8 November 2012
Maybe when the book comes out, there should be a thread specifically for spoilers, so people can read if they choose to.
21 November 2012
I’m superjealous. I have to wait months before I’ll have enough money to order it. I still have to spend for at least 400 euros on schoolbooks this year and as I’m working less because of school, money is becoming more of a problem.
I don’t think I’ll get it for Sinterklaas either, as it’s so expensive.
29 August 2013
3 May 2012
I suppose that’s been said because pick up any book on the Beatles, and you’ll find some fault. Some are just minor ones that you spot easily and just read past, but they’re still there. In this book, according to them/Lewisohn, there won’t even be any of those ones, though. That’s how I interpreted that.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
I don’t think this has been mentioned before, but amazon.com has what’s presumably the US artwork. It’s way nicer than what we’re getting here in the UK, is appropriately classy, and even – gasp! – features pictures of The Beatles:
Lest we forget, here’s the UK version for comparison:
What was that old adage about judging books and covers?
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29 November 2012
I noticed that last week but neglected to mention it…I’ve got the US edition on preorder, but my mum and dad are going to get me the UK edition for Christmas. I do have to say, the UK cover art is total s**t…I’m sorry, but it is. Even if they aren’t going to use the Beatles drop-T logo, they can do something better (as evidenced by this US artwork). And it’s set seeing how Lewisohn tweeted pictures of himself holding the finished product from the printers with that art. It’s an utter load of crap…thank goodness, as you say Joe, the inside will be better than the outside. It looks like something cheesy done on photoshop or Microsoft Powerpoint!
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
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20 August 2013
I’m thinking of the covers with the idea of displaying the book in our “New Books” area in the library. I think the US cover would draw more people to it.
But, in the long run, does the library need the more complete information offered in the UK version for scholarly study?
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29 November 2012
I guess you’ve got to weigh how many people apart from hardcore fans will use the book for research purposes and/or care about the extra wealth of info, vs. the vast majority of the general public who will probably be fine with the abridged version.
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
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1 May 2011
There is no doubt the US is far more appealing on the eye, would be nice to open the package when it arrives and go all gooey when seeing it. Ah well, as long as the inside is excellent i’ll get thru.
Why is there no “volume 1” on the UK?
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
29 November 2012
Maybe he’s going for the titles of each volume (Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out) instead of volume #s?
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
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1 May 2011
29 November 2012
My guess (and it’s only a guess) is that since the UK mega-edition is considered the “real” edition, they don’t care f**k all about the shortened US version and how it’s titled
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
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1 May 2011
29 November 2012
meanmistermustard said
So why spend time creating a better cover if they didn’t gave a hairy monkey about it?
Great point. No clue. He has different publishers in the UK and US…maybe the US just came up with a better cover?
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
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18 April 2013
29 November 2012
I believe so…Lewisohn was holding up copies with that same cover on his twitter. I can’t see them having a 3rd cover variant anyway, that’d be a bit much (although I could be wrong!)
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
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18 April 2013
21 November 2012
20 August 2013
Linde said
Why do those versions even have different covers? Why not use the same cover for both books?
It is done to confuse the Beatlism historians trying to unravel the truth in the year 2262 as described by mja6758 in the “Philosophy question” thread. Which book contains the real truth? Some say the shorter one is the full account of the truth and the longer one throws in tidbits that only some thought to be true.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017) (2018)
29 November 2012
Linde said
Why do those versions even have different covers? Why not use the same cover for both books?
He has different publishers in the US and UK, that’s most likely why.
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
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