5 November 2011
fabfouremily said
It really gets on my nerves when people write ”there” instead of ”their”, or even ”they’re”, or ”are” instead of ”our”. Basic grammar!!
YES, oh my gosh me too! I hate when people get their homophones mixed up! Also, when people use “of” instead of “have” (should have, would have, etc.).
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
17 January 2013
fabfouremily said
It really gets on my nerves when people write ”there” instead of ”their”, or even ”they’re”, or ”are” instead of ”our”. Basic grammar!!
Yes! This drives me absolutely insane! People are so quick to thrash words into their iPhones without even thinking and then posting/sending without using their brains! The other day my 33 year old sister wrote me a message on Facebook that said “your nuts”…. What about my nuts? Oh you mean YOU’RE nuts! Seriously. That was also after she deleted and blocked me then got her boyfriend to do the same, so that shows how mature she is.
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
5 November 2011
17 January 2013
A couple weeks ago, my cousin commented on somebody’s status about how stupid all the moms on Teen Mom are, and she seriously responded with “Yeah, lol, there so dumb.”
Ugh, the irony.
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
1 November 2012
3 May 2012
It’s shocking the amount of spelling mistakes you can find on ”official” or ”professional” websites if you look hard enough. I was on the website for the Royal Navy recently, and I found heaps and heaps of mistakes.
EDIT: Just realised that you can’t say heaps of mistakes because a mistake is abstract. Oh god, I’m at it too! You’ll understand what I mean though.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
6 December 2012
1 November 2012
21 November 2012
I can’t stand it when people make sounds when they’re eating. For God sake, JUST CHEW THE FRIGGIN FOOD AND SWALLOW IT.
Or when they’re biting nails or picking their nose. I think that’s disgusting.
1 November 2012
Linde said
I can’t stand it when people make sounds when they’re eating. For God sake, JUST CHEW THE FRIGGIN FOOD AND SWALLOW IT.
How about when they’re making sounds eating AND talking at the same time — even worse.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
21 November 2012
Funny Paper said
Linde said
I can’t stand it when people make sounds when they’re eating. For God sake, JUST CHEW THE FRIGGIN FOOD AND SWALLOW IT.How about when they’re making sounds eating AND talking at the same time — even worse.
YEAH! My dad and brother do that and it’s so gross! I immediately lose all my appetite.
1 November 2012
Sorry to hear that Linde
Back to a Beatles pet peeve — to me the most common, and the one that bothers me most, is when people think Paul was just a vocal softy, singing love songs and bubbly pop songs, and even when you back them into a corner with proof of his undeniable rock & roll voice — Why Don’t We Do It In The Road, Helter Skelter , Oh Darling, just to name a few), clearly a match for the best of them (Robert Plant, Roger Daltry, Mick Jagger, etc.), they still hem and haw. Curses on them!
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
6 December 2012
6 December 2012
1 November 2012
Egroeg Evoli said
Oh, right, I forgot to mention that I agree with you, Funny Paper.(Sorry for the double post. The Edit button won’t work, but it’s not a problem with the site- just my horrible computer.)
These fancy functions like the Edit here require some speed I guess, so if a connection is slow, or sometimes slows down, it may be unable to do them. It also will make a post never really publish — which is why a few of my posts in the past never made it, even though I hit “Submit Reply”.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
3 May 2012
Funny Paper said
Back to a Beatles pet peeve — to me the most common, and the one that bothers me most, is when people think Paul was just a vocal softy, singing love songs and bubbly pop songs, and even when you back them into a corner with proof of his undeniable rock & roll voice — Why Don’t We Do It In The Road, Helter Skelter , Oh Darling, just to name a few), clearly a match for the best of them (Robert Plant, Roger Daltry, Mick Jagger, etc.), they still hem and haw. Curses on them!
That really gets in my nerves too. My mom refuses to listen to any of Paul’s post-Beatle music ’cause she says it’s all ballad-y stuff (which is kinda true, the majority is) but she always says ”I like John and George because they didn’t do ”soft” music, I don’t like ”soft” music. And I’m like aaaahhh! ”Why Don’t We Do It In The Road” sound familiar? What about ”She’s A Woman ”? ”HELTER SKELTER!??
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
14 January 2013
People saying The Beatles weren’t political
When Paul makes a political statement like endorsing Obama, people tell him to stay out of politics, particularly older people. You don’t have to agree with his politics, but in my opinion its kind of stupid tell him to keep out of politics. I mean do they not listen Beatles songs or what they said in the 60s or were they (the people) too messed up on drugs? I bring this up because The Fest for Beatles Fans posted this picture (below) & said: THIS! #peace #love #equality #BeatlesFans. In case you do not know, the red background and the pink equal signs is to support marriage equality here in the states. During the week people were changing their facebook pictures to a picture with a red background and pink equal signs. Some people on the Fest For Beatles Fans facebook were up in arms about the group posting this and saying The Beatles were not political and keep The Beatles out of politics.
1 May 2011
14 January 2013
5 November 2011
sky090909 said
People saying The Beatles weren’t politicalWhen Paul makes a political statement like endorsing Obama, people tell him to stay out of politics, particularly older people. You don’t have to agree with his politics, but in my opinion its kind of stupid tell him to keep out of politics. I mean do they not listen Beatles songs or what they said in the 60s or were they (the people) too messed up on drugs? I bring this up because The Fest for Beatles Fans posted this picture (below) & said: THIS! #peace #love #equality #BeatlesFans. In case you do not know, the red background and the pink equal signs is to support marriage equality here in the states. During the week people were changing their facebook pictures to a picture with a red background and pink equal signs. Some people on the Fest For Beatles Fans facebook were up in arms about the group posting this and saying The Beatles were not political and keep The Beatles out of politics.
The people who got offended at that must be stupid, The Beatles were all about peace and love, which is really what all this is about, that, and Equality.
The whole anti gay people/ gay marriage deal is kind of a pet peeve of mine. My friend’s sister is gay, and since her parents are such “religious” people they won’t even talk to her. How could anybody raise a kid, and then not talk to them just because of their sexual orientation? Then, they pretend to be good religious people. They’re not good people, you don’t do that to your own child for something so petty, that’s disgusting. You don’t agree with that lifestyle, whatever, but to shun these people is completely different. I don’t eat meat, I find the thought od it repulsive, but I don’t look down upon those who do eat meat, it’s their life, so why should I care.
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
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