14 October 2009
Joe said:
Should be better now. The text size was set to 85%, but I’ve increased it to 100. I really need to look at every aspect of the design and see if I can fix it – there’s a lot of odd things having an impact on each other.
Well done – sorted.
Yes, you seem to fix one thing and break another………isn’t that life though!
"If we feel our heads starting to swell.....we just look at Ringo!"
13 November 2009
Thanks Joe :ahdng8:
It was a jpg, I renamed it a couple of times and eventually it worked.
I don’t understand these new posting things. Three of them seem to be the same and none of them are exactly the same as the old one. I can’t work out how to quote someone, especially if quoting someone who quoted someone in their post.
The TinyMCE one should be the same as the old one. BBCode doesn’t seem to work with links, so I’ll go back to the old method. Glad you fixed your avatar.
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13 November 2009
I hate to do this to you Joe, but I have a new avatar issue.
I uploaded this one:
But ended up with this one, which I had uploaded previously:
At least that’s what I’m seeing from my end. I ran CCleaner to clean out the cookies and junk from my browser, but it’s still the green one. I like them both but it’s puzzling.
Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!
14 October 2009
skye said:
I hate to do this to you Joe, but I have a new avatar issue.
I uploaded this one:
But ended up with this one, which I had uploaded previously:
At least that’s what I’m seeing from my end. I ran CCleaner to clean out the cookies and junk from my browser, but it’s still the green one. I like them both but it’s puzzling.
You trouble-maker Skye – I mean , poor Joe, as if he’s not got enough to worry about!!!
"If we feel our heads starting to swell.....we just look at Ringo!"
I’m completely defeated by this, I’m sorry.
Like you I thought it might be a cache thing, then looked on the server to see if both the files have the same name (they wouldn’t – I think they’re datestamped when they get uploaded, but either way you’re using Photobucket and remotely linking). Sorry, I can’t think why that would happen.
I need a ‘smiley’ to indicate despair coupled with frustration. This’ll do:
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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13 November 2009
More smileys added:
Skye – I tried the Crazy Paul one but it didn’t look right. I think I’ll stick with A Hard Day’s Night smileys for now.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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13 November 2009
Yeah, you’re right. I also need to sort out the contrast so the black/white levels are more consistent.
The Ringo differences are more obvious in the full-size pictures, but when they’re reduced to 35×35 pixels it is harder to tell. Maybe I’ll remove some of them.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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and villain: (more of a growly than a smiley)
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
13 November 2009
Or when we’re talking about them bad folk: Allen Klein, Albert Goldman etc.
As an aside, McLerristarr – thanks for the comments about the dodgy symbols appearing on some of the articles. This happened when I moved webhosts in November, though I’m not sure why. It’s to do with accents on certain letters not being rendered correctly. Please let me know if you spot any, by leaving a comment on the article(s), and I’ll fix them.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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13 November 2009
Joe said:
Or when we’re talking about them bad folk: Allen Klein, Albert Goldman etc.
As an aside, McLerristarr – thanks for the comments about the dodgy symbols appearing on some of the articles. This happened when I moved webhosts in November, though I’m not sure why. It’s to do with accents on certain letters not being rendered correctly. Please let me know if you spot any, by leaving a comment on the article(s), and I’ll fix them.
No problem. I like proofreading, not sure why. I understand it’s harder to proofread when you’re typing, I end up printing assignments off several times because I keep finding new mistakes.
What I hate is when there are books that are filled with mistakes, they’ve got no excuses, they have plenty of time to check it. Our local newspaper is filled with mistakes, I might apply for a job there.
I actually used to be a sub-editor on a national newspaper many years ago, but when you’re typing thousands of words for a website it’s only natural that some mistakes slip through. Having a second or third pair of eyes look over something is never a bad thing, so thanks for the feedback.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
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13 November 2009
I saw a couple of mistakes on the Home page and I wasn’t sure where to post them.
In the Did you know? section, about the Beatles final live performance, there was a mistake in the date, which read, “30 January 30 1969”.
In the In the spotlight section, about Mal Evans, it says “Mal Evans was The Beatles\’ road manager” – random backslash.
Thanks – fixed now.
I was having problems with blank pages or slow-loading pages earlier. It was caused by the plugin that controls the image gallery. I’ve disabled it until a fix is issued, but in the meantime many images will be missing and replaced by a [bit of code in square brackets]. Ignore it if you see this, and hopefully it’ll be right within a day or two.
The perils of using third-party software. If I was cleverer I’d code my own. It’s an enormous PITA. Fortunately this site doesn’t have masses of images at the moment, though I was thinking of adding a load more. I’ll hold off for now and see if there’s a better way to do it.
Good versus bad: who will triumph?
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
13 November 2009
13 November 2009
At the bottom of the Home page, there is information about the site under headings, most of which are Beatles song titles. Except Translate this page and Sponsor links. Perhaps you could change the headings to match the format of the others? Translate this page could be Help ! or Across The Universe , although the latter would be more appropriate if we discover an alien language. Sponsor links could be Money (that’s what I want). Just a suggestion.
As a side note: I love the way the ads on the site pick up on key words so most of them are either Beatles or Bible related products.
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