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The All-Purpose Getting-To-Know-BBers Questions Thread
14 March 2015
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Yip. Any gatecrashers get thrown off the roof. I have no time for all that messing about nicely asking for them to go when a quick shove gets the job done quickly.

The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:


"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

14 March 2015
Mr. Kite
910 Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Pepperland
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While they were in the hammocks I did arrange for some mattresses to cushion their fall though.

Don’t want to hurt any Beatle enthusiasts, just want them to earn their way up!

If I spoke prose you'd all find out, I don't know what I talk about.

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14 March 2015
Starr Shine?
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HA HA HA! I have stolen the clipboard while Mr. Kite’s back was turned


vzwpTx4.jpgImage Enlarger

That is why he couldn’t find it!!

The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:

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14 March 2015
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georgiewood commented dryly 

Silly Girl told the clipboard keeper  
When you find it, prepare a space for the name of one Silly Girl. It Won’t Be Long till I belong up there… ahdn_george_06

At this rate, it’ll be next Tuesday.

*sees post*ahdn_george_01 *begins hatching evil plans* 


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14 March 2015
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Mr. Kite said
While they were in the hammocks I did arrange for some mattresses to cushion their fall though.

Don’t want to hurt any Beatle enthusiasts, just want them to earn their way up!

If they get in via an incorrect method then they deserve to go over the edge with nothing to soften their landing – tho to show i care i’ll toss down some paracetamol afterward they hit the ground. 


This will be why there are three other mods.a-hard-days-night-paul-3

The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:


"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

14 March 2015
Ahhh Girl
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AD40, please return the clipboard and stop going in Kite’s room while he is showering and going through his stuff. You might make pattie-boyd_02_gif jealous…and you don’t want to see her when she is jealous a-hard-days-night-george-10

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14 March 2015
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So, how many other tennis players do we have in these parts?

==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==

14 March 2015
The Toppermost of the Poppermost
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meanmistermustard said
Yip. Any gatecrashers get thrown off the roof. I have no time for all that messing about nicely asking for them to go when a quick shove gets the job done quickly.

While that sounds a bit harsh, dear readers, fear not. We’ve lined the pavement below with industrial strength rubber mats that bounce the gatecrashers’ sorry butts into a One Direction Forum.

The following people thank Zig for this post:

trcanberra, Ahhh Girl, Beatlebug, Mr. Kite, HongKongLady

To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.

14 March 2015
Mr. Kite
910 Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Pepperland
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Zig said

meanmistermustard said
Yip. Any gatecrashers get thrown off the roof. I have no time for all that messing about nicely asking for them to go when a quick shove gets the job done quickly.

While that sounds a bit harsh, dear readers, fear not. We’ve lined the pavement below with industrial strength rubber mats that bounce the gatecrashers’ sorry butts into a One Direction Forum.

That seems to be the perfect solution for everyone…

And don’t worry mods, my clipboard is with me at all times, those are old notes, the hammocks were changed a while ago. After that visit between Paul and @Ahhh Girl tangled the old ones up.

The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:

Ahhh Girl, Beatlebug

If I spoke prose you'd all find out, I don't know what I talk about.

Can buy Joe love!
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14 March 2015
Find me where ye echo lays

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Nice glasses, @Starr Shine?. 



Much better than these. 


ahdn_paul_06That’s not creepy! a-hard-days-night-ringo-8a-hard-days-night-ringo-6

The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:

Starr Shine?, Mr. Kite, HongKongLady

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14 March 2015
Ahhh Girl
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Ahhh Girl said

If you use soap in the form of a bar for showers/baths, and you are the only one to use the bar, how long does a bar last you? I started a new bar this morning. I will see how long it lasts. I’ve been curious about this for a while now, but have never made the effort to actually track it.

That bar lasted for 15 5/8ths showers. It was totally gone. I used it ’til it was nothing but bubbles. I know traveling is harder on a bar of soap, so I better take two with me on the trip. I am fiercely loyal to Dial soap.

Mom and I had a soap crisis on the trip to Greece and Italy. That’s why I’ve been so concerned about this topic.

Hum, is Dial soap readily available in the UK?

14 March 2015
Candlestick Park
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Ahhh Girl said

Ahhh Girl said

If you use soap in the form of a bar for showers/baths, and you are the only one to use the bar, how long does a bar last you? I started a new bar this morning. I will see how long it lasts. I’ve been curious about this for a while now, but have never made the effort to actually track it.

That bar lasted for 15 5/8ths showers. It was totally gone. I used it ’til it was nothing but bubbles. I know traveling is harder on a bar of soap, so I better take two with me on the trip. I am fiercely loyal to Dial soap.

Mom and I had a soap crisis on the trip to Greece and Italy. That’s why I’ve been so concerned about this topic.

Hum, is Dial soap readily available in the UK?

Dial soap bar can  buy online in uk.ebay 

The following people thank HongKongLady for this post:

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20 March 2015
Sitting here doing nothing but procrastinating...
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I’m bored, let’s talk about something (yes I am attempting to rail this thread).

Here are some questions, feel free to answer as many (or as little) as you want:

What is your favourite film? Why?

If your house was on fire and all humans/pets were safely evacuated, what one item would you go back and save (collections don’t count, you have to pick something from it).

What was/is your favourite subject in school?

What club(s) were you a member of in school/university?

Quick, look to your left- what is the first thing you see?

What has been the best moment(s) of your life so far?

If you could have three wishes from a genie what would they be (you can’t ask for more wishes)?

What is your ideal sandwich?


Ready, set, go!

The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:

Beatlebug, parlance


INTROVERTS UNITE! your own homes!


Make Love, Not Wardrobes!


"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison

20 March 2015
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^^ Shouldn’t those be in the The All-Purpose Getting-To-Know-BBers Questions Thread? Just seems like the answers will get lost here.

[Edit: Was originally in the Impossible to Derail thread.]


Beware of sadness. It can hit you. It can hurt you. Make you sore and what is more, that is not what you are here for. - George

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20 March 2015
Thankfully not where I am.


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What is your favourite film? Why?

No idea. The Dark Knight is excellent, Disney’s Robin Hood is immense.

If your house was on fire and all humans/pets were safely evacuated, what one item would you go back and save (collections don’t count, you have to pick something from it).

If i wasnt wearing it, my Beatles watch. Had it since 1996, the one item i have that has any sentimental value to me. If i was wearing my watch, nothing.

What was/is your favourite subject in school?

Didnt have one. School was a bore, the teachers prats. I hated it. Time dragged daily.

What club(s) were you a member of in school/university?

None. See last answer for reason why i wouldnt want to be there for longer than was compulsory. 

Quick, look to your left- what is the first thing you see?

The front of the sofa. I have my feet up on it and to my right is the tv.

What has been the best moment(s) of your life so far?

No idea. Which says a lot.

If you could have three wishes from a genie what would they be (you can’t ask for more wishes)?

  1. Good health for my family and myself (but not to live forever).
  2. Enough money for my family and myself so we didnt have to be bothered by having to earn it to live happily and comfortably. Not talking about ridiculous amounts, just enough to get by without having to strive or worry or have to count the pennies to pay for sensible things. 
  3. I’d keep the third until there was something i could think of.

What is your ideal sandwich?

Not sure. Tuna and sweetcorn mayonnaise would be up there tho. 

What about yourself @AppleScruffJunior?


Edit: and moved.

The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:

parlance, AppleScruffJunior

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

20 March 2015
Sitting here doing nothing but procrastinating...
Apple rooftop

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What is your favourite film? Why?

Tricky one this, a combination of Forrest Gump, Life of Brian, The Godfather 2 and V for Vendetta- if they could somehow form together it would be a truly amazing terrible combination

If your house was on fire and all humans/pets were safely evacuated, what one item would you go back and save (collections don’t count, you have to pick something from it).

Probably my copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone because I have so many memories from reading that book and I just love the story and idea.

What was/is your favourite subject in school?

It was history but I had to give that up in fifth year so out of the subjects I’m currently doing, it’s probably German.

What club(s) were you a member of in school/university?

None, not out of choice mind you but because my school is crap and doesn’t have any clubs. If they did have clubs, I’d probably be in some kind of drama and debating clubs.

Quick, look to your left- what is the first thing you see?

The yellow wall of our kitchen as like mmm I am lounging on the couch.

What has been the best moment(s) of your life so far?

Probably the first time I did a massive musical when I was 10, that was the best 3 months of my life (including rehearsal time and all that yap). Or the time I went to France as a 14 year old but I can’t really tell y’all that one a-hard-days-night-george-4

If you could have three wishes from a genie what would they be (you can’t ask for more wishes)?

1. To be financially secure for myself and my family/close friends for the rest of my life so I could do whatever I want in life and still not end up in the red.

2. To have good health (but like mmm not everlasting because that would be crap).

3. To be able to communicate with anyone from any country, all I would have to do would be to hear a language and I’d automatically be fluent in it- that’d be really cool. Or to be able to stop/rewind/forward time without any side-effects.

What is your ideal sandwich?

Ham and cheese on brown bread is generally my go to snack.


INTROVERTS UNITE! your own homes!


Make Love, Not Wardrobes!


"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison

20 March 2015
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AppleScruffJunior said
What is your favourite film? Why?

I don’t think I have one.

If your house was on fire and all humans/pets were safely evacuated, what one item would you go back and save (collections don’t count, you have to pick something from it).

I kind of live in multiple places right now, so the answer largely depends on which house is on fire.

What was/is your favourite subject in school?

English.  Psychology.

What club(s) were you a member of in school/university?

I haven’t been in any clubs since sixth grade (eleven years ago).  The only ones that I remember for sure being in were Recycling Club and Student Council.

Quick, look to your left- what is the first thing you see?

My Batman blanket and an extra pillow.

What has been the best moment(s) of your life so far?


If you could have three wishes from a genie what would they be (you can’t ask for more wishes)?

No idea.

What is your ideal sandwich?

“Enjoy every sandwich” -Warren Zevon

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I'm Necko.  I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.

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20 March 2015
Candlestick Park
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What is your favourite film? Why?

I love both Wuthering Heights (the 1992 version) and The English Patient; they touch me on a personal level.

If your house was on fire and all humans/pets were safely evacuated, what one item would you go back and save?

My PC, where I have all the short stories I’ve written.

What was/is your favourite subject in school?


What club(s) were you a member of in school/university?

I was a loner.

Quick, look to your left- what is the first thing you see?

My PC. On top of it my cell phone, a lamp, and I, Claudius by Robert Graves.

What has been the best moment(s) of your life so far?

My daughter’s birth.

If you could have three wishes from a genie what would they be (you can’t ask for more wishes)?

Only one: to go back in time and undo some wrongs I’ve done (it would take three travels)

The following people thank Oudis for this post:


Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit” (“Perhaps one day it will be a pleasure to look back on even this”; Virgil, The Aeneid, Book 1, line 203, where Aeneas says this to his men after the shipwreck that put them on the shores of Africa)

20 March 2015
Find me where ye echo lays

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AppleScruffJunior queried  
I’m bored, let’s talk about something (yes I am attempting to rail this thread).

Here are some questions, feel free to answer as many (or as little) as you want:

What is your favourite film? Why?

Probably “The Sound Of Music”. Or “A Hard Day’s Night “. a-hard-days-night-john-1

If your house was on fire and all humans/pets were safely evacuated, what one item would you go back and save (collections don’t count, you have to pick something from it).

My guitar. No, wait, that counts as a pet… a-hard-days-night-george-10

What was/is your favourite subject in school?


What club(s) were you a member of in school/university?


Quick, look to your left- what is the first thing you see?

The (not very good) sketch I did of George on the back of a tear-off calender page. a-hard-days-night-george-9

What has been the best moment(s) of your life so far?

Hmmm.. hard to say, I’ve had a pretty happy life. Some of my best times, though, have been in the Blue Ridge Mountains with a liberal dose of good music. 

If you could have three wishes from a genie what would they be (you can’t ask for more wishes)?

1.  To be happy in life (most of the time, anyway– one must have some rainy days), and this would probably involve financial security, doing things I like (or at least don’t hate), and lots of guitar playing. 

2. To be able to chat with the Beatles (preferably all four).a-hard-days-night-john-1a-hard-days-night-paul-11a-hard-days-night-george-9ahdn_ringo_09

3. To be able to live in England and still be very close to America (I know, SO alternate-universe). Maybe trim off some of the Atlantic Ocean? a-hard-days-night-george-10

What is your ideal sandwich?

One made on slices of lovely, gluten-full, fluffy, crunchy-crusted bread. 

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20 March 2015
Somewhere In Time
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About Meself

Collector of Original UK Parlophone/Apple LPs. (Mission accomplished)

Love the Beatles, Zeppelin and a whole bunch of other music, but always revert back to “The Beatles”.

I am now currently in love with my new beats headphones!  Beatles haven’t sounded this good since the CD releases.apple01


Movies, too many good ones to have a fav.

TV Shows: Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Hawaii Five 0 and watching my favourite Hockey Teams, the Ottawa Senators & Team Canada!


Oh, and I like girls… pattie-boyd_02_gif

  Screen-Shot-2022-10-04-at-7.52.07-PM.png   BEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!  apple01

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