13 April 2011
He's never out of the news is he?
But anyway here's the latest, which I really don't want to believe but given his volatile character, somehow may be true…
Apparently comes from a new documentary BEATLES STORIES.. anyone seen it?
4 December 2010
13 April 2011
19 September 2010
4 December 2010
Supporting a right-wing candidate doesn’t make you right wing. American politics is essentially a dichotomy because your third party is so weak. If Lennon really didn’t like Carter, then him supporting Reagan due to him being the best of a bad bunch isn’t really an indication of his political leanings.
Regardless, the outlet in question clearly has fairly loose news values (other headlines: “If DIANA was alive” (photoshop prediction of Diana at 50) and “Shia and Megan HOOKED UP” (Transformers stars had secret affair)) so it's a tiny thing.
I told her I didn’t
19 September 2010
The Walrus said:
Supporting a right-wing candidate doesn't make you right wing. American politics is essentially a dichotomy because your third party is so weak. If Lennon really didn't like Carter, then him supporting Reagan due to him being the best of a bad bunch isn't really an indication of his political leanings.
There isn't a third party. It's a bit of a shock, considering Reagan's pro war attitude – guess Lennon wasn't aware of that.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
25 November 2010
There isn't an official third party, but every now and again, the Green or Libertarian party picks up steam and gets enough votes to not win an election, but to change the outcome for one of the more mainstream candidates.
It is possible that John Lennon liked Ronald Reagan as a person (he was a very personable president) or just disliked Carter so much, it only appeared he liked Reagan because he couldn't stand Carter.
I have to agree with Walrus. I don't think John would have stuck with any sort of allegiance to any politician, because just as a person, he seemed to go through phases of interest in something and then end up putting it on the back-burner or completely forget about it.
4 December 2010
I was refering to the Libertarians, occasionally I'll see people saying “the Republicans screwed up the economy and we can't vote Democrat because our children will take drugs whilst shooting up, so we'll have to vote Libertarian!” but they're never going to mount a serious challenge to the big two.
I told her I didn’t
12 January 2009
Very little credence is given to a “tell all” from someone who had been John's personal assistant for only a year or so. I like John's message, despite his personal demons. I detest the departmentalization of beliefs: democrat, republican, christian, muslim, conservative, liberal, green, atheist, communism, capitalism, etc, etc, etc. It seems to only invite finger pointing. Is there anything wrong with people not judging each other so harshly and living peacefully?
Sorry, got all philosophical on y'all
13 April 2011
19 September 2010
Thatcher…… probably nothing. I doubt he cared that much about British politics. I wonder, with all his radicalness in the early 70’s, if he said anything about the FLQ* crisis?
*In 1970, two important officials were kidnapped, and PM Peirre Eliott Trudeau used the War Powers Act to find those b******s. I wonder if John was political enough to care/say anything.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
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