10 October 2011
Hi there,
My name is Yoshi Ploeger, 23 years of age, currently living in Bournemouth (UK) but originally I am from the Netherlands. I am certainly a Beatles fan, owning more than a handful of Beatles records (CD and Vinyl) and my all time favorite song must be ‘Come Together ’.
However I did not sign up to this message board just out of fandom. Currently I am working on my postgraduate dissertation. This research is about the experiences of people who have visited a musical heritage attraction (for example: Graceland or in case of the Beatles John Lennon ’s childhood home or the Cavern Club). Therefore I would like to ask the members of this forum if there is anybody here who want to help me with my research.
What help? You might ask. Well. I am looking for about 6 people who have visited a musical heritage site, most ideally in the past two years. These people I would like to interview (one on one) about this experience. This will not be your average interview with a lot of questions. I will allow you to tell a story (narrative) about the experience(s) you had while visiting a musical heritage site and will only interrupt if something needs clarifying or if you go off-topic a bit too much. Once all interviews are conducted I will examine all data to see if there are similarities (themes) in your experiences, so I can perhaps can construct one narrative of an average experience of a tourist visiting a musical heritage site.
Recognizing that such experience can be very personal and sometimes even emotional you (the participant) will not be called by name in the actual report. Any other relevant data will be ‘falsified’ as well. The actual recordings of the interviews and the transcriptions will be saved in two secure places, 1. A password protected file on my computer (which is also password protected) and 2. A back-up will be saved in one of the most secure web-mail services on the internet (http://www.hushmail.com).
If you are willing to help me or have further questions then you can reply in this topic, send me a PM on this website or send an e-mail to yoshiploeger@gmail.com
Kind regards,
Yoshi Ploeger
P.S. I hope this the appropriate place in the forum to post this message, if not I apologize.
Hi Yoshi. I’ll take part. Last year I went to Liverpool and Hamburg, visiting various Beatles sites. Pics and info here: /forum/yesterday-and-today/visits-to-liverpool-and-hamburg/page-2/
I also went to Abbey Road ‘s Studio Two for a press screening of Nowhere Boy in 2009. /2009/12/01/nowhere-boy-screening-abbey-road-studios/
joe at beatlesbible dot com
(based in Cardiff)
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1 May 2011
10 October 2011
Joe said:
Hi Yoshi. I’ll take part. Last year I went to Liverpool and Hamburg, visiting various Beatles sites. Pics and info here: /forum/yesterday-and-today/visits-to-liverpool-and-hamburg/page-2/
I also went to Abbey Road ‘s Studio Two for a press screening of Nowhere Boy in 2009. /2009/12/01/nowhere-boy-screening-abbey-road-studios/
joe at beatlesbible dot com
(based in Cardiff)
Thank you very much Joe I’ll PM you as soon as possible to discuss the interview further and to set a date. Thanks again.
P.S. The pics look nice
@meanmistermustard: thank you for your concern, but giving your e-mail adress straight away underlines the fact that you are serious about the research thingy….well…at least in theory lol
10 October 2011
10 August 2011
Sounds like a great project!
I've only been to the Dakota in New York – and Shea Stadium!
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
1 May 2010
10 October 2011
“Into the Sky with Diamonds” said:
Sounds like a great project!
I’ve only been to the Dakota in New York – and Shea Stadium!
Thank you 🙂 Would be nice to get an American perspective though. Is it ok that I'll PM you in one of these days?
@mithvaen: Thanks for replying. As a moderator, do you perhaps know a couple of people around this forum who certainly have been to one of these attractions?
10 August 2011
Will be glad to help.
You can also email me at ron@intotheskywithdiamonds.com
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
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