23 January 2011
Wow…Julian is angry. He posted this http://j0hn-lenn0n.tumblr.com/…..-dare-they to his facebook, and deleted it soon after. (Ignore the tumblr vulgarities…only place I could find a screen shot of the quote.) I can’t believe Paul just wouldn’t invite him at all…or that he hasn’t been invited to any of the recent events. On the other hand, maybe this is something that should be taken care of in private?? IDK…I’d be pretty pissed, too. Does anyone know if Paul and Julian ever got in a tiff over Julian recording When I’m 64 for that insurance commercial? All I know is there has to be some tension there for Paul to not even invite him…there may need to be some apologizing going on.
Edit: To put things in perspective a bit…I've read some things elsewhere that make sense. None of the Beatle kids were invited to the Love premiere or George's doc. thing. Sean and Dhani were at the Love thing as escorts for their mothers, who are shareholders in The Beatles business interests. Stella wasn't there…Zak Starkey wasn't there, etc. Sean was, once again, at the George thing as Yoko's escort. I bet they were just escorts at Paul's receptions, too. Someone likened Paul and Julian's relationship to that of an uncle and nephew who don't have much contact after they get older. Like this person said, we all wish they were really close, but in reality, they probably aren't in contact a whole lot. It was a little insensitive not to invite him to the wedding, but I don't think it was a deliberate snub. After all, none of Ringo's kids were there. Does anyone know if Pattie was at the reception?
"You can manicure a cat but can you caticure a man?"
John Lennon- Skywriting by Word of Mouth
19 September 2010
Julian can (nay, should) shut up. Oh no, he wasn’t invited to his father’s ex-bandmate’s wedding. I HAD respect for Julian, insofar as he rarely played the Lennon card, but this reeks of pompous stupidity. I wonder how drunk he was… and who took it down. I hate when the sons of the famous act like that means they ought to be famous, and frankly, that’s how Julian is acting.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
1 May 2010
Wow. Now that’s some reaction. Not something I’d expect from Julian. I thought he was invited to the wedding, but since I was banned from his Facebook page, who knows? LOL!!
And being son of John he had to inherit some of his jerkness didn’t he?
Edit : Now playing devil's advocate, I can't blame him for feeling he and his Mom are being erased of John's history thanks to Yoko. But honestly, Paul can invite whoever he wants to his wedding.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
Looks like Cynthia advised him to take it down: http://www.facebook.com/julia-…..3186861117
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20 September 2011
mithveaen said:
Wow. Now that's some reaction. Not something I'd expect from Julian. I thought he was invited to the wedding, but since I was banned from his Facebook page, who knows? LOL!!
Mith, why were you banned? What did you DO???
"Now and then, though, someone does begin to grow differently. Instead of down, his feet grow up toward the sky. But we do our best to discourage awkward things like that."
"What happens to them?" insisted Milo.
"Oddly enough, they often grow ten times the size of everyone else," said Alec thoughtfully, "and I’ve heard that they walk among the stars."
–The Phantom Tollbooth
16 February 2011
23 January 2011
1 May 2010
I had Julian’s page as “Like” in my Facebook acccount. Well one day I set his Facebook profile photo as my Facebook profile photo, (sometimes I have a Beatle, or my dogs, or whatever, never my pic) and hell broke : Some girls asked me why I did it, (I wasn’t aware that Julian asked not to do that) so I changed it to a U2’s photo and wrote “I hope nobody confuses me with U2” and dang. I was off.
I was chatting with a friend and I told her the whole deal (I was laughing) and she told me “Oh oh check again if you are accepted”. I went to his page, I did it and I was accepted. But inmediatly after I clicked “Unlike” again.
I mean, I like his music, but honestly, I’m not going to die if he doesn’t want me on his Facebook page, his fans can be VERY annoying and I can get his news in google. And honestly, I don’t use Facebook that much for “giggling” over a singer. I have this board to do it so.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
19 September 2010
1 May 2010
Thank you SunKing
I really like Julian Lennon’s music, and I think he’s kind of hot. And he can rant all he wants about not being invited to this or that event, bla bla bla.
But I get annoyed by his fans who are “more papist than the Pope”. Yes, I get that many people pretend to be Julian Lennon on facebook, that’s why he doesn’t want his profile pic to be used as a profile pic by his fans. I get it. But the way his fans reacted was very uncalled for. I felt like in high school again. That’s why I decided not to join again, not because I was kicked off, because a few of his fans act like if Julian needed to be protected from the all horrible criticism that’s out there. Yes, he was treated by s**t by his father but there are worst cases.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
1 May 2011
I couldnt care less if Julian was or wasnt invited to any of the events. Paul invited who he wanted to the wedding, but maybe it did come down to if you invite one beatle sibling you have to invite all the rest. If Yoko has the option of which of Johns son's to take i bet she would take Sean every time, he just happens to be her son and i dont think Yoko and Julian ever really got on that well anyway. It certainly wouldnt surprise me.
Expect it to be written up as a major earth-shattering event in some newspaper or internet column.
As for the Julian fans, every group/artist have 'fans' who are incapable of having a) a sense of humour, b) the capacity to accept any non-positive comments being written without insults and foul language, and c) the ability to remain friendly if you break any of the unwritten rules they have invented. Some supposed beatle fans cannot cope with the idea that some people dont like their music.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
4 December 2010
meanmistermustard said:
Some supposed beatle fans cannot cope with the idea that some people dont like their music.
You mean there are some Beatles fans who can cope with that idea? I can't believe that, surely nobody can stand criticism of a timelessband who influenced so many other bands? There must be at least one song they consider sacred?
I told her I didn’t
16 February 2011
1 May 2010
Actually I know a lot of Beatles trolls. They just hate them.
Why? For many reasons : Their parents were big fans, they were forced to hear Beatles all day, or they just have bad taste. I know someone who hates them and always tells me jokes about them to make me angry. I just reply “No matter what you say, The Beatles are the Beatles”
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
19 September 2010
The Walrus said:
You mean there are some Beatles fans who can cope with that idea? I can't believe that, surely nobody can stand criticism of a timelessband who influenced so many other bands?
Going on the basis you are full of sarcasm, if people don't like them, it's their loss. Why should I give a rats ass what they think?
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
1 May 2011
The Walrus said:
meanmistermustard said:
Some supposed beatle fans cannot cope with the idea that some people dont like their music.
You mean there are some Beatles fans who can cope with that idea? I can't believe that, surely nobody can stand criticism of a timelessband who influenced so many other bands? There must be at least one song they consider sacred?
Yes, i'm 1 of them.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i am certainly not going to a) argue the matter with people who are absolutely convinced the beatles are beyond crap or b) try and influence them. It would be naive and a waste of time to do so.
There have been many very heated, to put it mildly, debates between beatles and non beatles fans in regards to how good the beatles are. Its not that just they have grown up with them constantly being played but also due to the love and adulation heaped upon them, it causes deep resentment. And to see people who claim the beatles are their favourite band abuse and ridicule those who dont is horrible. So much for peace and love.
John Lennon said that people have the right not to like the Beatles and the Beatles have the right to have nothing to do with them.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
9 June 2010
4 December 2010
mr. Sun king coming together said:
The Walrus said:
You mean there are some Beatles fans who can cope with that idea? I can't believe that, surely nobody can stand criticism of a timelessband who influenced so many other bands?
Going on the basis you are full of sarcasm, if people don't like them, it's their loss. Why should I give a rats ass what they think?
I was indeed not being serious, I was impersonating people who see the Beatles as above criticsm (not sure whether sarcasm is the right word, but hey).
I told her I didn’t
14 December 2009
You got it right, Walrus – I can totally understand how 40+ years of “The Beatles are above criticism” combined with all that other accumulated baggage could turn mere bemused indifference into hatred.
But really, what's up Julian's ass? Who expects to get invited to the wedding of their late father's former co-worker, for chrissakes, when they last worked together over 40 years ago?? Personally, I consider it a chore to attend weddings and know many people agree with me!
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
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