23 July 2016
I wanted to make a list of what tunings The Beatles used per song and if I’m wrong or forgot something in any way, please leave a reply:
E (most songs)
D# (I’m Only Sleeping and Yellow Submarine (both slowed down from E))
D (Yesterday , Rain (John’s guitar, slowed down from E), Strawberry Fields Forever (John and Paul’s guitar, slowed down from E), I Will )
Drop D (Act Naturally , Dear Prudence , I Want You (She’s So Heavy))
Open D (Strawberry Fields Forever (George’s slide guitar, slowed down from Open E), For You Blue )
Open G variation (GDGGBD) (Rain (George’s guitar, slowed down from Open A variation (AEAAC#E)))
Octave E (Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (slowed down from E))
F (She Said, She Said (sped up from E))
F# (Revolution (sped up from E))
Maybe you should try posting more.
18 May 2016
Wasn’t Yesterday slowed down from E to D and wasn’t Paul’s guitar part in Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da slowed down an octave.
23 July 2016
Nope, Paul tuned down his guitar for Yesterday , as George made a comment about how Paul was playing his F like a G (can’t find the source). As for Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da , I’ll be fixing that.
Maybe you should try posting more.
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