13 June 2010
When I Twish And Shout, it makes the Girl say "What Goes On?", and than I say, "I do this Here, There and Everywhere", and than she finishes by saying "Honey Don't".
13 November 2009
4 April 2010
14 April 2010
13 November 2009
14 December 2009
Zig said:
That's an interesting take on it.
I have always viewed 12BO to be a glorified jam session. George Martin said that the Beatles jam sessions “were usually not very good”. If they did more work (a lot more work) on it, I guess it could have been included on the album.
As for RFYL being the weakest song on the album, let me turn your attention to What Goes On .
WGO is my second-least favourite! (And I sometimes think it's probably my REAL least-fave if I'm being honest, but I tend to bump it up a notch because, y'know, it's Ringo. And they couldn't very well scrap a Ringo spotlight in favour of an instrumental.) (Although they kinda did so anyways on “Magical Mystery Tour “.) But yeah, 12BO needed a lot of work before it could be musically worthy of being included on Rubber Soul (let alone some kinda grand climax)
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Into the Sky with DiamondsPaul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
6 July 2020
Are we still discussing fave ‘instrumentals’ here – or did the topic of this thread change somewhere … or – hey I hope this thread is not dead atlogther!
I think, on much refelction, my two fave ‘instrumentals’ would be tie nuber ones for me:
Geroge Martin’s amazing interlude on ‘in My Life’ – about which so much has been written of course
and the Alan Civl French horn obligato on ‘For No-One’
Perhaps another – to muse upon anyway – might be the Intro et al (I believe the correct Indian terminology here would be alap) on ‘Love You To ‘.
Or what about the CODA (closing sequence) on ‘And Your Bird Can Sing ‘ – with its deliberate incomplete cadence right at the end? The intriguing ‘crossing’ (distorted) guitars in the break on ‘I’m Only Sleeping ‘; the also intriguing, long break with all its odd sounds on ‘Tomorrow Never Knows ‘… – or **HOW ABOUT** the now famous piccolo trumpet (very high trumpet, and most difficult to play) solo on ‘Penny Lane ‘??
Any other thoughts or suggestions, anyone?
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Ahhh Girl, The Hole Got Fixed "And, in the end; the love you take - is equal to the love YOU MAKE!" "Nowhere Man, THE WORLD is AT YOUR COMMAND!"
20 August 2013
Thank you for reviving the thread and getting it back on track.
I love the music bit in Any Time At All from 1:27 to 1:45. What instruments are playing during that section? Piano, drums, ____, ____
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27 November 2016
Great list, I’d struggle to put it better myself!
Ahhh Girl said
I love the music bit in Any Time At All from 1:27 to 1:45. What instruments are playing during that section? Piano, drums, ____, ____
…bass, and guitars. So simple, yet so effective.
I like the instrumental bit immediately after The Fool On The Hill . Neat little section there
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6 July 2020
The Hole Got Fixed said
Great list, I’d struggle to put it better myself!Ahhh Girl said
I love the music bit in Any Time At All from 1:27 to 1:45. What instruments are playing during that section? Piano, drums, ____, ____
…bass, and guitars. So simple, yet so effective.
I like the instrumental bit immediately after The Fool On The Hill . Neat little section there
Well yes; if you read the sleeve notes on ‘A Hard Day’s Night ‘ you’ll see that it suggests that that album was (then in 1964) the first ever Beatles album to include only self-written and self-performed material (i.e. no session musicians, no extra contributions from George Martin, in this case; and no guest performers) – so yes, just John and George’s guitars, Paul’s bass guitar and Ringo’s drums. I remember at the time, some very young musicians friends of mine (as I was then) advised that the (electric) guitars being used there were the now legendary Richenbacher model: with its semi-hidden – at the machine heads – second course of stirngs; thus, in fact a twelve-string…. and a Gretsch (that would be John’s rhythm guitar) – althouugh, if you watch the movie, in the closing action of that where they perform all of the numbers on Side One – on ‘And I Love Her ‘, Ringo plays bongos and it looks as though George’s instrumental break melody is played on some kind of semi-acoustic guitar (and I notice he seems to be using a plectrum or pick).
Thanks to both of you also – for breathing life back into this thread as well!!
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Ahhh Girl, The Hole Got Fixed "And, in the end; the love you take - is equal to the love YOU MAKE!" "Nowhere Man, THE WORLD is AT YOUR COMMAND!"
14 June 2016
The instrumental from Something is incredible.
1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
26 January 2017
The fadeout to MMT is my favorite instrument. Groovy, ambient, funky, and it segues perfectly.
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The Hole Got Fixed, Into the Sky with Diamonds, Timothy, WeepingAtlasCedars"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
6 July 2020
sir walter raleigh said
The fadeout to MMT is my favorite instrument. Groovy, ambient, funky, and it segues perfectly.
Yes, indeed: it swirls and twirls and seems truly… to be as if carrying the listener off onto some kind of dream-like fantasy : “The Magical Mystery Tour is waiting/hoping/dying to take you away … take you today”!
What about the unexpected ‘come-back’ right at the end (when, on first hearing the piece, you thought it had finished – surreal enough as that was already!): on, of course Strawberry Fields Forever . George Martin later confided that the recorded material which they had left him with (almost entirely John’s creation – but I beleive the other Beatles were all in it too – somehwere): welll, Martin was left with two versions – in different keys and at different play speeds. And, apparently, John just said to him, rather nonchalantly: “Well, you’ll be able to do something about that” (or words to that effect). Enough said there, perhaps? Result: ‘groovy, ambient, funky and it segues perfectly’? For sure: I would say. In fact, most of us had never heard anything like it, in 1967 (and this was even before the release of ‘Sergeant Pepper’) – it blew us all away!!
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Ahhh Girl "And, in the end; the love you take - is equal to the love YOU MAKE!" "Nowhere Man, THE WORLD is AT YOUR COMMAND!"
10 August 2011
I don’t care much for MMT – but love that long fade out. A number of Beatle songs have creative fade-outs (Sexy Sadie ….)
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
8 August 2019
The instrumental verse on I Want You (2:23 – 3:04)
It’s unbelievably groovy. Ringo and George turn it into a such a different song.
Also the riff on Warm Gun from 0:44 to 0:58 is excellent as well.
That’s for strictly instrumental.
Then other favourite instrumentals in general Baby You’re A Rich Man , She Said She Said , Tomorrow Never Knows , Cry Baby Cry and of course Prudence. And generally my favourite songs by them period because I generally care a lot more about sound than lyrics but it’s just my personal taste.
the watusi
the twist
7 May 2017
The little instrumental break in Tomorrow Never Knows with the backward guitar…
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Jules, edwardtheconfessorQueen says no to pot-smoking FBI members.
10 August 2011
@Jules I Want You (SSH) is one long, phenomenal instrumental – best heard in total darkness IMO
I Want You (SSH) is one long, phenomenal instrumental – best heard in total darkness IMO
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Jules"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
6 July 2020
Any thoughts on ‘Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite’ – the astonishing break I mean?
As you all know, I’m sure; it was John’s creation of course, but Geroge Martin wanted to get the effect of a fairgound organ (not sure if that effect was what John asked for also; or else entirely George Martin’s idea?). Martin tells of how he searched and researched for some old recordings of fairground organs in action; plenty of them about, yes – but problems! Firstly, these were all recoginsably familiar old popular favourites – not only would not have fitted in with the musicial structure of the whole piece, but also: copyright worries. Geroge Martin’s ingenious solution, as we know: he got these all on open reel tape, and then cut them all into little bits (with some help from his production room staff) – THREW THEM ALL UP IN THE AIR willly nilly … and then they all set about the painstaking (?) task of splicing these all back together. I think Martin must have done quite a bit with the playback speeds too, on this ‘long snake’ of spliced bits afterwards, to get those extraordinary swirlling glissando rises and falls effects. And, in my view, he put a little of his own famed harmonium playing over this – at least on the final reprise of this instrumental passage at the end? Was it a harmonium – or one of those rather mellow sounding electric pianos (so called) which were poular at the time (cf. the tonal qualty of one of these – in this case played by John (?) on ‘We Can Work It Out ‘, for example…).
"And, in the end; the love you take - is equal to the love YOU MAKE!" "Nowhere Man, THE WORLD is AT YOUR COMMAND!"
28 March 2014
10 August 2011
And at the end of Being FTBOMK, there’s a great, subtle, short little melody in the background that I think plays twice. Love it.
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