5 February 2010
Always loved this song. Always had a bit of a hard time playing it, though, because it's in F, so playing it “straight” on the guitar means using lots of ham-fisted bar chords throughout. And it never seemed to have that nice, bassy resonance that I heard on the album.
And then the Anthology discs came out, and there was “Yesterday “, but with all the pre-recording banter. Paul says, presumably to George, “It'll be in F … for you.” That's when I realized that he was playing it in G, but with his guitar tuned down an entire step: DGCFAD
The chords usually run like this:
Verse: F – Em7 – A7 – Dm – Bb – C – F – Dm – G7 – Bb – F
Bridge: Em7 – A7 – Dm (descending) – Gm – C – F
In the new, dropped tuning, the chords all go up a full step, the voicings naturally change, and everything fits into place:
Verse: G – F#m7 – B7 – Em – C – D – G – Em – A7 – C – G
Bridge: F#m7 – B7 – Em (descending) – Am – D – G
Not a bit like Cagney.
14 October 2009
PeterWeatherby said:
And then the Anthology discs came out, and there was “Yesterday “, but with all the pre-recording banter. Paul says, presumably to George, “It'll be in F … for you.” That's when I realized that he was playing it in G, but with his guitar tuned down an entire step: DGCFAD
Ah-hah, that's what he meant. Always wondered why it was “F for YOU”
"If we feel our heads starting to swell.....we just look at Ringo!"
5 February 2010
Thanks for that! I never knew. I've always tried playing it in F. I presumed the “…for you” comment was due to the string instruments being in a different key, but on reflection I don't think they are.
Do you think he played an open or barred G chord? Barred seems more likely if he then dropped a semitone for the F#m7.
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5 February 2010
Joe said:
Do you think he played an open or barred G chord? Barred seems more likely if he then dropped a semitone for the F#m7.
Open, actually, in more ways than one. “Open” voicing, but it's also an “open 5th” chord, so you don't get to hear the 3rd (the B natural). It's formed like so:
And the following F#m7 sounds like it's voiced this way (with the thumb fretting the bass note):
Everything else sounds pretty standard from there on, except for the closing chords (where he's singing the “mmm” bit), which he only plays on the upper two strings:
xxxx33 —> xxxx23 —> xxxx13 —> xxxx33
The following people thank PeterWeatherby for this post:
BeatlebugNot a bit like Cagney.
Wow, thanks for that. You're able to hear these things much more clearly than I can. I just bash away at the chords…
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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15 February 2010
5 February 2010
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