In another thread some of you discussed your favorite bits from the Anthology documentary. Since there were so many priceless moments in the film, I thought it would be a good idea to have a place to share them.
Here are just a few of my best bits:
~ George Martin discussing A Day In The Life
~ “Ringo played football with Elvis”
~ Talking about how stoned they were filming Help ! (esp. in the director’s cut… more details)
~ “We’ve been together now for 40 years…”
14 October 2009
This is a no brainer for me! It contains simply the best bit of Beatle footage that exists: The Shea Stadium performance of I’m Down . I could watch that forever. Ther sheer fun John and George are having is magical to witness.
"If we feel our heads starting to swell.....we just look at Ringo!"
13 November 2009
I watched Anthology today after I borrowed it from the university library. It’s great. The only criticism i have is that they showed performances of the same songs over and over (mainly All My Loving and Twist And Shout ) and in some cases cut performances off early. Other than that, it has a great collection of Beatles footage. My favourite bit was probably when Ringo said something but wasn’t sure so said Paul might know, then Paul started talking about it then said George Martin might have more info, so it cut to George Martin looking blankly then cut straight back to Paul. Hilarious direction (I’m currently studying to be a director). I loved the way they edited it so it seemed like they were answering each other. Especially when the each gave a different answer to each question. It was so long ago (although Anthology itself is around 15 years old) I’m not surprised their memories occasionally fail them.
11 February 2010
Oh man I love anthology.
One moment that stuck out for me was when Ringo was talking about using his cymbals for “protection” because he was scared they were gonna try to assassinate him up in Canadaland…
Also the aforementioned “Paul might know.” “George Martin might know.” “.__.”
Definately enjoyed the talking about Help ! (“We ran like seven miles to smoke a joint…”)
Actually, anytime they mention drugs I seem to get a kick outta it. Idk why, they just seem to do some majorly hillarious things when under the influence 😛 “What’s the worst thing you can do before meeting The Queen?” “This.”
I think it was either halfways through or towards the end where Paul started giving all his interviews on a boat, and me and the rest of the youtube commenters (watched it there because I’m a cheapskate) couldn’t stop speculating the random of it all.
“Paul, we gotta film this documentary.”
“But Pau–“
“Paul our cameraman is getting seasick.”
The following people thank MadiYasha for this post:
Reklo87"I'd like to end up sort of unforgettable."
lol ~ Yeah, the randomness of Cap’n Paulie is hilarious! Maybe he thought it would add a bit of Scouse authenticity… after all, they’re a sea-faring lot!
mjb said:
This is a no brainer for me! It contains simply the best bit of Beatle footage that exists: The Shea Stadium performance of I’m Down . I could watch that forever. Ther sheer fun John and George are having is magical to witness.
omg! I love that part!! It always makes me think we’re getting a little peek into what it must have been like in Hamburg. Just a peek , but still unbelievably cool!
5 February 2010
I love all the George-isms that pop up throughout the Anthology. They were all very witty in their own way, but the more I’ve watched the old movies and the Anthology, I’ve come to really appreciate George’s lightning-quick sense of (dry) humor. Two examples that come readily to mind: “Even now, [Paul] is still nine months older than me …”, and “It looked good because Paul was left-handed and I was right-handed … and … I still am.”
Not a bit like Cagney.
14 October 2009
PeterWeatherby said:
I love all the George-isms that pop up throughout the Anthology. They were all very witty in their own way, but the more I’ve watched the old movies and the Anthology, I’ve come to really appreciate George’s lightning-quick sense of (dry) humor. Two examples that come readily to mind: “Even now, [Paul] is still nine months older than me …”, and “It looked good because Paul was left-handed and I was right-handed … and … I still am.”
You’ve said it in one! I recall the Beatles being asked in an interview if they were millionnaires. They said no. The interviewer then said something like all the money must be going to the Queen to which George replied at lightning speed “She’s a millionaire”!
"If we feel our heads starting to swell.....we just look at Ringo!"
5 February 2010
mjb said:
You’ve said it in one! I recall the Beatles being asked in an interview if they were millionnaires. They said no. The interviewer then said something like all the money must be going to the Queen to which George replied at lightning speed “She’s a millionaire”!
Exactly! Another that comes to mind is their press conference when they came to the US. The reporter asked if the boys would be getting haircuts, and after they’d all finished yelling, “No!”, quiet-Beatle George sneaked in the classic, “I’ve just had one yesterday.”
And of course there’s the famous story of their first audition/recording with George Martin. After he’d sat the lads down and criticized the record for a solid hour, he then said something to the effect of, “Anyway, those are things I didn’t like – was there anything you didn’t like?” And again, quiet-Beatle George was right there with the quip: “Well, I don’t like your tie.”
Not a bit like Cagney.
21 August 2009
Is it a crime that I have yet to see Anthology?
But, by the sounds of it, I can’t wait! Heard about it, yes, seen many, many clips, yes, but never the whole documentary. But, mjb, I know where you’re coming from with I’m Down ! So adorable! John’s inability to finish the lines and George’s grin, is just too much!
Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!
Alissa said:
Is it a crime that I have yet to see Anthology?
Absolutely! Off to German jail for you… (lol)
Do yourself a favor… resist the urge to view clips on youtube until you can see the whole thing on DVD. Even though it’s not a comprehensive history and even though the boys are not always 100% accurate with some facts, it’s just a delight to hear/watch them tell the story. You’ll love it!
13 November 2009
14 October 2009
iCaramba said:
Even though it’s not a comprehensive history and even though the boys are not always 100% accurate with some facts, it’s just a delight to hear/watch them tell the story. You’ll love it!
I love some of those bits. I can’t recall anything specific but you get something like George saying: “When we did Revolver in sixty five” and I’m screaming at the TV “It wasn’t 65, it was 66”. Or they’ll say that a particular track was off an album that it wasn’t.
Their memories are quite frightening at times, but then they were a) in a goldfish bowl, and, b) under the influence !
"If we feel our heads starting to swell.....we just look at Ringo!"
12 September 2009
Agreed — you will love Anthology. It’s probably something to revisit every few years….
The one comment I always loved is Ringo talking about John and Yoko’s Two virgin cover, when John showed it to them all, and Ringo was sort of pretending to kinda like it but really he was just thinking, ‘John, as if I can’t just see your dick!’
George Martin’s face as he listens to some of the old tracks is also pretty memorable.
"We were just a band, who made it very very big, that's all."
13 November 2009
The bit I found the most hilarious in Anthology was the bit when The Beatles received their MBEs from the Queen.
American reporter outside Buckingham Palace: “In days gone by, they used to storm the palace gates demanding bread or the right to vote or some other civil right, but today it’s all about The Beatles.”
Seriously! Do you know what a constitutional monarchy is? You may be confusing 20th Century Great Britain with 18th Century Revolutionary France.
McLerristarr said:
Seriously! Do you know what a constitutional monarchy is?
Seems like an odd notion to us uppity Yanks!
How about one of our other “charming” traditions, the KKK? One of the weirdest scenes in The Anthology is the interview with the KKK a$$h*!# outside the stadium in Memphis. The reporter is clearly exposing the guy’s idiocy, but it’s unbelievable to me that there was a time a man like that could spew forth his ignorant hatred so confidently in public like that… oh wait! I forgot about The Teabaggers…
13 November 2009
iCaramba said:
McLerristarr said:
Seriously! Do you know what a constitutional monarchy is?
Seems like an odd notion to us uppity Yanks!
How about one of our other “charming” traditions, the KKK? One of the weirdest scenes in The Anthology is the interview with the KKK a$$h*!# outside the stadium in Memphis. The reporter is clearly exposing the guy’s idiocy, but it’s unbelievable to me that there was a time a man like that could spew forth his ignorant hatred so confidently in public like that… oh wait! I forgot about The Teabaggers…
You’re right, that guy was an arse-hole. I’m not sure the KKK exist in other countries besides America, but I may be wrong. I’ve never understood how they could be filled with such hatred and violence and yet claim to be a Christian organisation… Isn’t that the opposite of what Jesus wanted?
I laughed though when he said that he had a few “surprises” for The Beatles. Clearly their plan worked because The Beatles died in 1966 and the whole world hates them for the blasphemers they are…
Who are the Teabaggers?
Oh, you are blissfully unaware of those insanely misguided fools who publicly protested Obama’s health care plan by holding rallies all over the U.S. and comparing our president to Hitler? Lucky you… sadly, I was forced to hear about them every night on the news.
This shows you what idiots they are:
This is what most of us think of them: (Warning: graphic language)
The funniest thing about the self-named Teabaggers is that they tried to invoke the spirit of the Revolution (think Boston Tea Party), but the joke was on them…. most of us just thought of this definition of the term: http://www.urbandictionary.com…..teabagging
13 November 2009
iCaramba said:
Oh, you are blissfully unaware of those insanely misguided fools who publicly protested Obama’s health care plan by holding rallies all over the U.S. and comparing our president to Hitler? Lucky you… sadly, I was forced to hear about them every night on the news.
This shows you what idiots they are:
This is what most of us think of them: (Warning: graphic language)
The funniest thing about the self-named Teabaggers is that they tried to invoke the spirit of the Revolution (think Boston Tea Party), but the joke was on them…. most of us just thought of this definition of the term: http://www.urbandictionary.com…..teabagging
Hahaha! “Fox News: America’s only non-corrupt news network.” I wonder if they know what the healthcare reforms actually are? I would assume not. I know from researching it on the internet, because it’s not that big a deal outside of America. Every other country has good healthcare (compared to America’s anyway). When you said teabaggers, I was also think of that other definition, which is what confused me. I don’t know who Bill Maher is but that was funny! I’ve noticed that there doesn’t seem to be any right-wing comedians, probably because they wouldn’t be funny.
Anyway, this is slightly off topic…
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