8 November 2012
I just borrowed Larry Kirwan’s Liverpool Fantasy from the library based on a recommendation. Anyone else been reading any Beatle-related novels and have recommendations? To me, it’s professional fanfic, and I’ll read it if the author’s good.
5 November 2011
Do you mean other than biographies? I don’t really know of any, but I do like Stephen King, and I have read a few of his books which mentions The Beatles. The Tibetan Book of The Dead is a good book which kind of makes you think about things. It’s also a good book to quote, or take inspiration from, which I have done in a few English papers.
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
8 November 2012
Yeah, specifically novel – fiction (if you click on the link, it’s an interesting what-if scenario).
10 August 2011
Hmmm…. there’s a historical novel out there combining the Beatles and the Race to the Moon. Can’t quite remember the name.
The following people thank Into the Sky with Diamonds for this post:
Ahhh Girl"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
8 November 2012
15 May 2013
There was this short story / mini-novel called Snodgrass by Ian McLeod. It is an alternative history of Lennon leaving the band on June 63 at Abbey Rd after Martin gave them “How Do You Do It ” to record instead of one of their numbers. Lennon quits the band right there and the Beatles beame succesful nonetheless. Lennon now lives off welfare and has become the no-good Aunt Mimi always told him he would. The story has been adapted for TV, I believe.
It’s full of little details for connoisseurs.
3 May 2012
I heard about a book just yesterday called ‘Eleanor Rigby ‘, obviously inspired by the song. Here it is: ie=UTF8&qid=1368716553&sr=1-1&keywords=eleanor+rigby
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
17 December 2012
I have recently been reading a wonderful novel by Ronald P. Grelsamer called Into the Sky with Diamonds: The Beatles and the Race to the Moon in the Psychedelic ’60s. He comes up with a wonderful construct to tell two of the most fascinating stories of the ’60s. As a straight read that dealt with my favourite group and a subject I didn’t know much about, played out against a fictional relationship, I couldn’t recommend it highly enough.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
3 May 2012
^^ I wondered about buying that but I wasn’t too certain of what the plot was actually about. Might add it to my ”summer reads” list though if you recommend it.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
19 October 2016
Glimpses by Lewis Shiner. The novel begins with a guy who somehow acquires the ability to “channel” a pure, un-Spectorized version of “The Long And Winding Road ” through his stereo. He is able to reproduce the event with a recorder running and then sets out to do the same with The Celebration of the Lizard, The First Rays of the New Rising Sun, and, ultimately, Smile.
Only part of the novel is Beatles-related but if you’re at all also interested in the Doors, Hendrix and/or Brian Wilson, this is worth a read.
The following people thank Pablo Ramon for this post:
Into the Sky with Diamonds7.45pm
23 July 2016
The Beatles Gear, Andy Babiuk
Revolution In The Head, Ian Macdonald
The Beatles As Musicians, Walter Everett
The Beatles Encyclopedia, Kenneth Womack
The Complete Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn
Here, There, And Everywhere, Geoff Emmerick
and anything by Bruce Spizer if you can find it
Some websites
and of course
The Beatles Bible
Maybe you should try posting more.
20 August 2013
Er, um, those aren’t novels/fiction.
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