18 May 2016
ewe2 said
At some point music is going to move on and leave you behind. Try and be more graceful about it, dad rants about music are just silly. Poor dubstep, it only wants to wobble, it’s only dub + 2step.And now here’s something we hope you’ll REALLY LIKE!
Good points. This reminds me of how my father hated Black Sabbath because they sounded so satanic (they’re not satanists by the way). Now that I think of it, I don’t like Dubstep, but I can understand people who do and why they do, it’s what’s hip. I just wish I could get my son to want to listen to music that’s not dubstep, rap, or girly pop, the closest I’ve gotten is him telling me he likes the Yellow Submarine movie. It was easier with my other children (except my two daughters). My oldest two sons (born 1985 and 1986) love 90’s/00’s Alternative/Punk Rock and a bit of Metal too, so that was easy. My following son (born 1989) is also into that stuff, though prefers rap. My following two (born 1992 and 1993) love modern pop and rap, but still like some modern rock so we’re okay. Nowadays, there’s no real modern rock on the radio and if it is, it’s either more pop than rock or from 10 years ago.
The following people thank sgtpepper63 for this post:
6 April 2016
Im just gonna add my two cents in here. This is the opinion of someone who is currently growing up in a time when dubstep is massive. I HATE it. To me, it doesn’t even sound like music. I like some pop from today but I just can’t stand dubstep. It has no tune, no words, no actual instruments, just some guy tapping away at a computer with no talent involved whatsoever
The following people thank Harrison7 for this post:
18 May 2016
28 April 2016
When there’s more noise than melody, it irks me. I have to be in a special kind of mood to listen to it for more than an hour or two. There’s a reason why I tend to gravitate towards George’s solo stuff at times. It’s beautiful. Nothing against those who enjoy dubstep as a whole. ^^
There is always the option to listen to something else if the current stuff playing isn’t your cup of tea.
To be or not to be, I don't care
The question is, Are you alive out there?
It don't take brains, Just heart and soul
I think, therefore I rock 'n roll.
24 April 2016
As someone who is in their teens right now most of my friends listen to more modern music than me. My best friend likes dubstep, techno and house, I don’t particularly like it but I try giving it a chance… you never know where that might get you. Even if its not my style and it’s not the kind of music that would require the most talented musician (however 60s-70s rock isn’t either), it is still music. To quote Paul McCartney ” pop music is the classical music of now” as is the case for music today. At the end of the day I did not really have a “music style preference” until two years ago and I still like most music (though some styles more than others).
The sun is up, the sky is blue, it’s beautiful, and so are you... probably... I actually don't know... and it's nighttime here //piggiesinpennylane
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