4 April 2014
This is my first thread!
The idea in this is to write a story continually as a group. You write one to three sentences and then the next person, who continues the story. The goal is to write a solid, interesting 2-3 paragraph short story. You may continue the previous passage in a spontaneous way, or a way that flows and makes sense. I’ll start it off:
Once upon a time… there was a world with no Mark Chapman and no lung cancer. It’s 1981, and there has been many up cries for a Beatles reunion. Could the four boys who took the world by storm in the 1960’s possibly reunite?
The following people thank Dr Winston o Boogie for this post:
Starr Shine?I don't expect you... to understand after you've caused so much pain. But then again, you're just a human... a victim of the insane.
1 November 2013
Paul was unsure about grouping up reuniting since Yoko and Paul were part of an affair and being together would run the risk of being caught!
(I think we should have two people before you can go again so no people take over story)
14 December 2009
(good idea!)
Ringo, meanwhile, was convinced he would get a nomination for a Best Actor Academy Award for his role in “Caveman!” and didn’t want to make any immediate plans in case he had to attend the ceremony in March.
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
2 April 2014
1 November 2013
George was in front of the Dakota and since John was stoned and Yoko was with Paul no one responded so George busted down the door and yelled to John. “Hey we gonna do the Beatles thing or not?”
16 December 2013
4 February 2014
Of course they did do LSD (stoned John is very convincing) and as their first trip was together, this reminded them of that. Once the drugs had worn off they had bonded and were ready to get the other boys to start rehearsing. They phoned Ringo: sadly No Reply , but they were sure they heard Paul and another voice next door!
(If I’m limited to three sentences I’m getting as much in as possible! )
1 November 2013
John tried to walk over to investigate the other room when George said “hey I got a gear idea mate!”
John looked over and replied “What is it?”
George stood up and said “Lets create or own Harrison-Lennon songs while we wait for the others!”
2 April 2014
4 February 2014
In the next room Yoko sits alone wondering why Paul just crawled through the hole in the wall.
As the first (actually second as I believe there is one they just didn’t release) Lennonson (Johns ego was too big for Harrison-Lennon) song was starting to come to shape:
[Here comes the love… Doo doo doo doo
Here comes the love and I say, love is all you need!]
Ringo walked in the front door shouting, “I sense my bobble-head is damp don’t you know it’s dry clean only!?”
The Beatles were reunited!
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
Starr Shine?2.40am
1 November 2013
After a few hours of song making among the four lads from Liverpool, A knock was heard on the wall next to the door. (since George broke down the door a few hours ago) The four turned to the door frame though Paul quickly looked away when he saw that it was Yoko standing there with her 5 year old son Sean.
Yoko looked suprized and said “Hello John, What happened to the door while I was gone?”
2 April 2014
George and Ringo popped round the door like in a Scooby Doo cartoon and simply looked at eachother when suddenly, something pushed John out of the way. Nobody knew who it was, since he was holding a copy of McCartney II to his head to make him look like Paul – removing it, he revealed himself as the one and only Paul! Everyone gasped at this, until Paul said “I would’ve gotten away with his if it wasn’t for you meddling kids and your dumb drummer!”; Yoko screamed, as usual.
20 September 2013
1 November 2013
John’s face was ruby red and he was about to speak when. . .
A beautiful girl that all the beatles and Yoko instantly fell for appeared!
She had chestnut mid back length hair and alabaster skin and clear icey blue eyes and an amazing body and fantastic clothing that looked great on her and a winning personality! and this fine spesiman of lady said in a clear wonderful voice. . .
“Hey I’m Annadog40 which way is the room with the pregnat lady since I am a Doctor/Lawyer/Singer/Actor/President/Amazing?”
It’s not a real Beatles story without a self insert/Mary Sue
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Mr. Kite10.30pm
4 February 2014
They all pointed at Yoko without looking away from the woman, who was apparently Anna. She took out a portable ultrasound and it was then that they found out Yoko was carrying two babies! One was quite a bit bigger however, and this child assumed to be Paul’s was actually Johns! The smaller baby was however Paul’s!!!
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
Starr Shine?11.27pm
8 August 2014
28 May 2014
1 November 2013
Ringo, wanting to join the fun, picks up his whole drum kick and starts bashing everyone in perfect 4/4 time.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Mr. Kite, Bulldog, Hey Jude !11.37pm
4 February 2014
At this point, Stu disappears and George realizes he’s hurting his beautiful guitars. They all stop fighting except for Pete. Then Ringo utters, “I’m sorry! They chose me because I was better! I didn’t mean to replace you!!” This causes Pete to cry and be leaves the room feeling defeated.
Now they have time to let the news of Yoko’s double-pregnancy sink in…
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