15 February 2015
@lovelyritametermaid Ahhh that’s so exciting! Best wishes on your guitar journey, be sure to keep us updated and if you ever have any questions we’ll be glad to help. Also make sure you learn Beatles songs
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5 December 2019
First guitar received! It’s a mahogany Cort AF510M-OP acoustic guitar and she’s gorgeous (I had a pic but the file was too big and I dont feel like dealing with that rn) Her name is still pending but I love her and I have already started playing her and working out chords! (Barred chords are tricky as hell, and G, Dm, and Bm are the banes of my existence. but im hella determined) There’s definitely blisters on me fingers and I’m excited to start my lessons next week
The following people thank lovelyritametermaid for this post:
Beatlebug, The Hole Got Fixed, SgtPeppersBulldog, QuarryMan, CouldntThinkOfABeatlesPun"....When I cannot sing my heart, I can only speak my mind...."
"....This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around...."
||She/They ||
15 February 2015
Hahaha complaining about D minor bless your heart, young padawan
Teasing aside, I’m so excited for you to have begun your guitar journey. The best advice I can give you right now (unsolicited ) is KEEP AT IT!
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5 December 2019
After practicing for a solid total of 5 hours today because I’m obsessed with my guitar (im not joking, my poor fingers), I have finally gotten a ton of chords down, including D minor and G (Though there are others that have come my way that are giving me trouble aka any chord that requires me to awkwardly bar 3+ strings *glares at B*)
I can play a little bit of Yer Blues now and I’m slowly chipping away at various Beatles songs and their chords via my book. I can also play the first four notes (aka the first measure) of Till There Was You .
I say it’s good progress considering I just started playing yesterday and I’m quite proud of myself. and I humbly thank you lovely musical Forumpudlians for your support!
((Edit: I named my guitar Linda after Linda McCartney as well as Linda Ronstadt. It’s a quite dorky thing to do, but ))
The following people thank lovelyritametermaid for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, QuarryMan, Beatlebug"....When I cannot sing my heart, I can only speak my mind...."
"....This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around...."
||She/They ||
1 January 2017
I hate playing B without a capo and I rarely ever get the barre chord (although I’m better at B minor). I have tried before to try play the much easier B7 in it’s place , but have been caught out by my musical friends a few times who just want B.
Regarding harmonica news, I’ve just been going through the C scale in my booklet over and over for the last day. Might finally move onto some exercises later!
The following people thank SgtPeppersBulldog for this post:
Beatlebug, lovelyritametermaid, The Hole Got Fixed"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
26 January 2017
Don’t worry if it takes you a while on the barre chords, they’re much trickier @lovelyritametermaid You can play in C and D major pretty well without having to use any, except for the occasional F major and B minor.
If I were you I’d practice strumming chords so you get a feel for playing in time with a song. A couple of good ones are:
Friday I’m In Love by The Cure (the verse for this is D G D A B minor G, and it’s reaaally satisfying melodically, and pretty easy other than the B minor)
Mr Tambourine Man by Bob Dylan (this one just uses G A and D major)
Common People by Pulp (this one is C, G and F, which is the only trickier chord)
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
Beatlebug, lovelyritametermaidI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
9 March 2017
When it comes to the B chord (as well as any A shape), i like to ignore the high E string. This way, instead of having 3 of my 4 fingers crammed up in a tiny space, i can now just barre the D, G, and B strings with my 3rd finger.
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15 February 2015
Lalala la lovely Linda!
Pro tip: wrap your thumb around Hendrix-style for the bottom string on F and G chords (and any other chords of that shape). It’s a lifesaver and you’ll preserve your hands for those nasty B-flat (THE worst imo) and B chords.
Other than that, the only advice I have is keep at it. After years and years of pain and practice, I can play lots and lots of barre chords before getting too tired. I practically have hands of steel (until I play My Sweet Lord , then I have hands of jelly
that song is nothing but barre chords for 5 minutes ugh
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1 January 2017
Add Twist And Shout to Quarryman’s songs – it’s also D, G and A throughout and the first Beatley song I learnt
Btw I worked out the riff for Mr Tambourine Man for myself not long ago and I love it – since becoming a Byrdmaniak () these last few months, a 12 string Rickenbacker has shot straight to the top of the “next guitar I’m after” list in my head!
The following people thank SgtPeppersBulldog for this post:
lovelyritametermaid, Beatlebug, QuarryMan"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
14 December 2019
I’ve been trying to learn a quick jazz piece for my upcoming piano recital in January, as I haven’t had nearly enough time to practice as much as I should because of school. I also have an upcoming voice recital where I’ll be singing “I Know Things Now” from Into the Woods and I have my first rehearsal with the accompanist next week. I’ve been trying to teach myself guitar with the help of youtube, chord books and my dad, but I haven’t gotten very far yet, again because of school. I really need to learn guitar soon, especially since I want to be a music therapist. Hopefully I’ll be able to practice more once I get back from vacation.
The following people thank TangerineTrees for this post:
lovelyritametermaid, CouldntThinkOfABeatlesPun, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug"Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by nature." ~ George Harrison
"I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you -- Nobody -- too?" ~ Emily Dickinson
25 April 2019
26 January 2017
CouldntThinkOfABeatlesPun said
I’ve been learning some Mac Demarco songs on guitar lately… I think he makes up chords
Lots of minor 7ths…
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
BeatlebugI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
5 December 2019
A quick little update on my progress with guitar:
I have now learned from my teacher a pentatonic scale and another chromatic exercise. Last week, he taught me the Day Tripper riff and the song’s power chords (in which I’ve been practicing like a fiend). Today, he taught the riff for “Kashmir” after I told him about the Zeppathon I had on Tuesday and he taught me the riff for “Ziggy Stardust” after I told him about the Bowiethon that I also had. I’m super excited to practice them all this week….I really do enjoy playing, even if I do mess up a ton at first…... I also taught myself the chords to “Norwegian Wood ” so I can strum all the way through that song…..
He told me to compile a list of my favorite songs/songs I would like to learn to play, which I am currently doing (he’s going to go through and sort out songs that I can learn at my skill level now, and put aside songs that I could play later when I’ve advanced….). Naturally, 50% of it is Beatles songs …..
((Also, my teacher has two gorgeous Gibsons that I absolutely adore. I forgot to confirm with him what exact models they were, but one was unmistakenly had a Les Paul body and I think the other must have been a black ES-335 ……I’ll ask him specifics next Saturday))
The following people thank lovelyritametermaid for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, QuarryMan, Beatlebug, ewe2"....When I cannot sing my heart, I can only speak my mind...."
"....This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around...."
||She/They ||
26 January 2017
Awesome progress! I’m very curious how you’re playing Kashmir, I always thought it wasn’t in standard tuning but there must be a way to do it I’m not aware of…
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
lovelyritametermaidI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
9 March 2017
It’s in DADGAD. However, he mostly uses the 3 unaffected strings, using the low D after every dun-dun-dun dun-dun-dun in the main riff and using the high 2 strings to play the 2nd riff, with the A string left open and the high D playing |12-12-10-10-7-7-5-5-3-3|. The former can be substituted for hitting the D an octave up while the latter can be played by muting the high A string and playing the high D part 2 frets up. There’s also the part during the bridge where you play 6 string power chords, but it’s just G5 and A5.
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Beatlebug, QuarryManIf you're reading this, you are looking for something to do.
15 February 2015
Congrats @lovelyritametermaid! Good songs you’re learning there. Note, Norwegian Wood is properly played with a capo on the second fret as if it’s in the key of D, I think it was written in D and recordings in that key do exist by they decided to raise the key a step so they just slapped a capo on. (Rubber Soul was quite a capo-happy time for the Beatles.)
@QuarryMan DO is correct, it’s in DADGAD and not that complicated, but so worth re-tuning – I’ll just leave this here:
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26 January 2017
Cool, thanks guys! I love playing in DADGAD, but I’m not at the stage of being able to actually write anything in it yet.
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
Beatlebug, Dark Overlord, Dark Overlord, Dark OverlordI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
9 March 2017
26 January 2017
My favorite alternate tuning is EEEEBE. Gives you the Appalachian feel, which is the same as the dulcimer Joni Mitchell popularized and the tuning and Stephen Stills used it on Suite:Judy Blue Eyes.
@Beatlebug great clip of Jimmy Page. I haven’t seen that documentary because i’m not huge on Jack White and frankly I want nothing to do with U2 and The Edge, but that was a great watch.
The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:
QuarryMan, lovelyritametermaid, Beatlebug, Dark Overlord, Dark Overlord, Dark Overlord, Dark Overlord, ewe2"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
9 March 2017
I don’t get why they chose The Edge? Jimmy’s a highly influential guitar icon and Jack’s a very interesting person but all The Edge’s known for is being in an alt rock band from the 80’s and playing clean with a delay pedal, he’s about as interesting of a guitarist as CiCi DeVille or Chad Kroger. If you could get Jimmy Page, then you could’ve easily gotten fellow session musician Vic Flick, which would’ve been really interesting to see Jack White talking with these 2 guys and seeing how it was like for Vic, who continued to be a session musician as opposed to Jimmy, who left the business to form Led Zeppelin.
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