11 February 2009
Get a FREE copy. Send a request to carmancorvia@yahoo.com.
OK, I've googled your email address so I know you're not a random spammer, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and leave this thread up. But please leave a little more information on what your book is about and why people should contact you. I'll give you three days before I delete your user account.
Also, if your book is free why not link to a pdf file on the web? Are you trying to harvest people's email addresses?
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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11 February 2009
OK, thanks for not cutting me off without a chance to explain further. I'm not a spammer and have no expectation of making any money. I wouldn't know how to profit from having email addresses. When Sgt. Peppers was released and the Paul is dead business started I never believed that was what the Beatles were trying to communicate. So, I kept trying to figure it out. Then it just came to me what it was about. At that time I had little evidence to prove my idea. Recently, I started reminiscing about the never solved mystery. I got out my old vinyl and started listening to Sgt. Peppers, MMT, and Abbey Road . I did extensive research on the WEB. Everything I found out substantiated what I thought back in the 60's. I decided to put it together in an ebook. It's not your usual Beatle book. I think of it as puzzle pieces that guide the reader in putting the puzzle together in a convincing way. No Beatle trivia or fan talk. This is a study of the profound effect that LSD had on the Beatles minds and how their songs reflect that impact and a plan they hatched to expedite the creation of a new kind of world. I interpret all the songs on these three albums from that perspective.
I have a post on the PID Nothing is Real website with over 3200 views and 203 replies. The Paul Is Dead crowd seem impossible to convince of any other possibility. Yet, many read my book and no one gives a rebuttal. I also have a podcast on the Bertone Beatle Bonanza website.
All I want is someone to take the time, read and really think about what I'm showing here. it can't be all coincidence. I give hard clues on the album covers and tell you where to listen for subliminal messages in their songs.
I challenge someone to prove I'm wrong.
As for the pdf file on the WEB, I'm not sure how to do that but I like to send what I have to the reader and let them respond by reply. Sometimes it starts an exchange and I learn what they think of my idea.
It's been frustrating for me but I'm totally cofident that with time and exposure this will become the solving of the Beatle mytery.
Great – thanks for the clarification Carman. I appreciate you taking the time to write.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
5 July 2010
“This is a study of the profound effect that LSD had on the Beatles minds
and how their songs reflect that impact and a plan they hatched to
expedite the creation of a new kind of world. I interpret all the songs
on these three albums from that perspective.”
What exactly do you mean by this? You interpreted the songs while on LSD?
11 February 2009
Actually, all my knowledge of LSD comes from research. I've never tripped. Certainly you know that the Beatles music from 1965-1970 was mostly created from the impact of their many acid trips. John Lennon was a total advocate of LSD use and was closely associated with Tim Leary. Lennon was one of the key people who advocated using LSD to change society. He badgered the other Beatles until they tried it and became of same mind. You will never understand the Beatles music unless you understand what LSD does to the mind. I'm not judging whether it was good or bad . I only try to reveal the true meaning of their songs and uncover a plot that they hatched to communicate a secret message to the hippie subculture. The Paul is Dead stuff was a cover for that plot which I guess I'd have to say didn't come off as they expected. After Charles Manson it was impossible to advocate LSD as a God given gift. Like anything else in the hands of humans it can be misused for evil purposes. That was not he the Beatles intent but it ended the 60's hope of a new kind of world through LSD mind expansion.
Why not take a look at what I've written. This is not Beatle trivia or fan talk. Send me an email request and I'll send you what I have. It's free! If you think it's a lot of BS, tell me. I'm not afraid of controversy. It's time to think beyond the Paul is Dead idea because after forty years it's gone nowhere. My ideas originated in the 60's when Sgt. peppers came out and with the help of the WEB I've substantiated exactly what I thought back then. I've never found any facts or information that didn't fit my theory.
Hope to hear from you,
5 July 2010
I think the whole Paul is Dead thing is BS. Very, very, coincidental, and of course interesting, but, BS. I also have listened to the entire Beatles catalougue (minus Anthologies) under the influence of LSD, which is why I am quite interested in your topic. I sent you an email request yesterday, I will read it tomorrow probably.
11 February 2009
One important thing I want to mention. Everything I've learned about LSD indicates that what was called LSD in the 60's as opposed to the stuff available today are two different substances. LSD of the sixties was an ego destroyer, LSD today is an ego enhancer. This is because LSD today is mostly other drugs mixed with amphetamine. Real high quality LSD is unavailable and hard to make. The original stuff was produced by Sandoz laboratories and then trained chemists. This was the LSD the Beatles took.
5 July 2010
I definetely believe that. I have read a good amount about ego death, and I do not feel I experienced it. Ego enhancement on the other hand, sure, I can certainly see that. 1/2 of the 60's LSD chemicals are monitored by the government nowadays I would assume.
Anyways, I will probably give everything a read tonight after I am done with my classes and give you my input then.
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