25 November 2010
GniknuS said:
Well there are a few upsides to Valentines Day…
, but overall I'm not really a huge fan. Actually it kind of depresses me because I like to gauge whatever relationship I'm in against buying a gift. It's like, well I know I'm not going to marry this girl, so should I really spend a bunch of money on a gift?
Have you ever given anyone a pen? You know, shortly after she gave you her heart? 🙂
19 September 2010
StarWisher said:
GniknuS said:
Well there are a few upsides to Valentines Day…
, but overall I'm not really a huge fan. Actually it kind of depresses me because I like to gauge whatever relationship I'm in against buying a gift. It's like, well I know I'm not going to marry this girl, so should I really spend a bunch of money on a gift?
Have you ever given anyone a pen? You know, shortly after she gave you her heart? 🙂
I am so lost by that.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
25 November 2010
19 September 2010
25 November 2010
Say Anything. I still really enjoy the movie, long after I saw it in the theater (grumble).
I'm not sure what the rating system is in Canada, but it's PG-13 over here.
19 September 2010
StarWisher said:
Say Anything. I still really enjoy the movie, long after I saw it in the theater (grumble).
I'm not sure what the rating system is in Canada, but it's PG-13 over here.
It usually is the same in Canada as in the US
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
7 August 2010
1 May 2010
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan……..anybody…..find meeeee…..somebody toooo, love?
Nope, no pens StarWisher, but I like the reference and I agree that I enjoy that movie.
Ok, that's what I like about Valentine's Day. I'm not going to lie, I enjoy a good romantic comedy, er chick flick, now and again and Valentine's Day gives me the opportunity to “begrudgingly” watch one. This year, Yoko and myself will be watching Chocolat.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
1 May 2010
Dear Prudence said:
I (like most people) have no-one to love. Making Valentines day horrible :'(
Aw Prudence *hugs* Don't worry kid, I'm sure one day you will find your very own Ringo
and karma agrees… 9!!
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
7 August 2010
mithveaen said:
Dear Prudence said:
I (like most people) have no-one to love. Making Valentines day horrible :'(
Aw Prudence *hugs* Don't worry kid, I'm sure one day you will find your very own Ringo
and karma agrees… 9!!
Aww thank you Mithveaen! *hugs back*
I hope so! Well there IS a special someone I know of, but we've been friends for eight years and counting! I know he has feelings for me (I found out from a friend of his) but I just coulden't do it! It could ruin our friendship and I don't want that to happen.
Dear Prudence
Giving you quality -Facepalms- , since August 7, 2010.
13 February 2010
I'm on the cheerleading squad at school and we sell candy grams and carnations at school every year during February. We started selling this week, and they're not that popular. Every year, it's a rare sight to see someone buy one for their girlfriend or boyfriend. People usually buy one for their mums, dads, and teachers.
We're also having a Sadie Hawkins Sweetheart Dance (where the girl asks the guy) at our school this year, and for some odd reason, I'm actually going. The guy I asked accepted! Yay!
They're usually pretty lame and junior high-ish, though. Only few dance, we just sit there and gossip.
All in all, Valentine's Day was only put out there so the florists, jewelry stores, and candy companies could have an enormous boost in sales.
Thursday night your stockings needed mending.
1 May 2010
19 September 2010
Sunii said:
All in all, Valentine's Day was only put out there so the florists, jewelry stores, and candy companies could have an enormous boost in sales.
It is a nice thing in theory, but like communism, it fails on execution.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
8 April 2010
I wouldn't say it failed. Florists are usually a lot more busy on Valentine's Day, from what I've seen. Also, communism could work, if people weren't greedy and governments weren't corrupt… Plus some people work harder than others, so it's kinda unfair. Also, I vaguely remember hearing something about there being levels of communism which you're supposed to build up to slowly, but countries have just skipped those levels and gone straight to the last one, which is why it failed. I have no idea if that's right, though.Does anyone know?
19 September 2010
I meant that the original Idea of a day dedicated to lovers is good in theory, but it became a shopping spree. And Seriously, how do you know so much about Communism? I meant it as a joke, but I think you are right.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
13 November 2009
Paulrus said:
I wouldn't say it failed. Florists are usually a lot more busy on Valentine's Day, from what I've seen. Also, communism could work, if people weren't greedy and governments weren't corrupt… Plus some people work harder than others, so it's kinda unfair. Also, I vaguely remember hearing something about there being levels of communism which you're supposed to build up to slowly, but countries have just skipped those levels and gone straight to the last one, which is why it failed. I have no idea if that's right, though.
Does anyone know?
I don't recall learning anything about ''levels'' in history (are there seven?), but from my point view, communism would only really work on a small scale. It's easier to share the wealth with a 100 people than a 100,000,000.
Back to Valentine's Day, there is always someecards.
Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!
25 November 2010
skye said:
Paulrus said:
I wouldn't say it failed. Florists are usually a lot more busy on Valentine's Day, from what I've seen. Also, communism could work, if people weren't greedy and governments weren't corrupt… Plus some people work harder than others, so it's kinda unfair. Also, I vaguely remember hearing something about there being levels of communism which you're supposed to build up to slowly, but countries have just skipped those levels and gone straight to the last one, which is why it failed. I have no idea if that's right, though.
Does anyone know?
I don't recall learning anything about ''levels'' in history (are there seven?), but from my point view, communism would only really work on a small scale. It's easier to share the wealth with a 100 people than a 100,000,000.
Back to Valentine's Day, there is always someecards.
Absolutely with what Skye says. With a limited number of resources, if there is a large amount of people to provide for, then everyone is going to get little AND a black market scene would soon develop, where people can gouge consumers for bread or whatever.
8 April 2010
13 September 2010
Our french club sells Orange Crush's for Valentine's day and my friends and I are working one of the lunches on Friday. It's actually kind of a fun play on words. I think it's different and I enjoy selling them. (We also do the carnations thing, but nobody buys those.)
"I am definitely a mad man with a box."- Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor of Doctor Who (Episode 1 Season 5: The Eleventh Hour)
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