1 November 2012
My question can pertain to celebrities, or just ordinary people you either know or don’t know that well.
It can also pertain to anything — from the seemingly trivial to the more admirable or “noble” qualities.
One thing I admire is the ability of certain people who can roll their Rs in a trill — especially in a long snappy Latino way!
I fail miserably at this whenever I try. I notice there are lots of YouTubes on learning how to do this…
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
14 January 2013
I admire people who can tell great stories. Whether it songwriters, authors, or even our own Egroeg Evoli. I especially admire John Lennon because he had dyslexia like me yet him and Paul could just pull out songs from their heads and tell these beautiful stories. Its something wish I had, but I’m more of a drawer.
14 December 2009
6 December 2012
14 January 2013
Von Bontee said
Has it ever been confirmed that John had dyslexia? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody but Albert Goldman make that assertion, and I don’t know that he had any proof other than his opinion.
Good question. I’ve heard about it a lot on the net, but we all know there inaccuracies on the net.
I mean he could’ve had it because back then a lot teachers just thought you were hard headed; furthermore, many dyslexics are poor students. As to whether we have proof or we well ever know, we probably won’t know since John is dead now.
14 January 2013
21 November 2012
14 February 2013
21 November 2012
1 November 2012
Linde said
^That. I’m a worrier too. I can’t really relax and I’m always so insecure about things.
Sometimes I think it’s good to worry though, because if you are too easygoing things might go wrong too.
Same here. However, what I really admire are the easygoing individuals who are also quite aware of potential problems. In an unravelling situation or a crisis (whether big or small) such a person will be better able to handle it and smooth it over, without actually making it worse.
However, although I too like Linde “can’t really relax and I’m always so insecure about things”, I think I put on a front that makes people think I’m calm. I remember an amusing experience I had in high school: I was in a piano recital, at one point students would sit on a bench on stage, and one by one a student would walk over to the piano at center stage to play their 5-minute piece. As I was sitting waiting on the bench for my turn with a couple of other students, the girl next to me, whom I didn’t really know and never had spoken with before, leaned over and whispered: “I can’t believe you’re so CALM!!!” The hilarious thing is — I wasn’t calm at all! I was burning up inside with nervousness and anxiety! I just seemed calm!
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
21 November 2012
Oh I have the complete opposite! At work I was being quite calm, but my boss grabbed my arm and told me not to be so nervous. Apparently I often appear to be very nervous. On the other hand, when I’m doing something like a presentation in front of the class, it’s a completely different story, then I’m nervous as f**k, but words just flow out and I look calm to everyone. My teacher couldn’t believe I had a fear of failure. So apparently with me it just depends on the situation.
Anyway, to get back on the subject: I really admire my grandma. I’ve told people so many times she’s my hero. She’s had a tough upbringing and she’s gone through soooo much in her life. She’s always had a smile on her face and has been there for all of us, and she’s always done everything to help us all out and to hold the family together and make sure everyone has a good time. When she has pain, she does not show it, because she doesn’t want anyone to worry about her. She worries more about other people, before she worries about herself, even though she would have pneumonia or something. She always knows how to cheer me up. Oh, and she’s a great cook to! She’s already 84 but still does a lot of the cleaning and groceries herself. She’s not doing too well at the moment and I know she probably won’t live for another 10 years, but I don’t want to and can’t imagine a life without her. She is like a second mom to me.
Wow sorry. That was unbelievably corny. This is how I feel though.
14 January 2013
3 May 2012
I admire people who have some kind of talent, and work hard at it to get what they want. Though that can be applied to anything.
I also admire people who go against what’s considered to be the ”norm” or expected of you to do what they want (obviously within reason). I’m thinking of women involved in the feminist movement, especially.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
Yeah, me too. I have a fear of public speaking. I’ve done it at weddings and funerals when I’ve absolutely had to, and occasionally at work, but it’s way out of my comfort zone. I’m not a natural speaker, am hugely introverted and don’t like drawing attention to myself. Fortunately I work online so rarely have to interact with real human beings.
So, to answer the question, I admire people who have the confidence to get up and speak and have others listen to them, without fear of forgetting the subject, stumbling over words or having paranoia that everyone thinks you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
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