29 October 2016
Hello everyone from sunny Liverpool! I’ve joined this forum as I’m in need of some help, it’s a bit of a long story so I’ll try and keep it short and sweet….
Many years ago an old family friend used to look after Paul and Linda’s horses, Paul showed up at the stables one day with a bag and gave it to my friend and said “that might be worth a few bob to you someday”, the bag contained a grey pinstripe suit and three jackets all tailored to Pauls size, he kept them for many years and around the time of the Beatles anthology being on tv (about 21 years ago) I was telling him how much I was enjoying watching it, he told me the story of how he got these clothes and how they were just sitting in his wardrobe at home, I was amazed and told him how I’d love to see them, he told me I could have them as he had no interest in the Beatles and didn’t know what to do with them, anyway I eneded up with them and a few days ago it was announced on local radio that some Beatles experts would be valuing any old Beatles memrobilia at The Beatles Story in Liverpool on Wednesday, I couldn’t make it due to work commitments so asked my wife to call in with them on the way home from work as she passes The Beatles Story on the way home, she got there and the door seemed to be locked, she was about to leave when a couple showed up and also tried the door, my wife said it looks like they’ve closed and was about to leave when the Lady said “there’s another entrance around the corner it must be that one they’re using”, so they all went around to the other entrance and sure enough it was open, my wife was surprised when the couple she was with seemed to be getting a royal welcome, lots of people making a fuss, it turned out to be Freda (Brian Epsteins old PA and Beatles fan club secretary) good old Freda!
Anyway the cloths expert had a good look at the suits and jackets and said in his opinion they were definately Paul McCartney ‘s, he put a good value on them but has said we could do with finding photographs of Paul wearing them, I know there must be photo’s out there but there’s thousands to trawl through, that’s were my plea for help comes in, I’ve already spent a bit of time looking through pics on the internet but I know some people on this forum might have pics that are not in the public domain. One of the labels in a jacket says it’s from Saville Row and two of the others that are from a clothing company that traded between 1964 and 1970 so I’m confident these were probably towrds the end of The Beatles.
Any help would be appreciated, I opologise in advance for the quality of pics, we are trying to sort out getting them photographed professionally to help with the search.
18 May 2016
29 October 2016
sgtpepper63 said
CouldBe the same as
Thanks for the reply, I seen this pic, it’s very similar but the buttons are different, I notice paul seems to wear a lot of pinstripes so I’m hoping to find a pic with that suit,it’s definitely around the same time of that pic because all the ones I’ve seen so far have the same size lapels from around 1969, I found a pic with paul,Linda and ringo walking across a car park that looks like the blue blazer with the gold buttons but the pic is a bit blurry, that too is from 1969 so I think we are definitely looking around that time.
16 September 2018
That would be incredible to find proof that they actually belonged to Paul. Do you still have contact with your friend? See if they will sign a letter explaining how he came about owning them. Paul apparently didn’t mind anyone making any money from his personal material things. And be sure you get that letter notarized. If those are truly his suit, it might be a good idea to have them cleaned and pressed if you’re going to send out photographs to identify them. You might start with Paul, himself. His half sister Ruth and her mother handle most of his correspondence. They are apparently very rigid in their rules. Check out the official Macca website for guidelines. If you’re in it for the money, you might want to consider donating at least 50% to one of Paul’s charities. You would need to provide the information and contact person ahead of time so you can share that in a letter with the photos included. That would appeal to his sensibilities.
There is also a man in England (I think) Linnedamann ??? who buys collectors clothing. He works a lot with the Beatles clothing. Some of the cover bands purchase their clothes to help them get into character for concerts.
Check out the pictures of Paul wearing a dark suit the day he married Linda. It looks very much like the top photo you posted.
Good luck and let us know if anything pans out!
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