20 August 2013
Linde said
Thank you!No problem, it’s over 2.15 am over here, I’m probably not that sharp anymore either.
Yay, at those books! They actually used to use that Groups that work book for one subject. I know that as my ”best friends” are a year above me and the book looks pretty familiar. That’s cool.
I’ve walked down that aisle many times without ever really noticing that section of books, but this time they jumped out at me having just had that conversation with you. We will just say that George and John were guiding my eyes to find those books just for you.
Funny Paper said
“Anyway, it’s an internship at Best Buddies, which is a project in which you do activities with lightly mentally disabled people.”
Before you get into your internship at BB (Best Buddies), Linde, you could practice on us here at BB (Beatles Bible); I think we’re all a bit lightly mentally disabled.
P.S.: That term “sniffing internship” made me think instantly of this:
Yes, yes. I volunteer to be a guinea pig in this little BB/BB experiment. Funny Paper deserves an apple for putting those together . Consider my “informed consent” form signed.
How does John make something as silly as that look so sexy?
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
29 August 2013
^ That ‘coke’ sniffing has always made me laugh. I recall I first saw the film at a Saturday matinee when I was a kid, since then it has garnered a ‘mature’ rating as the censors realised just what some of the gags actually meant.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
18 March 2013
29 August 2013
AppleScruffJunior said
Lost AGAIN on eBay, outbid on “The Concert for George” by 50p, DOES THE WORLD NOT WANT ME TO BE HAPPY!!!!
Ah my – it is very hard to be happy if you depend on ebay bidding. I have won a couple, had 2 auctions cancelled by the seller, lost about 6. I much prefer ‘buy it now’ when available and just put the rest down as a random event which might go any way.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
1 May 2011
I have an empty house that is so quiet. No tv going, no radio, no music, only the sound of a clock and the laptop fan can be heard. It is absolute bliss. Really should be going out to get some stuff done but it’s proving hard to peel myself off the sofa. Could lie here for hours.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
20 August 2013
meanmistermustard said
I have an empty house that is so quiet. No tv going, no radio, no music, only the sound of a clock and the laptop fan can be heard. It is absolute bliss. Really should be going out to get some stuff done but it’s proving hard to peel myself off the sofa. Could lie here for hours.
They say John Lennon did a lot of laying around on sofas during one phase of his life. He would approve of a few hours of relaxation for you.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
18 March 2013
20 August 2013
AppleScruffJunior said
Awww some person on eBay sells Beatles records designed for a dollhouse d’awwww
These could go with the Paul doll Graham Norton had on his show.
This post is the One After 909 for me.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
8 November 2012
AppleScruffJunior said
Lost AGAIN on eBay, outbid on “The Concert for George” by 50p, DOES THE WORLD NOT WANT ME TO BE HAPPY!!!!
I would think it’d be cheaper to get it from Amazon Marketplace.
18 March 2013
parlance said
AppleScruffJunior said
Lost AGAIN on eBay, outbid on “The Concert for George” by 50p, DOES THE WORLD NOT WANT ME TO BE HAPPY!!!!I would think it’d be cheaper to get it from Amazon Marketplace.
Amazon.co.uk is sold out for the next 1-2 months and every other seller is only selling Region 1 DVDs…bah humbug
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
3 May 2012
@Linde Recently, my friends have been letting me down a lot. The one, I don’t go to school with her anymore so I don’t see her on a daily basis and it’s only ever me that calls her to see how she’s doing. Anyway, I decided to do a little ”experiment”: I didn’t call her for weeks. Then, out the blue last night, I’d just got into my onesie and was sitting down with a cuppa and she and another friend turn up and want to see if I wanted to go out. Reluctantly, I went. I tried to be polite and not say anything but then I thought ”no, I have to say what I feel”, so I confronted her. I’m still a little hurt and it’s by no means forgotten, but I got it cleared up with her. If you can work this out with your friend(s) then I think that’s best, but if not, you don’t need them. Life’s too short. I’ve given up on other ”friends” in the past, and I don’t regrett it now. Hope you can get it sorted Oh and I know we got this thread back to a happier place, but just to say thanks for your words. Money was another reason my mom wouldn’t leave my dad, but he’s decided he’s too good to work now, so at least that means she can’t use that as an excuse (not that that’s much consolation). I remember how I used to feel about her only staying with him because of that, though.
Oh and about having the house to yourself, once I got back last night I had a shower, got back into my onesie, made another cuppa, sat down and watched Paul on telly, and then just sat there with the candles and silence until two o’clock. Absolute bliss. I think I’d like living on my own quite a lot.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
8 November 2012
Linde, congrats on the internship!
Emily, I’ve been there a few times with friends and “friends.” Life’s definitely too short to hang on to ones who offer more stress than friendship. But good for you talking things out with the one person.
3 May 2012
Thanks. It was hard as she told me a few things that have happened to her recently which made me feel a bit bad saying anything, but I haven’t had the best time recently either and she knows about all that. So she could have just dropped me a message or something to make sure everything was fine. Sorted now though, and we can move forward.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
21 November 2012
Aw those dollhouse albums are the cutest things ever!
Yeah, I have the same problem. When they passed their finals and I didn’t, they went to the same school together and saw each other a lot and in the beginning I saw them multiple days a week, but that decreased. Then, a few months ago, I started feeling like the fifth wheel on the wagon you know, and I felt as if they didn’t like me anymore. I then had a talk with them, and I explained I didn’t really feel content with myself and how I felt like the fifth wheel, and they just said I was imagining things. But then it burst, and I had another talk. One of them said I could come across as real bitchy, and I know I’m not, if anything, I’m a softy. She is a real bitch sometimes though. And she told me I was shady for not telling her things, and I explained to her that I never dared to, because she can be very intimidating and manipulative. Then we decided this whole was very stupid, because we’re best friends, so we just hugged and agreed to tell each other everything and to treat each other like best friends again. And that worked for a while.
But now it’s just that we’re all very busy. She has school and an internship, the other best friend just has work, because she didn’t pass her first year she decided to take a gap year and find a job, and I have school, work, my internship, other friends, and they just don’t understand that. And I feel as if I’m losing everyone one by one. I hardly ever see my friends.
Yeah it’s wonderful. My parents were gone last night too, and I had my brother and sister to pay attention to, but my sister went to bed early because she was tired of work, and my brother soon went too. So I just sat there with the telly on and my laptop, in a huge jumper and sweatpants, watching something about music. Cup of tea, slice of chocolate cake my mom baked. All good. I don’t know if I’d like to live on my OWN though. I think it’d be scary. I had plans to live together with one of my best friends, but that didn’t really work out. I AM considering moving to the city of my college though.
3 May 2012
I guess paying bills and all that kind of thing might be a bit worrying but as long as someone else dealt with that I think I’d love it. I spent a lot of time with my grandad this summer but he was hardly ever there so I felt like I was on my own, and it was great. I could do what I wanted when I wanted, play my music, watch what I wanted on tv, or turn it off (the tv is almost always on here and I hate it), eat what I wanted, etc. Perfect. Those days were probably the happiest I’ve ever been.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
18 March 2013
Bloody hell guys are we all living the same life?
One of my ‘friends’ who I have been hanging around with since I first started secondary school (three years ago) has decided to leave our group and go off with another group of people. This would generally be fine by me (live and let live and all that) but the fact that she is hanging around with the girl that she bitched about all summer, really annoys me. I hate complaining about anyone or bitching about anyone because I had a lot of the crap thrown at me when I was 12-14 so I don’t bother being mean to anyone anymore as it can really wreck somebody’s life. My ‘friend’ was lovely up until the night I ended my state exams this year and she went out and got pissed, she was literally off her head. She told me about ‘how great it was’ blah blah blah blah blah as if I haven’t had a drink before The night we got our results, she went out again ended up passing out after drinking 3 naggins of vodka and 4 cans of God knows what and didn’t even get into the disco, she was that out of it. I wasn’t there but she blanked out that entire night and only remembers getting on the bus to the disco, falling on the ground and nothing else. About 2 weeks ago at school, she just stopped meeting up with us at break time and lunch and was hanging around with other people and basically ignoring me and my other friends (which is an annoying thing to do, what have I done to you? Why are you ignoring me?).
One lunch when her group and gone out and she was staying in school for lunch, she went over to the table where me and my other 3 friends always sit, I looked at her and simply said “Deciding to talk to us now, eh?” and she walked off with her nose in the air. Now she’s constantly bragging about her going to New York for Halloween break and everyday tells me she’s going to go to the Dakota (as if I give a flying ****). We also had a tradition, where we’d all go to my house then go out trick or treating, now she told me she’s going out with her “other friends”, right so you can piss off then.
Oh yes and I just remembered, there is one girl called Shauna who is really lovely and really sweet and nice but she’s very quiet. Whe
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
8 November 2012
fabfouremily said
I guess paying bills and all that kind of thing might be a bit worrying but as long as someone else dealt with that I think I’d love it. I spent a lot of time with my grandad this summer but he was hardly ever there so I felt like I was on my own, and it was great. I could do what I wanted when I wanted, play my music, watch what I wanted on tv, or turn it off (the tv is almost always on here and I hate it), eat what I wanted, etc. Perfect. Those days were probably the happiest I’ve ever been.
I’ve been living on my own for… well, never mind how many years ;-D But I love it. Sometimes it’d be nice to have a roommate to help with the rent, but it’s not really worth it for me. A friend and I were talking about how we don’t know what we’d do if we ever got boyfriends because we love being accountable only to ourselves too much.
18 March 2013
3 May 2012
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