7 August 2010
“Sexy Sadie ” upsets me because thats how people think of me. Just a pretty face who knows nothing and thinks she has the whole world wrapped around her finger. My math partner Called me “doll face” for the longest time while he gave me all the answers because he thinks I'm dumb. It's depressing.
Dear Prudence
Giving you quality -Facepalms- , since August 7, 2010.
9 June 2010
Dear Prudence said:
“Sexy Sadie ” upsets me because thats how people think of me. Just a pretty face who knows nothing and thinks she has the whole world wrapped around her finger. My math partner Called me “doll face” for the longest time while he gave me all the answers because he thinks I'm dumb. It's depressing.
Ouch. That sucks. Did you get him to stop?
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
1 May 2010
Dear Prudence said:
“Sexy Sadie ” upsets me because thats how people think of me. Just a pretty face who knows nothing and thinks she has the whole world wrapped around her finger. My math partner Called me “doll face” for the longest time while he gave me all the answers because he thinks I'm dumb. It's depressing.
Well if he's thinks you're dumb that's because he's dumb. Give him a smack. He deserves it.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
8 April 2010
7 August 2010
MeanMrs.Mustard said:
Dear Prudence said:
“Sexy Sadie ” upsets me because thats how people think of me. Just a pretty face who knows nothing and thinks she has the whole world wrapped around her finger. My math partner Called me “doll face” for the longest time while he gave me all the answers because he thinks I'm dumb. It's depressing.
Ouch. That sucks. Did you get him to stop?
I did actually. And I will smack him for it!
Dear Prudence
Giving you quality -Facepalms- , since August 7, 2010.
17 June 2010
Dear Prudence said:
“Sexy Sadie ” upsets me because thats how people think of me. Just a pretty face who knows nothing and thinks she has the whole world wrapped around her finger. My math partner Called me “doll face” for the longest time while he gave me all the answers because he thinks I'm dumb. It's depressing.
I say make him feel like an idiot every math class. Correct him in everything. And dont listen to that turd. You seem pretty smart to me.
Rap music is just computerized crap. - George Harrison
8 April 2010
4 April 2010
Hello Goodbye is just a very very stupid song. It doesn't mean anything, whatsoever. I like the bass in that song, though.
"The best band? The Beatles. The most overrated band? The Beatles."
17 June 2010
30 June 2010
17 June 2010
7 August 2010
mithveaen said:
Dear Prudence said:
“Sexy Sadie ” upsets me because thats how people think of me. Just a pretty face who knows nothing and thinks she has the whole world wrapped around her finger. My math partner Called me “doll face” for the longest time while he gave me all the answers because he thinks I'm dumb. It's depressing.
Well if he's thinks you're dumb that's because he's dumb. Give him a smack. He deserves it.
Ok i will! “*WHACK* thats from Paulrus, *WHACK* thats from Mithvean,*WHACK* thats from kingjjj8! And if he asks who these people are, I'll say “People who care!”
Dear Prudence
Giving you quality -Facepalms- , since August 7, 2010.
1 May 2010
You've just gotten a George Martin button!! George Martin approves!!
Not that I endorse violence but some people need to straight their neurones and a good smack does it. Kind of like hitting the TV toget the right image….
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
17 June 2010
Dear Prudence said:
mithveaen said:
Dear Prudence said:
“Sexy Sadie ” upsets me because thats how people think of me. Just a pretty face who knows nothing and thinks she has the whole world wrapped around her finger. My math partner Called me “doll face” for the longest time while he gave me all the answers because he thinks I'm dumb. It's depressing.
Well if he's thinks you're dumb that's because he's dumb. Give him a smack. He deserves it.
Ok i will! “*WHACK* thats from Paulrus, *WHACK* thats from Mithvean,*WHACK* thats from kingjjj8! And if he asks who these people are, I'll say “People who care!”
New motto for the site “A place for Beatles fans who care” And we do care.
Rap music is just computerized crap. - George Harrison
1 May 2010
7 August 2010
17 June 2010
Dear Prudence said:
mithveaen said:
kingjjj8 said:
New motto for the site “A place for Beatles fans who care” And we do care.
I love it!!!! And that John's face is perfect!!!!
We do care, a lot.
We sure do! And John probably new that that face would be used on the internet for this exact purpose someday. (even though computers weren't even thought of back then)
Rap music is just computerized crap. - George Harrison
18 March 2010
MrBig said:
Hello Goodbye is just a very very stupid song. It doesn't mean anything, whatsoever. I like the bass in that song, though.
Actually, it's a very clever song. If you've ever been in a relationship where you felt everything you had to say was immediately going to be contradicted, you'd agree.
Even if you still disagree, the song is phenomenal just for the rhythmic things going on in it. Lines rising and descending simultaneously, then twisting around and doing the opposite…just like the lyrics say.
I think the above shows why The Beatles were such great lyricists. Everyone can find take something different from their songs, even if it wasn't necessarily what the songwriters intended. One person's lightweight pop song is another's commentary on bad relationships, politics, religion, love or hate – neither is necessarily right or wrong unless you want it to be.
And now I'm thinking of Roland Barthes and Death of the Author. One of the few things I remember from my degree…
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
7 August 2010
Sunii said:
MeanMrs.Mustard said:
MadiYasha said:
I'm dating a girl…
I… got to be with (this girl)…
There was This Boy I was with…
“Everybody had a wet dream,” I think, “TMI, John. TMI.” But I love his vocal too much, so I just have to forgive him.
Notice my signature.
When my friends would start talking about dreams or whatever, I would always say, “You know, last night I had a wet dream, guys,” because of “I've Got A Feeling”, of course.
I didn't know what it meant at the time, but now that I do, I say it ALL THE TIME 🙂
Ummm….. Sunii? Only guys can have those.
Dear Prudence
Giving you quality -Facepalms- , since August 7, 2010.
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