesome! Have you ever heard the isolated vocals? It's crazy good, and someone (I think Emerick) tells the story of how John and Paul just sat face-to-face, trying to watch each other's lips to know when to sing right. It's a great example of their fantastic partnership!
"You can manicure a cat but can you caticure a man?"
John Lennon- Skywriting by Word of Mouth
23 January 2011
Zig said:
This is a great idea for a thread, kedame.
Let's not forget Paul's “Woke up…” bit in ADITL. That's probably not stealing though – more like keeping the getaway car warmed up outside the bank.
Then, after that same bit, there are the AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHs sung by Ringo.
Thanks, zig! I agree on the Woke up…bit not being show stealing. It's great, but John's haunting vocals are my favorite part of that song, as well as the awesome fills and bass line. Does Ringo really sing the AHHHH? I always thought it was John, and it is documented somewhere as being John.
"You can manicure a cat but can you caticure a man?"
John Lennon- Skywriting by Word of Mouth
14 April 2010
9 June 2010
23 January 2011
paulsbass said:
Does Ringo really sing the AHHHH? I always thought it was John, and it is documented somewhere as being John.
Just when I thought you were my soulmate in Macca!
You HAD to bring it up again, you HAD to bring it up, hadn't you ZIG?!
Btw, it's Paul.
Hahahaha…I'll still be your soul mate in Macca, but dude, seriously, that is John. Hehe…we'll just have to agree that we all hear different things. I think it's is so odd that it is hard to tell them apart sometimes when their voices are so different. Isn't there some debate over the “She loves you” bit it ADitL, too?
"You can manicure a cat but can you caticure a man?"
John Lennon- Skywriting by Word of Mouth
10 May 2011
paulsbass said:
Paul definitely was THE show stealer!
Most of his greatest bass lines are from songs by one of the others. Keyboard and guitar parts as well (LitSwD, Strawberry Fields, Taxman …).
All You Need Is Love – Paul doing “Come together now!” etc.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps – Piano intro, Bass dominates the song, his “Yeah, yeah, yeah…” at the very end.
Can't think of any for the others, honestly…
Maybe John's organ on “I'm down”, at least live!
I agree.
My Music Blog.
One and one don't make two
One and one make one.
14 April 2010
paulsbass said:
Does Ringo really sing the AHHHH? I always thought it was John, and it is documented somewhere as being John.
Just when I thought you were my soulmate in Macca!
You HAD to bring it up again, you HAD to bring it up, hadn't you ZIG?!
Btw, it's Paul.
paulsbass, you crack me up. Thanks so much for having a sense of humor about that!
See? We really have learned to laugh about it. As for being one of your Macca soulmates – we are all brothers under the skin, no?
“Take this, brother, may it serve you well”
Edit: Hi M3!! Haven't seen you in a while – it's great to see Revolver on left side of my screen again.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
19 September 2010
20 December 2010
kedame said:
I was listening to I Don't Want to Spoil the Party, and I realized I love the part where Paul comes in with “I still love her…” It's my favorite part of the song, even though it is a classic John song. Are there any parts of songs written by one of the Beatles that any of you think one of the others adds that little something special to put it over the top? I really want some good examples of show-stealing from all four!
Speaking of 'I Don't Want To Spoil The Party' check out George's guitar solo. This is one of my favorites by him. He really had the Carl Perkins type of style down.
The further one travels, the less one knows
4 December 2010
19 September 2010
10 May 2011
MeanMrsMustard said:
Zig said:
That's probably not stealing though – more like keeping the getaway car warmed up outside the bank.
OK, that's one of the best Zig statements ever.
MUSTARD! Great new avatar!!!
Checked Skye's?
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