13 November 2018
Ahhh Girl said
Derail: @Into the Sky with Diamonds, Ron Nasty was just telling Hannah about reviewing your book. How cool to see you mention it as soon as I open the forum tonight!
In many cases a peer review of these books would be useless as different people have different memories of different events. I have also found that in many cases, speaking to some of the people who were there that I’ve met, that some of them want to preserve the Beatles as nice clean cut kids. Some will never say anything bad about any of the four.
Memories differ even among the four Beatles themselves. Paul says that when they met Elvis, that he met them at the front door. John says that they were met by his people who ushered them into the living room. Ringo says that Elvis never stood up for the entire evening and other’s say they all went into a different room to jam. In Anthology, George didn’t know what album a particular song was on.
I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with many of the people who were close to The Beatles and they all have different memories and different opinions. Mark Lewisohn has done an outstanding job of sifting through al of this and coming up with the absolute truth in some cases and the most likely scenario in other cases and noting that in some cases, we will never know exactly what happened.
The following people thank Winston O for this post:
Beatlebug, SgtPeppersBulldog5.15pm
15 November 2018
I just got this book called A Hard Day’s Write and while it’s actually a pretty good book, the pictures are all out of whack. There would be pictures from like 1966 for songs on Beatles For Sale , and pictures from around Magical Mystery Tour in the Let It Be /Abbey Road stuff. There was also one picture in the Hard Day’s Night section of the Beatles riding the sled in Help that was captioned something along the lines of “The Beatles have a fun time riding a sled in A Hard Day’s Night ” and I was so upset. Nobody understands why I care, but it’s just such a huge mistake.
Also, ten or so pages from the middle of the book were missing, and for some reason they were in the back of the book. Not sure if I just have a weird copy or not, but it was kinda confusing…
It wasn’t a bad book, though. It had some interesting information on unreleased songs and stuff like that.
Love one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
28 February 2020
6 September 2018
Beatlebug said: “I could barely stand to read through it.”
I think I made it as far as page five. At that point, I had to cut my losses. At least I didn’t have a sales receipt as a constant reproachful reminder. I had borrowed it from the library. Chalk it up as a loss to the taxpayers.
Everywhere, it's what you make
For us to take, it's all too much.
1 November 2013
The worst book has to be It’\s all too much by Beatle babe where Paul McCartney gets pregnant.
12 October 2021
1 May 2011
12 October 2021
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