23 October 2011
1 May 2010
A bit of sad news. Puppy Paul passed away last night. He ate something, it seems some wood and got very sick. 🙁
I’m just not trying to get too sad. My sister promised the next puppy will be named Paul.
But I don’t have time to get sad… I’m too busy with school and all.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
23 October 2011
1 May 2010
7 November 2010
1 May 2010
Thank you.
I’m sad yes. But with all the nonsense death that happen in the world, I don’t feel that bad. When my sister adopted him, he was very little with fleas and thin. He grew to become a strong puppy and he knew he was loved. And he didn’t suffer at all.
My sister adopts dogs. George is adopted too. And my sister promised me that our next adopted puppy will be named Paul.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
20 September 2011
Oh mith, that’s so sad. He was a very cute, sweet-looking puppy. Poor little thing. Please give George a hug for me.
"Now and then, though, someone does begin to grow differently. Instead of down, his feet grow up toward the sky. But we do our best to discourage awkward things like that."
"What happens to them?" insisted Milo.
"Oddly enough, they often grow ten times the size of everyone else," said Alec thoughtfully, "and I’ve heard that they walk among the stars."
–The Phantom Tollbooth
23 October 2011
1 May 2010
Thank you guys.. yes he had a nice life. I’m not that sad really honestly. I’m happy because we saved him from a worst death. And yes I’ll give a hug to George.
BTW We take our dogs for a walk in a park nearby a theater. We don’t walk them with a leash because they love to run in the green fields and they don’t harm anyone, we control them very well. One day, a nice lady who went to an evening event at the theater, dressed with jeans and high heels, looked at George and she said “Awwww how cute!! how are you puppy?” and George started running around her and fllirting with her and all, and when she was walking to her car, George followed her. I had to call him back. My sister and I looked each other “Yes, a womanizer like the George Harrison ” and we both rolled eyes.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
14 April 2010
Sorry to hear about your puppy, mith. It sounds to me like you did make his life much better than it was before you and your sister adopted him. I’m sure he loved you both for it.
Zag and I always adopt our pets as well. Over the past weekend, we adopted a female Rat Terrier whose owner passed away. We had been looking for a dog to adopt for about a month and are very happy with her. If we had adopted a male dog, I was going to name him Malcom after you know who…
Since she is a female, we named her after Mal’s wife – Lily. Now, every night before I go to bed, I “tell Lil I love her”.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
23 October 2011
14 April 2010
20 September 2011
Well if we’re talking about dogs, mine seems to be going thru some sort of midlife crisis. She’s seven, i.e. 45 in dog years, and she’s been extremely difficult the last few weeks. On Saturday she got out the back gate and got into a fight with this other dog on my street. She came off the worse with a surface wound on her face, but she seems to be in good spirits. My mother doesn’t quite know what to do with her.
On a completely different subject, has anyone else seen/read the Hunger Games? I went to the midnight premiere of the movie with my friend Claire (latest I’ve ever stayed up in my life–3:30 AM), and first read the books about two years ago. The books are, IMO, amazing. Very punchy writing, disturbing and thought-provoking plot, compelling characters, and a flawed but strong female protagonist. Plus, both Claire and I are huge post-apocalyptic dystopian literature fans. (Although that must be the geekiest genre title of all time.) The movies were REALLY accurate as compared to the books, just a few minor parts that didn’t make it onscreen, which is wonderful because I’m used to adaptations that butcher the original. And almost all the cast looked exactly how I pictured the characters.
"Now and then, though, someone does begin to grow differently. Instead of down, his feet grow up toward the sky. But we do our best to discourage awkward things like that."
"What happens to them?" insisted Milo.
"Oddly enough, they often grow ten times the size of everyone else," said Alec thoughtfully, "and I’ve heard that they walk among the stars."
–The Phantom Tollbooth
19 September 2010
14 April 2010
mr. Sun king coming together said
Zig – how much of a man crush do you have on?
Not really a man crush. I just find his life fascinating. I would have loved to have had his life as a Beatles insider. I could do very well without being killed by LAPD, but the rest of it seemed very cool.
Good luck at your trivia event tomorrow!
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
1 May 2010
thanks Zig for your words and that’s a great name for your dog!!
Sorry guys if I’m not participating much but I have tons of work. Right now I’m gonna sleep a bit before continue working. thank God I have Easter vacations.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
23 October 2011
mr. Sun king coming together said
On an unrelated topic, I get to miss school tomorrow to answer trivia questions, via my school’s Rech for the Top team.
Good luck! And good luck too Mith. Vacations are the best
I am very happy, and one reason is because I have The Beatles. Thank you!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
1 May 2010
23 October 2011
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