14 February 2016
20 August 2013
BeatleSoul said
Uhm.. hello.. I’m rather terrible at introductions so bear with me please 🙂
I’m a 20-year old Beatlemaniac from Italy. My mum’s a Beatles fan as well and it’s her who introduced me to their music when I was around 6. I had a blank period during school time with lots of homework and was more or less hiding my love for the Beatles due to my classmates laughing at it (if I could go back I’d probably punch them but what’s done is done) since it’s “something for old people and outdated in general”. Finally I managed to let my “true self” out in a way during my last years at high school and bought my first guitar 3 years ago after my enlightening study holiday in Japan. Right there I found myself in a music shop and came across a shelf full of Beatles music and the love got back again. This time though it was stronger than before.
It started off with me downloading everything I could from YouTube (somehow Beatles’ stuff there keeps disappearing, that’s why I downloaded it) so I could listen to them on the plane on the way to the US and back. It then continued with my purchase of the Beatles A Hard Day’s Night Album CD 2009 in Austin and it ended up with a lovely English lady that I will probably be thanking for my whole life who sent me 5 of their original 1963/1964 singles (From Me To You , She loves you, I Want To Hold Your Hand , Can’t Buy Me Love and I feel fine) for free after I won her 1963 black/gold 1st pressing of Please Please Me at an eBay auction by miracle.
I then went on to buy some Beatles Monthly Books as soon as I discovered they were produced with the Beatles and the people who were with them during tours. I currently have 23 of them but I am not sure if all of them are originals yet as there’s been some identical 1970’s reprints and I found no useful guide to spot the differences between an original and the reprints. I’m planning on reading one every month though since I want to recreate the original suspense for the “new” month edition each month that fans felt back then 😀
As to my favourite Beatle… I really can’t choose between John and George. I mean, John’s quick wit and George’s calm attitude, you can’t get better than that ? ? ? I do wish they were still here though.. I’ve never even met them and they’re obviously not from my family but for some reason it’s as if one of my family members passed away so I miss them all the same 🙁
Lastly, if any of my ex classmates were to read this (I doubt it but you never know), my dear ex classmates, if only you had an inch of the Beatles’ style, both musical and fashion and hairstyle, you would most certainly be better people 😉
That’s all! 🙂 I hope I wasn’t too boring or wrote too much haha 😀
@BeatleSoul, you are just so far ahead of your classmates. They will wake up out of their foggy haze one of these days and hear the music.
You are in the right place to let your Beatle wig down and Beatles as much as you want to.
I thoroughly enjoyed the two weeks I spent in Italy in 2014. Wonderful scenery and awesome food!
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BeatleSoulCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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28 July 2015
12 November 2016
AppleScruffJunior said
Welcome to the forum (fabulous avatar btw ).Your English is flawless, wish my Italian was as good as your English.
Also George is obviously the best Beatle and should be considered the favourite of all, no bias at all of course.
I hope you enjoy the forum and stick around, the people are nice here and the chit-chat keeps flowing.
It’s one of my favourites, he looks great with any hairstyle 🙂
I’m doing my best not to make mistakes, especially since the Beatles were English and I don’t want to disappoint them, weird as it sounds 😀 I bet your Italian is very good. Usually people who say they don’t speak/write in Italian well are actually the best at it.
George’s charm is probably the fact that he was the quietest and nearly always had that “thinking” look in his eyes, I don’t know how to explain it, mystically contemplating maybe. Also, he kept looking cool even in his later years.
The following people thank BeatleSoul for this post:
BeatlebugLong Live The Beatles!
11 April 2016
17 January 2016
13 November 2016
Greetings and salutations to all! I decide Out Of The Blue to take a class in school about The Beatles and have fallen head over heels for them! I knew who they were before, but have gained such a great respect for them through this class. Not only am I enjoying the music, but the history of it all is incredibly fascinating to me. I happened upon this forum in my travels around the interwebs, lurked around for a while and have finally decided to join.
The following people thank GardeningOctopus for this post:
pepperland, Beatlebug7.10pm
11 April 2016
1 November 2013
Welcome @GardeningOctopus! I think you’re the chosen one prophesied by the Ancient Scrawls.
If you can't log in and can't use the forum go here and someone will help you out.
14 February 2016
20 August 2013
Really cool name, @GardeningOctopus.
Does your teacher know about this site?
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017) (2018)
14 June 2016
Welcome to Fourumpool, @GardeningOctopus feel free to share your love for the Beatles here. We all are probably as obsessed, if not more obsessed than you with the Beatles, and would love to discuss them.
Here | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
1 November 2013
William Shears Campbell said
We all are probably as obsessed, if not more obsessed than you with the Beatles, and would love to discuss them.
Plot twist! Gartopus is the most obsessed out of all of us.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
William Shears CampbellIf you can't log in and can't use the forum go here and someone will help you out.
13 November 2016
Starr Shine? said
William Shears Campbell said
We all are probably as obsessed, if not more obsessed than you with the Beatles, and would love to discuss them.Plot twist! Gartopus is the most obsessed out of all of us.
@William Shears Campbell @Starr Shine? You both can rest your pretty little mop top heads easy tonight knowing that I most certainly am not more obsessed than ya’ll.
@Ahhh Girl If she is she has not mentioned it, I’m sure she has seen it at some point though.
20 August 2013
You might drop a hint to her about the site. I’d love to see her analysis of the site.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017) (2018)
9 November 2016
Hey guys,
I’m a 17 y/o English/Nigerian sixth former who lives in London. I got into The Beatles a month or two ago thanks to A Day In The Life which I found to be a captivating song. I first listened to them out of curiosity, I always used to brush them off as an overrated band from the sixties before then. Afterwards I went on a downloading spree on Google Play music to hear more 😀
I’m really bummed out that I didn’t fall in love with them earlier and that I missed the Premiere in Lieseter Square though.
I think my favourite Beatle would either be George or Ringo.
The following people thank Mojan for this post:
Beatlebug, natureaker, WeepingAtlasCedars“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” ? Confucius, The Book of Rites.
20 August 2013
Welcome, @Mojan. I was 45 before I discovered The Beatles. I’m glad you found them much earlier in your life’s journey.
A Day In The Life is the song that got Joe, the creator of this site, really into The Beatles too.
Hope you stick around and be Beatles talk with us.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
MojanCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017) (2018)
15 February 2015
Welcome, welcome, new people!
@BeatleSoul, I have to concur with those who’ve complimented your English… and I’m a grammar-Nazi, so that’s saying something.
@GardeningOctopus, love the username. Good choice in classes, too.
@Mojan Glad to have you! I forgive your original oversight of the Fabs, since you have since seen the light. We are all so glad you found your way to Beatledom.
Don’t be afraid to jump right in! If there’s anything that you want, if there’s anything I can dooooo, just call on me or any Forumpudlian. We’ll be glad to help. I hope you have a great time in what I consider to be the friendliest, Beatliest place on the ‘nets.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
William Shears Campbell, Mojan, BeatleSoul([{BRACKETS!}])
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14 June 2016
Welcome to the forum @Mojan! It’s nice to see another young’n getting into the Beatles. I’m 17 as well for another 2 months and a couple of weeks.
Here | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
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