19 September 2010
9 June 2010
I kind of get “Honey Pie ” being disliked, but “When I'm Sixty-Four?”
I mean, “Honey Pie ” is just a bit too cheesy for me. “Good Day Sunshine ” is about as cheesy as I can get. Paul's voice on “Honey Pie ” also doesn't help my opinion of it. But I like the idea of him including a comfortable, old-fashioned song two tracks before “Revolution 9 .” (Side note: Don't you just love the placement of songs on The Beatles?)
“When I'm Sixty-Four” might be too cheesy for me if Paul wasn't so charming in the way he sings it. I like the placement after “Within You Without You .” In fact, I like most Beatles placements.
Also, the instrumentation does wonders!
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
7 August 2010
I love both of these songs. I don't understand why they cant be liked. I love “Honey Pie ” because of the old 1920s feeling. I also like “when I'm 64 for the vocals and the message, “I will love you forever.”
Dear Prudence
Giving you quality -Facepalms- , since August 7, 2010.
19 September 2010
7 August 2010
17 June 2010
I looooveeee! Pauls voice in both! Its just freakin amazing! I heard that he changed his voice up a little to add to Paul is Dead.!! Heee heee! I'm 13.. I dont understand why any kid my age wouldn't like either song! Well thenn again… There are some kids in my class that dont like the beatles!!!
It's actually closer to all.. I am the only beatlemaniac. Most of those kids are ignorant tools.
Rap music is just computerized crap. - George Harrison
1 May 2010
You're absolutely right, they are just McCartney fun. I think that's the problem some people have, they can't just give in to the sort of cute thing because John had the rougher angle. Especially Honey Pie because of some of the other songs on the White Album like Yer Blues . But right now, Honey Pie is probably my favorite song on the White Album , or at least one of my favorites.
When I'm 64 has always been one of my favorites because of it's placement, after the HEAVINESS of Within You, Without You it's just such a nice sort of pick me up.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
13 November 2009
Is there any relation between liking/disliking Honey Pie and You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)? Personally, I love them both, but I like silliness.
When I'm Sixty Four is kind of practically-romantic in that there's a life after you've just seen a face.
tl:dr – I like them both.
Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!
19 September 2010
I relate liking You Know My Name with The Fade of All You Need Is Love
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
4 September 2010
You all will have read that Dave Dee is no longer with us. But Mickey and Titch and I would like to carry on the good work that's always gone down in number two.
18 March 2010
“Honey Pie ” is a bit of the connective tissue slipped in throughout the White Album . That's the value, and it works in that sense.
“When I'm Sixty-Four” may not be cool to a lot of people that think rock music should only be rock music, and nothing else. They just don't get it.
Paul actually wrote the song several years before but it was never used because it didn't fit the Beatle “sound.” The band decided it was perfect for Sgt. Pepper . I agree and here's why.
What's the theme of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band? As the title suggests, loneliness runs through the album. But there's more…loneliness, alienation, anger, and a gothic feeling that there's something going on below the surface in an empire in decline. All tied together with rock and roll, orchestra, music-hall, exotic, animal, and psychedelia. “A Little Help From My Friends” is a cry for help. “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ” and “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite” are views of gentile English society through a psychedelic lens (message: something's wrong here). “Getting Better “, “Fixing A Hole “, “She's Leaving Home”, “Good Morning, Good Morning”, “Within You Without You ” (something's wrong here). “A Day In The Life “…something's REALLY effing wrong here and we'd better get to work fixing it.
Only “Lovely Rita Meter Maid” is a truly bright, happy view of English life. It suggests that happiness is there among common folk in spite of what the society sticks them with.
“When I'm Sixty-Four” fits perfectly. On the surface, it's also bright and happy. Beneath the surface and in the context of Sgt. Pepper , it's a statement again about loneliness, this time for the elderly (often forgotten) members of society.
19 September 2010
Celebrated_Mr_K said:
“Honey Pie ” is a bit of the connective tissue slipped in throughout the White Album . That's the value, and it works in that sense.
“When I'm Sixty-Four” may not be cool to a lot of people that think rock music should only be rock music, and nothing else. They just don't get it.
Paul actually wrote the song several years before but it was never used because it didn't fit the Beatle “sound.” The band decided it was perfect for Sgt. Pepper . I agree and here's why.
What's the theme of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band? As the title suggests, loneliness runs through the album. But there's more…loneliness, alienation, anger, and a gothic feeling that there's something going on below the surface in an empire in decline. All tied together with rock and roll, orchestra, music-hall, exotic, animal, and psychedelia. “A Little Help From My Friends” is a cry for help. “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ” and “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite” are views of gentile English society through a psychedelic lens (message: something's wrong here). “Getting Better “, “Fixing A Hole “, “She's Leaving Home”, “Good Morning, Good Morning”, “Within You Without You ” (something's wrong here). “A Day In The Life “…something's REALLY effing wrong here and we'd better get to work fixing it.
Only “Lovely Rita Meter Maid” is a truly bright, happy view of English life. It suggests that happiness is there among common folk in spite of what the society sticks them with.
“When I'm Sixty-Four” fits perfectly. On the surface, it's also bright and happy. Beneath the surface and in the context of Sgt. Pepper , it's a statement again about loneliness, this time for the elderly (often forgotten) members of society.
You Have a Gift for finding The Truth behind the false
I thank you
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
9 June 2010
19 September 2010
9 June 2010
19 September 2010
19 September 2010
6 December 2010
21 May 2010
10 December 2010
I love When I'm Sixty-Four! Sometimes you need blissfully happy, goofy songs like When I'm Sixty-Four to listen to when your feeling a little down. And who doesn't love the visuals for the song from Yellow Submarine ? Sixty seconds is a very long time, you know!
Blackbird singing in the dead of night...
_¸.·´¯¯`·-» take these broken wings and learn to fly
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