8 January 2015
You could put this in a computer game right now and it would work (it’d be a great theme tune). On the surface it seems simple, right? But making this song with 70’s technology would have been anything but simple. To my ears there are at least 3 synths and a drum machine going here, about 8-10 tracks in all that I can pick out. My theory is that Paul synced the synth kick and pulse with a sequencer, added drum machine to it, and tracked the melody over what resulted. Then went back and added harmony parts and lots of little bits that you’ll miss only the first hundred times you hear this “simple” tune.
The following people thank ewe2 for this post:
JoeI'm like Necko only I'm a bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin and also everyone. Or is everyone me? Now I'm a confused bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin everyone who is definitely not @Joe. This has been true for 2016 & 2017 but I may have to get more specific in the future.
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