14 December 2009
21 November 2012
Funny Paper said
Is the NSB that well known in Holland that even teenagers would use it as a prank? I thought they were a movement from the 1930s and pretty much ended when WW2 ended?
Of course! Kids have history classes at school you know. The point is that doing something like that, or saying things like ”Heil Hitler” and make that gesture we all know, is prosecutable. And besides that, it’s just highly offensive.
Or is my whole family just exaggerating?
17 December 2012
Welcome back, meanmistermustard! Hope you’re feeling better.
Linde said
Funny Paper said
Is the NSB that well known in Holland that even teenagers would use it as a prank? I thought they were a movement from the 1930s and pretty much ended when WW2 ended?
Of course! Kids have history classes at school you know. The point is that doing something like that, or saying things like ”Heil Hitler” and make that gesture we all know, is prosecutable. And besides that, it’s just highly offensive.
Or is my whole family just exaggerating?
I should imagine that the history of the Second World War is taught very differently in the US than it is in Europe, partly because we experienced very different wars. Europe was involved in what Hitler called “Total War”, which saw the civilian populations suffer hugely, even in countries – like the UK – that didn’t have the horror of occupation. The United States, whilst it suffered huge losses of military personnel in a just war, did not have the impact at home.
Here in the UK we escaped occupation, but the price was very high. My Nan was one of 11 children. She had four brothers and six sisters. She lost only one of her brothers to the fighting, though another lost both legs. Four of her sisters did not survive the London Blitz however. Those four sisters had seventeen children between them. Only one sister had allowed her children to be evacuated. She had five. Hers were the only children to survive.
Mine is far from the only family to suffer such heavy casualties, and what those in Occupied Europe suffered was so much worse.
Much of Europe, rightly in my opinion – though you would probably call it suppression of Free Speech, Funny Paper – banned many fascist movements and symbols at the end of the war, and later brought in Holocaust Denial laws to combat those who tried to say that the many genocides that the Nazi parties in Europe attempted did not happen.
It does not surprise me that the history of what happened is better taught in Mainland Europe, those countries that suffered occupation, than it is even here in the UK. Nor does it surprise me that any right thinking person would find offense, and be offended, by being compared to those who defiled and decimated so much of the continent.
At this time when sadly there are fascist parties emerging in parts of Europe again, with youngsters getting drawn in by their poison, I would have been disappointed, Linde, were you and yours laughing off such an insult as a youthful prank against your brother.
I applaud you for being offended and annoyed.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 November 2012
I realize how different the European and even UK experience with Nazis and Fascists was — but it still seems odd for teenage kids now to still find symbolisms from nearly 70 years ago relevant enough today to use for a prank. So that’s why I wondered if the NSB is still alive and active today in Holland (though I assume it’s banned).
I suppose that’s a good sign — that the only symbols of badness these kids could think of to use were from 70 years ago — meaning, by implication, that there’s no other comparable badness in recent memory.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
21 November 2012
Oh that’s not the only bad thing, as there certainly is a lot of discrimination too (yep, even among teenagers. Parents who tell them they shouldn’t hang out with Turkish children because they could be criminals for example. And if you rub that in long enough, the children will believe it and behave distant towards foreign children). But I guess symbols are more concrete.
And yeah, exactly. A joke is funny, but this isn’t funny anymore. This just goes too far.
3 May 2012
I agree with what mja said. Okay, the war was 70 odd years ago, sounds a long time, doesn’t it? Well, families are still suffering. There aren’t many families who didn’t lose someone. Mine has lost dozens of men (some as young as 16, two great-uncles of mine). Would’ve taken extreme offence too, and I would try and sue those stupid idiots. There’s a guy in my year who is always doing the sign, and I really dislike him, even hate him, for it.
War is serious, very serious, and it’s nothing to joke about. Not ever.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
21 November 2012
12 January 2013
All right, going to my second chorus concert of 5th grade. I’m really nervous because I’m doing three solos! (unlike the show off snob who is in every solo!) But the main part is that were doing a Beatles medley of 15 songs. My chorus mates are tortured! Me and 3 of my closest friends get to do a quartet solo on Sgt Pepper , She Loves You , and Hey Jude . And yes we are doing the Judejudyjudyjudyjudy thingy. It’s gonna be awesome. My mom and dad are recording it so I’ll share it with you as soon I can!
The Incedibly True Story THat Never Ends. By Sam.
Best Friend: WHat are you listening to
Me: The Beatles
Best Friend: Go Figure
21 November 2012
17 December 2012
At around this time, on this day, 70 years ago, Guy Gibson and his Dam Busters, were taking off in a raid on Nazi Germany’s industrial heartland. 53 died in the raid. I salute them all.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
12 January 2013
17 December 2012
Brilliant! Such a shame not to have part one if part one is the beginning of the Beatles medley! Where is Sam? My guess would be the boy on the left with the more-or-less moptop. Now you’re gonna say I got it wrong! No, no, no, think I got it right! Your choir done a great job, you did a great job, and it’s wonderful to see such young ‘uns doing such wonderful things with music written so long before they were born, and loving it. A round of applause for such wonderful performers!
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
12 January 2013
Thank you for the complement. You got me right on my sides are my loyal best friends in the Beatles quartet. I’m the John in the group. And you got me right I’m the one in the middle with the more or less mop-top. Yes, its nice to see that their singing it, but it would be more awesome if they actually enjoyed it! Part 1 is part of chorus but not the Beatles, just one song that is unknown by basically everybody.
The Incedibly True Story THat Never Ends. By Sam.
Best Friend: WHat are you listening to
Me: The Beatles
Best Friend: Go Figure
17 December 2012
I think the children got on board very well! They did seem to enjoy it, even if they wouldn’t admit that to you. Yes! I found part one!
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
21 November 2012
I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but that was the most adorable thing ever! You guys did a great job and it was fun to listen to.
I did feel kinda sorry for the girl who sang Ticket To Ride though. Poor girl. The girl who did I Want To Hold Your Hand and Michelle on the other hand, I thought did quite a good job.
And really, what person in their right mind takes a baby to that sort of thing. Get a babysitter or something, you’re ruining it for everyone else.
12 January 2013
Surprised no one has commented on Hey Jude , how do you think Corey and I did there. P.s I’m talking about the ending. P.P.S. I sat back down in the audience for band, and this random lady came up and asked me for my autograph! How cool is that, it was all because of Hey Jude ! P.p.P.s Corey is my friend who did it with me. P.P.P.P.S I’m all out of P.s’s.
The Incedibly True Story THat Never Ends. By Sam.
Best Friend: WHat are you listening to
Me: The Beatles
Best Friend: Go Figure
21 November 2012
That’s so cool! You’re becoming quite the rockstar, aren’t you haha
Memo to everyone: Don’t ever go watch ”You will meet a tall, dark stranger”. Horrible film, was supposed to be a romantic comedy but I haven’t exactly been able to spot the comedy part, let alone the romantic part. It didn’t have a clear ending and it just had no clue.
Also, do you ever go into town for earbuds, but return with tons of clothes instead (and no earbuds)? I did and I feel good about itClothes almost make me as happy as..other certain things
18 March 2013
In reply to Sam’s video:
DAWWWW that was adorable!!! That brings back memories of 8 year old me singing songs from “Hair” (looks offstage with nostalgia) I don’t ever remember doing Beatles songs though a lot of “The Jacksons”/Jackson 5 and “The Bee-Gees” because we were just cool that way but thanks for the trip down memory lane
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
3 May 2012
I just had such a lovely Simon and Garfunkel moment.
So, I’ve been feeling down for a while and today I decided that I’d go for a walk in the fields near to where I live to clear my head a bit and get some fresh air. The sun was beginning to go down as I approached this bridge that goes over a stream. That’s when ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ came on (I was listening to my iPod). The lyrics I can relate to so it was funny that it happened at that precise moment. I began to cry, and then wondered if people would think me a bit mad if they saw me, but carried on anyway.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
21 November 2012
Just watched Eurovision. I’m quite pleased that Denmark won, and that we ended up 9th was great too, as we hadn’t reached the final in 9 years. I can’t believe Azerbaidjan and Ukraine ended up that high though. This ”we only vote for the countries that surround us and give our neighbours the highest points” system really bothers me. This especially happens in the East part of Europe, as that’s a lot of small countries surrounding each other. It’s always the same countries that end up high and for a moment it really looked as if Azerbaidjan would win again, but luckily they didn’t. It was fun though, making fun of other countries and actually genuinly enjoying some songs.
My personal favourites were Denmark, Malta and Norway.
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