10 October 2021
Hey gang,
A coworker of mine used to be a bus driver for various musicians from the early 80’s to 2017. He told me one of the most difficult individuals that he had to drive was Paul McCartney . He only drove Paul once (from the airport to Bonaroo) but said Paul was late and complained of the road being filled with pot holes. (Paul asked my coworker if he was intentionally trying to hit the holes) Paul also decided he would rather nap then show up for soundcheck on time (Granted, Paul did do a soundcheck, his rig isn’t rocket science, and they usually go pretty quickly) This coworker isn’t exactly the most politically correct or self censored individual I’ve ever met and I almost wonder if he set Paul off during their drive. I was curious as to if anyone else on the forum had heard of similar horror stories of Paul acting like a brat on the road. I’m hoping this was either an off day for Paul, my coworker being obnoxious, or both.
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